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Warning: Smut is later on in the chapter


Two weeks later

It's been two weeks since Robert asked me out, and everything's been smooth sailing. He has been the best boyfriend a girl could ever ask for. The papers were finalized, and I could sense his happiness.

I moved some of my clothes from my house to his, so I wouldn't have to keep wearing his clothes; even though I liked it. A few days ago, Robert drove me back home to check on my house, and see Max. I let Max stay at my house because his girlfriend kicked him out of their apartment. The reason, I have no idea, cause he doesn't want to talk about it, but it was nice to see him again.

I got back into my car, after a day of pampering. I got a massage, and acupuncture. I really needed a relaxing day. I decided to call Robert, to tell him I was done. The phone ringed for a bit, then I heard his beautiful voice.

R: Hey! You done?

Y/N: Hey handsome, and yes I'm done.

R: That's great! I can't wait for you to come home.

I listened to his voice as he spoke, and he sounded a little out of breath.

Y/N: Babe, why do you sound so out of breath?

R: Oh umm... Just been jogging...

Y/N: Jogging? Since when does Mr. Downey jog?

I chuckled.

R: I always jog, what do you mean?

He laughed.

Y/N: Mmm hmm, well I'm on my way ok. Love you.

R: Love you too baby, drive safe.

And with that, I hung up. I started up my car, and began to drive.

Jogging? I don't remember him liking to jog. He likes to work out by boxing, lifting weights, or kung fu, but not jogging. Maybe he liked jogging now... I don't know. But that is just fishy to me. Huh, maybe I should let it go.

I pulled up on the driveway, and parked. I got out, and went inside the house.

"Robbie!" I called out, closing the door behind me. As I closed it, I felt a manly arm snake around my waist, and warm lips on my neck.

"Yes baby?" Robert said.

"I was just wondering where you were." I turned around to face him, and smiled.

"Here, waiting for you..." He said, and I kissed him passionately. He pulled me closer to deepen the kiss, then after a minute of kissing, I pulled away.

"Come on baby, I'm starving." I said, walking away as he followed me.

"How was the pampering day?" He said, sitting down at the kitchen table.

"It was actually good, I haven't had one of those in a long time." I said, warming up some spaghetti I got from the fridge.

"That's good baby. Oh, and Jon called."

"Really? What did he say?" I began to eat.

"He said that there will be another month taken off of production because Tom wanted to be a daredevil, climb some shit on this vacation we already had, and sprain his ankle." Robert explained.

"Oh my god..." I said, chewing.

"I tried to tell him, he can't stay the character off screen."

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