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This whole chapter is basically smut


Here my husband and I arrived in Hawaii for our honeymoon. We both headed for the hotel first. It was already kind of late to go out and explore the beauty of Hawaii.

Robert decided to go and shower. As he did, I decided that I wanted to show off the new lingerie that I bought a while back. It was a red lace set, with some leather straps. I had nice red high heels that went with it.My makeup and hair was done, but I didn't care if it got messed up.

I set up the bedroom very nicely. I lit candles to give that romantic vibe, placed a bucket of ice with champagne in it, rose pedals on the bed, and chocolates on scene. There was a leather belt, handcuffs, and a blindfold on the bedside table.

I heard that Robert was done showering, so I quickly poured myself a glass of champagne, and laid sexily on the bed; waiting for him.

I pressed the play button on the remote for the stereo, and 'I wanna be yours' by Artic Monkeys began to play just as Robert walked out. He had nothing on but a towel over his waist. His hair was wet, and so was his chest a little.

"Wow baby. This all for me?" He asked smiling, as I took a sip of my drink, and placed it down on the table.

"All for you..." I said, slowly opening my legs to tease him. "Come here baby." I said seductively, as I ran a hand down my body and bit my lip.

He walked over to me, and placed his body between my legs.

"You know I hate when you tease." He began.

"Will I be punished for that Mr. Downey?" I said, running my hand down his stomach to his hard member.

"No doubt Mrs. Downey." He said, as he began to kiss down my neck. His hand moved my panty out of the way, and he began to rub my hole.

I moved my head back, as he bit my skin softly after kisses. He left hickeys on my neck and chest. His finger went in and out my wet hole for a while until he pulled it out. Robert placed the finger to his lips, and licked his finger as he looked into my eyes.

I brought my hands down to the edge of the towel on his waist, and took it off. His huge member was finally free, as it brushed my thigh.

He rolled me over, and pushed my body onto his. I kissed him on the lips slowly, then began to kiss my way down his stomach. I trailed down to his member. I gently held his member, and placed my head between his legs.

I licked around the tip, and put the whole in my mouth. Robert let out a throaty moan, which turned me on completely. I sucked, as he placed his hand on my head and gently pushed down.

Precum was flowing down, as I continued. He climaxed, and I licked my lips. Robert rolled me over again so he was on top.

He pulled my panties down, and got a full view of my dripping wet pool. He went down on me, and his tongue licked up every juice.

His hand rubbed my thigh, as his tongue did all the work. It went in and out repeatedly, occasionally flicking his tongue against my clit. I put my hand in his hair. He sucked on my clit as I felt myself release.

I moaned in pleasure as he licked his lips again, and began to unclasp my bra. Robert gently bit, and sucked my hard nipples.

Robert made me get on my hands and knees, as he stayed behind me. I felt his hand squeeze my ass, then smack it lightly. He reached over, and grabbed the leather belt.

He placed the belt in my mouth, and made me bite down on the belt. I felt him forcefully entering me, making my head go back and my back arch. He placed his hand on my shoulder and began to slowly move inside me.

I let out moans, and so did he as he pounded into me repeatedly. I gripped the bed sheets, as I felt myself getting closer. We both climaxed at the same time. He slapped my ass then rubbed it, as he slowly pulled out.

He rolled next to me, as I grabbed the handcuffs and blindfold. I threw the belt back on the table, and straddled Robert. I put his hands up and handcuffed him to the bed. I placed the blindfold on his face as I kissed him passionately.

I rubbed my hands down his chest, and kissed him. I postioned myself on his member. Rocking back and forth slowly, as Robert moaned.

"Oh fuck..." He said breathlessly, as I placed my hands on his chest for support. I bounced up and down on him, and kissed his neck. I continued to bounce, until we both reached the climax. I threw my head back and moaned, as I slowly moved off of him.

I took the blindfold, and handcuffs off of Robert to finally let him do what he wanted.

Robert hovered over my body.

"I want you to scream my name." He said in a low voice, as he pushed myself into me. I grabbed my thighs as he pounded hard and deep. I grabbed his shoulders, and moaned.

"Robert!" I yelled, as he went faster. I wrapped my legs around his waist, trying to push him deeper inside me. He climaxed first, rubbing my breast as he did. I climaxed after him, and gripped the sheets.

We panted like we ran for miles. Our sweaty bodies laid next to each other on the king sized bed as we tried to catch our breath.

We looked over at each other, and smiled, as we held hands.

"That was the best we ever had." He said.

"It was." I smiled.

"I love you Mrs. Downey."

"I love you too Mr. Downey." I said, as we kissed, and cuddled on the bed; eventually falling into a deep sleep.


Only one more chapter left! :(   

Im working on a new Rdj story, so when I have at least the first chapter done, I'll let you guys know! I hope you guys liked this chapter, and if you did please vote and comment.

-Duckling out ^.^

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