/•12•\(Part two)

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"Yes way." I said smiling, as Robert looked at me, then kissed my forehead. "It's a birthday gift make up for me not being there on your special day..." I trailed off, remembering why I decided to stay at home that Tuesday.

"Hey baby, don't think about it. It's ok. Now let's go and enjoy DisneyLand." He said, placing a peace of my hair behind my ear, and kissing my forehead. We hopped out the car, and held hands as we walked to the resort area.

"Babe, I really didn't think this through but... What if the paps find us? Are we ready to be... 'out there'?" I said, looking around.

"If they find us then so be it. I don't mind if the world finds out about my my awesome, sweet, funny, intelligent, incredibly sexy girlfriend." He said, with his famous Downey smirk. I blushed, as he pulled me closer to him.

"I love you so much babe." I kissed his cheek. "Come on, let's throw up on the tea cups." I said, and we laughed together.

Time skip to evening

The majority of our day had everything to do with awesome rides, long lines, and glorious food. We literally rode every ride in this magical place. After all the fun, we decided not to go back home, so we could stay the night at the hotel there. We got a reservation, and headed straight for the bedroom.

"Babe, you really look adorable with those mickey mouse ears on." I said, as Robert stood in front of me, trying on the ears. He took off his ears, and placed them on my head, and turned me around to face the mirror that hung over the dresser.

"Now you really look adorable with them on... " Robert said, as we both faced the mirror. "But not as adorable as me." He said, and took them off my head. I turned around and playfully hit him on his arm.

"Hey! That's mean." I giggled, and went to lay on the bed. Robert followed me, and plopped down on the bed.

"I'm not mean. I just speak the truth." He smirked.

"Mmm hmm." I hummed, and grabbed the remote to turn on the tv. I channel surfed to find something good to watch, but there was nothing. I still continued to channel surf until Robert began to speak.

"Babe I have to tell you something..." He said. I looked over at him with worried eyes, and he quickly spoke again. "Don't worry it's nothing bad, at least that's what I think, but it depends on how you'll feel about it." Robert sat up.

"What is it?" I asked, turning to face him.

"Well umm, around this time every year, my family goes down to New York City, and take a two week vacation..."

"And you are going to NYC with the kids... and Susan too I'm guessing because she's Exton's and Avri's mother." I said.

"Yeah basically, but minus Susan. Just me, Indio, Exton, and you. Avri won't come though because she's young, and Susan wants her at home." He said, looking into my eyes, searching for my reaction and answer. "Only if you want to."

"I--I umm, yeah. I would love to go. That'll be great." I smiled, as he did also. Then he gave me a kiss and leaned back. I laid my head on his chest as he ran his hand through my hair. I began to think about this, what if his kids doesn't like me? What if they see me as a imposter? What if I'm not good enough? I don't want to make it seem like I'm imposing myself on them. Oh jeez. I decided to give myself a break by watching ( your favorite movie ) with Robert, as we cuddled on the bed.

A hour passed by, and Robert was lightly snoring beside me as I was still wide awake. I was about to go and use the bathroom until my phone began vibrating  on the table. I got up, trying not to wake him, I saw who it was. I went to the balcony, and answered the call.

Y/N: Hey Max.

M: What's up, how's Disneyland? Feel like a kid again? *he chuckled*

Y/N: Yeah I do. *giggle* But umm, speaking of kids...

M: Oh my holy pasta sauce! Did he get you preg--

Y/N: No no no. We didn't even have sex in this hotel... yet. *smirk*

M: Ew, ok, didn't need to know that. But what about the kid thing?

Y/N: Ok, so Robert told me that he and his family always goes on a vacation to NYC around this time of the year and...

M: *chip crunch* Yeah, I'm listening.

Y/N: He wants me to go with him... and I said yes.

M: Oh my gosh! That's so good. You know what this means right?

Y/N: What?

M: Well, obviously he's inviting you on this vacay to get you familiar with the fam, which gives you a hint of him popping the question anytime soon.

Y/N: Are you serious?

M: Of course I am, don't expect it the day after the vacay, but give it a month or two. He's probably seeing if you're mother material. *chip crunch*

Y/N: Probably... but will his kids like me? That's what I'm worried about.

M: Just be yourself, and do everything in your will not to be a try hard. That's all I've got for a pep talk.

Y/N: Thanks for it, it's helpful.

M: No problem. Now I'm gonna talk to you tomorrow, go enjoy the hotel bedroom. *smirk*

Y/N: Oh hush. *giggles* Bye Max.

M: Bye.

I hung up, and went back to the bedroom. I placed my phone down, and slowly went back to bed, still trying not to wake Robert. He slept soundly, as I turned off the tv, and got under the covers. I leaned over and kissed his forehead, and rested my head on the soft pillow. Moments later, my eyelids became heavy, and I lost in a peaceful slumber.

A/N: I haven't updated, but now I finally did, and I really hope that chapter was good. :)  I really don't have anything to say so... yeah. :D

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-Duckling out ^.^

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