Chapter 12

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The judge gives her a small smile and motion's for her to come over. She shyly walks over to him. She looks straight at Michelle and David. The fear in her eye's killed me. I could feel it from where I sat. The judge stands up and gestures for her to take his seat. She moves even slower watching the eye's that followed her.  When she was seated the judge asked the question we all waited for. "Sadie sweetie has your mother or David hurt you in any way?", She hesitates before answering....

She glances at me then Michelle. My eye's are pleading for justice but I know I shouldn't push. The judge stands patientlly awaiting an answer.  Ryan creates a small rhythm with his taps from his hand and foot. Sadie's eye's continue darting around the room.

After another moment of silence, she finally responds. "Uhh... ", She trailed off.  The judge rubs her shoulder. "It's ok do you want to write it down? ", She nods. He motion's for one of the officer's to gather the paper and pen. The officer returns with the supplies and places them in front of Sadie. She looks at everyone then begans writing.

It only took her a minute. She glances at the judge when she finishes. He smiles and reads it. Shaking his head, He whispers in her ear. She nods and writes something else down. This process is killing me. I'm restraining myself from pulling my hair out. They continue the routine of whispers, nods,  and writing.

An hour later, The judge sends us out for recess. Ryan walked outside to take a smoke break. As much as I'm against smoking, I know he's doing it because of stress. I take this break as a means to relieve myself, literally.  I make my way to the bathroom. Which was hard because the court house is huge.

After a few minute's, I find the men's room. As soon as find a stall, David strolls in whistling. It's taking all I have not to hop out and choke the man. "Soon that little girl will be mine, You know I love her don't you?", I stay silent. Maybe he's talking to himself?  He chuckles and continues. "I know you can hear me", I continue my mute tone.

He laughs this time. He walks to my stall and pounds his fist against it. I jump a little. "You think your little bitch ass gon' get her? You are out of your damn mind! Look at you! Nothing but a pu-", I push the stall door open with all my might. He's pushing it to my limit. He looses his balance and fall's. I glare at him.

He stands up laughing. "Awe is Mikey mad? You know I love my girl's like I love gummy bears, Small, Sweet,  and innocent looking... Reminds you have Sadie huh? ", I feel my vain in my temple pop. I walk to him. "Listen I swear all thing's you have done to her, I will make sure you rot in hell for", He laughs harder.

"It's sweet, Really it is that you think you are going to win this case, You know they are not going to keep a child from their mother, Look kid just give up now, You have no choice but to", He turns walking away but not without bumping my shoulder. Once he is out of sight I let out a long sigh. Maybe he's right? How can I win over a mother?....

To Be Continued...

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