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"You can." I said, simply.

"Ok..." He responded. I told Max and Jared to go without me. Robert lead me to the hallway heading out of the theater room. We stood there for a moment, until Robert spoke up.

"I'm sorry." He began, and I cocked my head to the side.

"That's it?" I said, frustrated.

"Listen--" He raised his voice, then took a deep breath; calming himself. "Listen, just please. I am truly sorry. For everything... for the anger, and for ignoring you when you tried to explain it all to me. I-- I should've never let you leave." He said calmer, as he ran his hand through his hair.

I looked away, and shook my head looking back at him.

"Seems a little irrelevant now, how's your new girlfriend doing?" I asked, sarcastically.

"She isn't my girlfriend, she's just some bimbo that I picked up." He said, as I crossed my arms.

"Oh, some bimbo you picked up? You're making everything sound so much better."

"Not-- ugh you know what I mean. My manager wanted me to go with someone. It was all for publicity trust me. If anyone, the only girlfriend that I have is you." Robert said, coming closer to me.

I sighed, and looked into his beautiful brown eyes.

"I can't live without you baby." He said, as he placed his hands on my waist; pulling me closer to him. He began kissing my neck, and moving down to my collarbone.

I placed my hand on his chest stopping him.

"Not here, they'll see us. And plus I want to leave." I said. Robert nodded, and held my hand.

"Ok, let's go home then." He said, as we both headed outside to his Bugatti.  Robert opened the door for me, and I got in. He quickly went to his side, and also got in. The engine roared, and off we went.

Time skip to home (warning: smut coming up)

We arrived back at Robert's house. I immediately took off my heels, as we walked through the door.

"Geez, those were killing me. Couldn't wait to take those off." I said, as we walked upstairs.

"Same goes for that dress..." Robert whispered under his breath. I looked back at him.

"What?" I asked, acting like I didn't hear him.

"Nothing honey." He said, with a smirk on his face. I giggled, and we headed for the bedroom.

I went to the mirror that hung over the dresser, and began to take my jewelry off. I felt hands go down my side, and a warm body gently push up against me. I looked at Robert from the mirror, then turned to face him; placing my arms around his neck.

"Can you help me out this dress?" I asked.

"No problem." He said in a low lustful voice. He gently laid me down on the bed, and crawled over my body. Robert gently slid my dress off, exposing my bra and panties. He took his suit and pants off, leaving him in his boxers. He got off of me, and began to walk out the room.

"Hey, where are you going?" I asked, laying on the bed.

"Hold on, gimme a second." He said. I waited a minute or two, and he came back with some ice, and a blindfold.

Robert came back on top of me, and placed the blindfold on my face.

"Relax, and let me do all the work." He whispered in my ear, as I nodded. He grabbed my wrists and put my arms above my head. Robert unclasped my bra, and I felt the ice on my chest.

The ice then went down to my stomach. Robert placed kisses up and down my upper body, as a moan escaped my lips.

I felt his member hard against my thigh. He pulled my panties off, and slid two fingers inside me. His fingers stroked inside me, as I grabbed the sheets.

He took his fingers out, and took off his boxers; freeing his huge member. He slid it inside me, and began rocking slowly.

"Ohhh..." I said, lustfully. Robert sucked one of my nipples as he continued. "Huh, f-faster..." I said, as I grabbed his shoulder.

His speed increased, and our bodies moved together. My moans became louder, and I felt myself ready to release.

"I'm gonna--"

"Ok baby." He said, as we both released at the same time. He fell back on the bed, and I took my blindfold off; looking over at him.

"Was that make up sex?" I asked.

"Nope, just pure love making." He said, through his panting. We smiled at each other, then I straddled him; leaning over to give him a kiss.

"Lover boy." I giggled, as round two began...


Ayee an update! Hey guys I made a Robert Downey Jr Imagine book, and I would love it if you guys checked it out and give suggestions!

Next chapter coming up, it's gonna be exciting!! Please vote, and comment, thanks :)

-Duckling out ^. ^

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