Chapter 28

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A couple of day's has last since the terrible plague of allergies was bestowed upon me. I have been trudging through them though with the help of my princess and queen. But it seems I'm not getting better, I'm running high fevers. Don't even get me started on these headaches. The worst part about it is having to miss work. I know I'm missing out on a lot. I'm hoping I get well soon.

"Michael, Baby you have to take this...", Olivia complained for the third time today. I shake my head. "I am not taking that death in a bottle!", I said pushing the cough syrup away for the third time. Olivia sighs frustratedly. "Michael... You do want to get well don't you?", She's asked, pouring the cough syrup into a table spoon. "Yes...", I agreed reluctantly. She smiles. "Alrighty then...Open your mouth...", She instructed, Taking a seat beside me.

I sigh and slowly open my mouth. "I'm not a little kid you know...", I pouted, closing my mouth. "Well you are acting like one and you will be treated like one, even Sadie takes her medicine! And you know she's a drama queen!", Olivia joked, shaking her head. I roll my eyes and open my mouth. Olivia giggles as she slowly pours the cough syrup into my mouth. As soon as the medicine touches my tongue I scrunch up my face. Olivia laughs harder. "That's nasty...", I complained, smacking on my tongue. "Really nasty...", I added.

"Awe my poor baby...", Olivia teased, planting a kiss on my forehead. She stands up to return the spoon and cough syrup to their rightful place. I continue to struggle with the distastefulness. Cherry flavored my ass. Olivia leans against the counter top and smiles at me. I furrow my eyebrows. "What? I took the medicine... ", I defended. She shakes her head continuing to smile.

"Michael I know this isn't how these thing's go but... I-I... Uhh I want to get married... ", She expressed, biting down on her bottom lip nervously. I tilt my head to the side in confusion. "Where is this coming from?", She turns around facing the counter. "I don't know... I want us to officially be a family... ", She spoke softly. I sigh. "Are you sure? ", She turns back around. "Yes... I mean you do too? Don't you?", She asked, her eyes filled with question.

"I don't know... Is it too soon?", She rolls her eyes. "Is that what you think?", She asked. I could sense the hurt in her tone. "Maybe... I don't know... Almost a year of dating... could seem really soon", I exhaled honestly. "But after three months, phone sex and other crap is not too soon in Michael's book?", She questioned turning to leave. I slowly stand up from my chair and follow her.

"I'm not saying that at all! I'm just saying maybe it's too soon...", I stressed as we entered the living room. Olivia shoots me a look. "I'm not saying let's run away and get married! I just want to feel like a family! I haven't even met your freaking parents! ", She exclaimed, slamming thing's into their rightful places. She cleans when she is angry. "I haven't met yours either! ", I retorted, plopping onto the sofa. I rub my temples. Arguing with a headache. How fun.

Olivia pauses and glares at me. "What? It's true!", I defended. She rolls her eyes. "You know I have asked you a million time's to have dinner with my parent's! But Oh no...There's always a fucking excuse! Even Sadie has met them!", She exclaimed, dusting the bookshelf; angrily. I sigh deeply. She is right. She has literally begged me to meet Eileen and David. They are nice people. I've chatted with them on the phone. And Sadie brags about them from time to time.

Sensing this argument will be one of those 'She's right, you're wrong. Shut up and apologize', arguments, I decided to do just that. We were both silent but the tension was pretty loud. I glance up at her. She was looking at the pictures of Sadie and us. I know she wants to give Sadie a family and I know how she feels about family. I'm just being selfish because a part of me is still holding on to Amber.

I finally decide to break the silence. "Can you come here please?", I asked in a loud whisper. My head is still hurting a bit. She glances back at me for a minute. "Please... ", I added. She reluctantly walks towards me. I grab her hands and stand her between my leg's. "You know I love you...", I started as I slowly looked up to her. She sighs and nods. "And you know I would do anything to make you and Sadie happy right?", She nods again. "Good, because I don't want this argument be a set back. I want to marry you... trust me I would do it in a heartbeat, But I need to get some thing's straight with myself.", I admitted.

Olivia retrieves her right hand and places it on my right cheek. "It's Amber... Isn't it?", She whispered, her eyes following mine as I search for a right answer. "Yes... ", I answered honestly.

Olivia sucks in her lips, caressing my face a bit. "Michael...  I'm not going to push you... I'm not going to force you into anything... But I want you to know... I am willing to help you find peace in her death so that we can focus on being a family okay? ",

I nod and remove her hand from my face. "If I wasn't sick I would kiss you...But your hand will do.", I chuckled, planting a few kisses on her hand. She giggles. "I'm sorry for yelling... ", She said, reminding me so much of Sadie when she has done wrong. I chuckle. "I'm sorry foe yelling too... And by the way... I want you to know you were never a booty call", She raises her eyebrows. "Hmm is that what you call it?", She teased, backing away from me. I shake my head.

"No no, I was saying because... You made it seem that way...  I enjoyed it...", I stammered aimlessly. Olivia cheeses showcasing her beautiful dimples. "You enjoyed what? The phone sex or the foreplay? I need to know...", She teased. I run my hand's over my face. She knows I hate talking about it in detail. "Both...", I answered reluctantly. She giggles. "Be more specific... ", She's killing me right now. "Do I have to?", I whined. She sits in the recliner across from me.

"Yes, Yes you do.", "I erm...I-", "I'm home!",  Sadie exclaimed, running into the living room. I sigh in relief. I almost forgot Sadie was due to be home from her play date. She has this new friend Samantha that she had been talking non-stop about all last week.  So to get the name Samantha out of the house for awhile, Olivia and I decided to let her tell Samantha about Samantha; to Samantha.  Olivia is still smirking at me as Sadie goes on and on about her play date with Samantha.

"And did you know Samantha's little brother is only two but he knows how to count to ten! That's not normal!", She exclaimed, waving her hand's around for emphasis. I chuckle rubbing my temples again. "Sadie...", "And she has the new album of that boy band I like... Remember I told you about them?", She continued. "Sadie...", "Speaking of can I get that album... All the girls in my class has it even Burger faced Katelyn...", She continued, changing facial expressions every minute.

I take in a deep breath. "Sadie...Sadie please... Shh", I said taking her hand's. She quickly snatches them back. "You're sick! And you touched me!", She exclaimed, hopping up from the couch. "I'm sorry... ", I apologized, holding back my laughs at her reaction. She makes a face and takes a bottle of Sanitizer out of her pocket. "Ha-ha I though you loved me?", I pouted playfully. "I do but germs... Are disgusting... You're a boy... you could spread all of your... Your boy germs...", She explained, rubbing her hand's together.

I sigh. "I guess so... Hey why don't you get ready for dinner, and your mom over there will order pizza and you can tell her more about Samantha.", I said, smirking at Olivia. Olivia's jaw drops. "Umm actually your daddy is sick and would love to hear about Samantha since he is sick.", Sadie glances from me to Olivia. "Umm... This is a toughy... I choose mom! Dad wouldn't understand girl thing's anyways. ", Sadie concluded. Olivia gives me a fake smile as Sadie drags her off. I slump down into the couch and sigh happily. Pay back is sweet...

To Be Continued...

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