Pokemon History #11

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Some years prior to Gen 1:
•A team of scientists discover a new Pokemon (at the time) deep in the jungle in Guyana, South America on July 5. They name the Pokemon Mew on July 10. Mewtwo, a clone of Mew, is born on February 6. Mewtwo escapes from and destroys Cinnabar Island's Pokemon Mansion on September 1 and then goes to Cerulean Cave.
•Sabrina's Gym is declared the official Gym of Saffron City after a Pokemon battle between Sabrina and the leader of the Fighting Dojo.
•Giratina returns to the Pokemon World.
•The Battle Resort opens in Hoenn.
•Goldenrod Radio Tower is torn down due to being old and creaky. During the process, the Radio Tower Director comes across the Clear Bell, which he keeps for the time being. A new Golden Radio Tower is built in its place.
•Construction of the Royal Unova begins.

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