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^ that pic tho JAHGABLAUIOK Yass Robert... but back to the story


Robert's POV

I've been thinking, long and hard. What are we. Y/N and I. We've kissed, cuddled, slept in the same bed, unintentionally I might add, and I don't know what we are. I don't want to say girlfriend because it's too early for that, but that's all I can come up with. Maybe today can be the day I ask.

I began to move slightly, as I tried to switch positions on the couch. My side has gone a little numb from Y/N laying on me. I took a little nap earlier, but she was still sleep. As I tried to move her off of me gently, she moved, and woke up.

"Where are you going?" She asked in a sleepy voice, looking up.

"No where... Just had to move around a little. My side was getting numb." I said, sitting in a different position, facing her.

"Oh sorry, I didn't mean to fall asleep on you..."

"It's ok, I liked it." I said, giving her a wink, as she blushed. She looked so cute, and precious when she did that. I got up, and headed for my kitchen. I suddenly got a craving for Neapolitan ice cream.

"Hey, I thought you said you weren't leaving." Y/N said.

"Yep, that's what I said, but my stomach said something different." I said, as she got up, and followed me to the kitchen. Y/N sat on the stool near my large kitchen island. I took out the ice cream box, and took out two glasses.

"Want some?" I asked.

"Sure." Taking a spoon, I scooped out some ice cream and put it in the glass. I handed out to her, and she thanked me. I prepared my own glass, and sat on the stool in front of her.

"I wanna ask you something..." I started.

"What is it Rob?" She looked curious, as she ate the ice cream.


"What is this?" He asked. I looked at him clueless. What is he talking about?

"What do you mean... what is what?"

"This..." He said, pointing at himself, then at me quickly. "Us... What is it? I can't figure out what exactly 'this' is."

"It's... it's whatever you want it to be." I said. I obviously liked Robert, but I too didn't know what we were.



"Oh nothing. I just think that the thing I would want it to be, would be something you wouldn't be able to handle." He said, eating his ice cream.

"There's nothing I can't handle Mr. Downey."

"Really? So going out with the Robert Downey Jr would be something you could handle?" He asked, smirking. Did he really just say that? This man. "The paps, interviews, my amazing fans. All that."

"Doesn't faze me." I shrugged. He got up, came near me, and leaned close to my ear.

"You think so?" He said, snaking his arm around my waist, and placing his other hand on my thigh.

"Yes." I said, sounding a little lustful accidentally. I heard Robert 'hmm' and felt him lift me up from the stool. He carried me to the nearby couch, and gently set me down. He hovered above my body, and kissed my neck.

"Good, because..." He said in between kisses. I put my arms around his neck, then ran a hand through his hair. "I've been wanting to ask you a important question..."


"Will you be my girlfriend?" He asked, and we locked eyes. I opened my mouth to speak then quickly closed it. I was at a loss for words.

"Robert... I don't know. Can this just be lust talking? We only really knew each other for a couple of days..." I said.

"But these couple of days felt like years. And I really knew I wanted you from the day I met you. Y/N I promise this isn't lust, it's love. It's destiny." Robert explained.

"But you still aren't really single yet... the papers still need to be signed."

"I'm signing them tomorrow morning. It'll be official."


"Yes. That's what I was talking to Susan about, she wanted me to do them earlier. I wasn't busy, so I scheduled it for tomorrow." I looked into his chocolate brown eyes, as he brushed a piece of my hair back. "I would do anything for you to be my girlfriend, and I'll stop at nothing to do so. Y/N you're the only person that I really feel a connection with, and I think you feel the same." He said, and I smiled. I sat up a little, and gave him a passionate kiss. I placed my hand on his back to deepen the kiss. Then I pulled away.

"Yes... Now don't break my heart tin man." I said.

"I wouldn't even think of it." He kissed me, and I felt his hand go down my side to my butt. I pushed his hand off, and got up.

"Ah, ah, ah... Nope, not so easily." I said, looking back as I walked away. Smiling widely.

"Oh come on!" Robert whined.

"Bye." I waved, making my way to the bathroom. I closed the door, but I heard Robert still whining like a kid. I laughed to myself, then began to take off my clothes. I turned on the water, and hopped in.

As I was in the shower, I thought about what happened today. Does Robert really love me, or is he just looking for a temporary fix because of his divorce. The more I think about it, the more I question the decision. I don't know if this is a good idea, but for some reason it feels right.

A/N: Ok, I have to say, that was a bad chapter, but the next one will be better I promise. Do you think it's genuine love? Let me know. :)

-Duckling out ^.^

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