/•15•\ (Part Two)

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Later that day

Indio's POV (bet you didn't see that coming  o.O)

I literally stayed up all night, thinking about what happened in the kitchen yesterday with Y/N. I can't get her off my mind at all. It's driving me crazy.

"What am I doing?" I said to myself, as I paced in my room, running my hand through my hair. This isn't right... I can't possibly have a crush on my dad's girlfriend. My dad's girlfriend! That's just all types of wrong but, I think she's exactly what I'm looking for in a girl. When I first met her, I felt sparks. It was like nothing before. I see myself having a future with her...Damn it, what's my fucking problem... ughh.

I stopped pacing, and sighed. Eventually I gathered myself, and left my room, heading for the living room. I walked down the stairs to see my dad with his arm around Y/N, and Exton laying on the floor, as they watched tv. I went to sit down at the recliner, and I rested my head on hand, as I propped my arm up on the chair.

"Where you been Indie? You missed Bob's Burgers." Dad said, as his eyes stayed glued to the tv.

"Just in my room... thinking about stuff." I responded, as I looked at Y/N; earning a look back from her.

"Something bothering you?" He asked.

"Oh no, just regular everyday thoughts." I said, giving a fake smile, trying to conceal my true feelings.

"Ok..." Dad sat up. "Come on Ex, I hope you didn't forget movie night buddy." He said, as Exton shot up, and started hopping around with happiness.

"Movie night! I kinda furgot, but I remembored." Exton said, in his cute five year old voice. Dad got up, and Exton ran to grab his hand, as they walked upstairs to get ready.

"No fair! I want to see the Boss Baby!" I shouted, as they went.

"You have to be under three feet tall to be my plus one!" Dad shouted back, and Y/N and I laughed.

"Worth a shot." I shrugged. "Can't complain though he took me to go see Power Rangers about a month ago. It was so cool."

"Oh, I bet it was. Power Rangers were always cool. But not cooler then Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles." She responded.

"Now, at least I know I'm not the only one." I smiled, and we chuckled.

Time skip ( bcuz I'm lazy)

We talked about random things, and got to know each other a little better for about a half an hour. Then dad and Exton came back downstairs to get ready to leave for the movies.

"Ok, we're leaving for movie night. Indie don't get on Y/N's nerve." I looked at her and laughed.

"I won't." I said, as she got up and went over to my dad, giving him a hug and kiss. I felt myself get a little sick, but I had to compose myself.

"Love you babe." She said, then looking at Exton. "Have fun Exxy." He smiled, and nodded. And with that, they were gone. I was left with Y/N in a luxury Hampton suite. She came and sat back down, and surfed the channels on the tv, as the suite filled with silence. "Never anything on tv..." She continued to surf.

"Yeah..." I said. "Hey, have you ever been to Club Genesis a few blocks away?" I asked, she looked over and thought.

"No, but I heard about it."

"It's really cool there... Wanna go? Since there's nothing to do, plus there's no height limit." We laughed.

"Umm, sure." She said, and I smiled.

Time skip to club (bcuz again I'm lazy)

We arrived at the club, and the smell of alcohol, and smoke filled our noses as Like a G6 played in the backround. The club was lit with strobe lights. People were crowded on the dance floor, but we found the way to the bar that was on the other side of the club by weaving through the crowd.

"What you want?" I shouted over the loud music to Y/N.

"Anything." She shouted back.

"Give me the special please, make it a double." I said, tipping the bartender as he nodded, and made our drinks. After a minute of waiting, the drinks were done. We clinked glasses, and began to drink.

"Woo, that's strong... I like it." She smiled, as she slammed her glass on the table. I downed my shot, and did the same, feeling the burning sensation on my throat. After that... It was round after round of shots served.

About seven shots later, feeling tipsy, Y/N felt the need to start dancing when Calabria 2008 filled the club. She grabbed me by my arm, and we stumbled to the dancefloor.

Her hips swayed perfectly to the beat. Then she turned around and rubbed against me when the beat came in. I put my hands on her back, and moved them slowly down to her hips as she danced on me. She continued as the club started to watch us. A circle formed around us, as she turned back around to face me. She grabbed my hands, and we started to do a fast cha-cha. I spun her on beat, and brung her close to me, then she spinned back again. She walked away from me, and placed a hand on my shoulder, as she circled around me. Then, she came back in front of me, and placed her hand on my chest. Bending down, as her hand went from my chest down to my 'area' slowly. She came back up, and rubbed my body again. The club was cheering, and were clapping to the beat, as she did too. (yasss let the song play)

The song eventually came to a end, and I looked into her eyes. She was smiling intensely, and I smelled the alcohol on her breath. The dancefloor became crowded again, but my focus stayed on Y/N. She was beautiful. And here she is so close to me. I needed her, feel her... so I did what I've been wanting to do.

I placed my lips on hers, and I felt her tense up. She eventually accepted it, and kissed me back. Our lips moved in sync, as she put her arms around my neck. I held her by the waist, and enjoyed this moment with her. We were surrounded by clubbers but it felt like it was just us. Just her. Just me. Just this kiss.

A/N: I hope you didn't mind Indio's point of view for this whole chapter. But tell me how you liked it overall. Vote, comment, and share please! :)

-Duckling out ^.^

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