/•11•\(Part one)

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After the beach yesterday, Robert drove me back to his place, and we just went to bed, watched Netflix shows and cuddled. And that leads to where I am now, tangled in Robert's soft sheets as I try to find the energy to get up. Robert snored lightly next to me, with his masculine hand on his bare stomach, and leg hanging off the side of the bed. I smiled slightly at the adorable sight, and began to slowly get out of bed; trying not to wake him from his slumber. I quietly made my way to the bathroom, and began to take my nightgown off to clean myself up.

45 minutes later

I emerged from the steamy shower, drying my hair. I then put my clothes on, and brushed my teeth. After I was done, I walked out and found Robert still in bed sleeping. I giggled to myself, grabbed the cover, and pulled it off the bed. I began to laugh harder when I saw Robert's face go from zero to one hundred real quick.

"Hey! What the hell!" He whined like a child who didn't want to get up for school.

"Rise and shine mi amigo. Its 10:22." I smiled, and slid into some ripped jean shorts with a simple tee shirt.

"Rise and shine my ass." He grumbled, and curled up in a ball. "Im going back to sleep, gimme my cover back."

"Someone is cranky, and no can do." I said.

"And why not? Its my house, and my cover. And plus, im getting cold in my boxers." He said, looking up with puppy dog eyes.

"Well, if you get up and put some clothes on, maybe you'll be warmer."

"Actually, maybe if you come over here, join me on the bed, and give me some love I'll be warmer that way..." He smirked. I gave him a 'really' look, and began to smile.

"Oh how you tempt me Mr. Downey." I said, as I slowly walked over to the bed and climbed on top of his muscular body. I leaned down and gave him a kiss. He let out a 'mmm' and grabbed my ass. The other hand went down the side of my body. I slowly pulled away, and looked into his chocolate brown eyes. I smiled, then quickly got off of him.

"Hey! Come back here! That's--" Robert began to say, until I interrupted him by throwing some clothes at him.

"There ya go babe. Go and get cleaned up, I have a surprise for you." I said happily, as I began to walk out the room.

"Wait! First of all, no fair because look at what you did." He said, pointing at his member that was very noticeable. I blushed as I stood at the door, then giggled. "And second, what surprise?" He asked confused.

"You'll see baby." I said winking, then walking away. I then stuck my head back in the room, and smiled. "Oh, and by the way, I hope you find a way to take care of that." I said, then officially walking away.

"I'm gonna get you back Y/N!" Robert shouted, as I made my way to the living room smirking. I plopped down on the couch, and decided to watch tv as I waited for Robert to be done.


I was watching (insert favorite tv show), when I heard Robert come down the stairs. I looked back, and he was wearing the clothes I tossed at him.

"There you are. I thought you went to Narnia or something." I said, and we began to laugh. He came over, and took a seat next to me on the comfy couch.

"I wouldn't think of going without you baby." He smirked.

"Aww, babe." I leaned over and kissed him. I pulled away, and inhaled his sweet scent.

"So honey, what's the surprise?" He asked.

"Oh damn! I almost forgot..." I got up putting on my shoes, and grabbing my car keys. "Thank god it's open like all day." I said, as Robert got up; turning the tv off.

"What's open? Come on baby you're leaving me in the dark here." He said, putting on his shoes.

"You'll see when we get there. I promise you'll love it." I said, smiling. He walked over to me and placed both hands on my hips.

"Ok baby, I trust you." He kissed my forehead, then pecked my nose.

"I love you." I said, holding his hand.

"I love you too." I kissed him, then pulled away.

"Now let's go and see what's the surprise." Robert said, opening the door for me as I walked outside.

"Alright." I said, as we walked to my car. We hopped in and I began to drive.

The car ride was about a hour due to traffic, but it was hands down the best car ride. It was filled with jokes, stories, and good old karaoke moments. At one point, Robert and I sang Ride by Twenty Øne Pilots at the top of our lungs, with the widows down. It was lit.

I finally pulled up to the destination, but before that, I had Robert put a blindfold on. I parked the car, and looked over at him.

"Ok baby, we're here." I said.

"Ok. Lemme guess... The movies?"


"The mall?"

"Nope. Need a hint?"


"It's a place you've wanted to go to with me, but never had the chance to." I said, looking at his blindfolded face.

"Your bedroom!" He said ecstatic.

"No babe." I giggled and hit his arm playfully. "Ok fine, take off your blindfold." I said. He took it off, and looked out the window.

"No. Fucking. Way." He said, looking with wide eyes.

A/N: Hey guys, I'm sorry I haven't been updating but I caught writers block in not just this but in all my stories, but I finally knew what to write. Soo yeah... part two of this chap coming out soon :)

-Duckling out ^.^

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