Chapter 1 (Book teaser/Full Chapter-1)

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A child. The little human being for whom you sacrifice for. The little human being for whom you live to protect. The little human being for whom you Love.

When a child looks you in the eye you can't help but get drowned in the sea of innocence. wishing that through the child you well be able to find yourself in that subtle place again. A place where life's little magic's are just wonderful. A place where you are free to dream at own will. A place where danger is just one's imagination. You can only find this place through a child's eye's.

I, Michael Jackson found that place through her. A sandy blonde, blue eyed seven year old girl. She gave me that sense of childhood I never knew. No she did not judge that a twenty-six year old man would sit and play elementary game's with her or her friend's. She did not see me as an adult that was saving her life, She saw me as a friend being by her side.

How did such friendship blossom with an adult and an adolescence? It can only be explained through the grape vine of life. Or I can just tell you.

It began the eve of June eighth. Not much was going on in the heat of California. Everyone was busy staying cool. away from the blistering heat waves of the sun. A day where a vacation to Antarctica did not sound too bad. I as usual was cooped up in my home in the library of Neverland. Sitting by the fire indulged in the new trilogy of the great author of the Renaissance era George Peele while of course adding on the essence of the book by listening to a piece by Chopin Fryderyk . Both great innovators of Renaissance era. I know it's I am oppressing the fact of the weather by adding I insult to injury by sitting in heat in my own home. But I don't mind replicating such enduring heat of summer. To continue I finished the chapter of my novel I was currently on and decided to break from my library and make my way to the kitchen to prepare lunch. As I walk through the hall's of Neverland I take in the novelties of my own childish imagination. I stop when I hear sudden rustling. I look around to find the owner of such noise. Hello? who's there?, I said still looking around. The noise happened again and ended with light giggles. I smile knowing the owner. Hmm I guess I will walk away and look in the kitchen, I said slowly walking into the kitchen. The rustling became light pattering steps with giggles still attached. I entered the kitchen continue my steady task at hand while still being well aware of the little one who is trying to clandestinely scare me. I start on the weakness of the sneaky little one. As soon as I start putting the cheese and bread duo on the pan I see little finger's reach over to get the other sandwich made previously. I smile and slowly slide it away from her and more towards me. I hear her sigh. Then a few minute's later a chair glides it's way towards me where she slowly emerges for another try at getting the sandwich. Now Sadie you could've asked, I said still eying the sandwich I was making. She giggles. "Sorry Michael ", She said standing down. I take my sandwich off the pan and onto a plate. It's ok let's eat want some goldfish?, She smiles and nods happily. I take her plate and mine and put it at the table while she grab the goldfish and sat them there as well. I took my seat across from her. Grace, I said taking her hand's. She nods and closes her eye's and I let her began grace. When finished she instantly start gnawing on he grill cheese. I do the same. She finishes then plays with her goldfish crackers. "Michael? ", I look up at her. Yes Sadie?, She looks at me seriously her light blue eye's now a shade darker. "can I stay here with you? ",I look down at my sandwich. She knows the answer to that. Sadie you know I can't do that, She looks back at her goldfish. "why? it's not fair! ", She said standing up. Sadie please sit down and finish eating. "Michael I won't to stay with you! ", It hurts me to have to say no but im just a doctor who got attached to a patient. Too attached. Don't you Love your mommy and daddy?, She sighs. "yes ", Then you stay with them they Love you I told you you're always welcome to visit hear you know that, She walks to me and hugs me. "I wish you were my dad ", I smile hugging her back. Your mother will be here any minute to get you so eat up. She let me go slowly and walked to her side of the table. Soon enough her mother did arrive.

I walked Sadie to the door. Hey Mrs.Williams, I said opening the door. She gave me a half smile and grabbed Sadie's hand. "Come on Sadie your father is waiting ",Sadie pulled her hand back. "He's not my father! ", I look at Sadie. What do you mean?, "Sadie let's go! ", Her mother said grabbing her hand again. Sadie reluctantly walked away with her mom. I close the door as I watched them disappear from the lawn of my home....

...To Be Continued.....

I hope you guys enjoyed the full chapter teaser, I don't know when I'll officially start writing this story hopefully soon! please comment and vote!

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