Chapter 14

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I look at Ryan and hug him tightly. "Thank-you, Thank-you so much", Suddenly Sadie runs in and jumps into my arm's. "Michael!!", I smile And hug her tightly swinging her bavk and forth. She pulls back. "Is it true?", I nod feeling tears roll from my cheeks. She smiles and wipes them.  "Finally I have a home, Thank-you Michael ", I am speechless so I just nod and hug her. I have finally rescued my damsel...

*Five Year's Later*

"Sadie come on I need to get you to school,  I give up!", I yelled through the house. I'm in another game of hide-and-go-seek with Sadie. She does this every Monday. It's her way of trying to get out of going to school.  I let out a sigh as I make my second trip up the stairs. "Sadie come on...please I have to go to work", Without a reply I surrender my defeat.

As I'm turning to walk away I spot Sadie in the library.  She was sprawled out on the floor with a plethora of books surrounding her. I crack a smile and tip-toe in. I watch hee silently as she aimlessly flips through page's. I continue to tip-toe . I stop right behind her. I slowly bend down. "Watcha readin'? ", I teased. She jumps clearly startled.

"Michael! Don't scare me like that!", She exclaimed trying to hit me. She misses hitting the air instead. I chuckle. "I told you to get ready for school ", Her facial expression changes. I tilt my head to the side. "What's wrong?", She feels her forehead.  "I-I think I have a fever...", She feels her neck and lets.out a weak cough for emphasis.

I raise an eyebrow. "Really now?", She nods pittfully . "Yeah..My forehead is hot and I have innergestion... ", I laugh. I couldn't help it,  it just slipped out. "Don't you mean congestion ?",  I asked holding back laughs. She stops to think for a moment before agreeing.  "Oh and what else is wrong? ", I said now amused by her terrible acting skills. She sighs dramatically. "Well... I can't breath and my head heart's and I have innergestion an-", "Congestion... ", I corrected her still fully amused.

She sighs again.  "Con-ges-tion... Michael I'm too sick to go to school.. Can I stay home?", I examine her silently.  "Shouldn't I be the judge of that?", She rolls her eyes playfully. "Michael... I'm telling you I'm sick...", I chuckle.  "And I'm telling you I will be the judge of that, I'm the doctor... ", She stands up but not without being dramatic. She wobbles up like a new born deer.

I laugh harder this time. She may be terrible actress but I can sense a future comedian. "You are one funny little girl..Come here let's go check your temp.", She wobbles towards me. "I think I'm old enough to do it myself ", She proclaims proudly. I shrug. "Yes madame Sadie ", She giggles only to catch herself with a cough. I laugh even harder knowing she got caught.

"That's a nasty cough you got there madame Sadie. ", She makes up another cough that souded more like a donkey call. "Yeah... it's terrible huh?", I nod. "Not enough to stay home right?", She shakes her head. "That would be mandaratory", She said as we entered her bathroom. I shake my head. "You mean mandatory? ", She nods. "That's what I said", I shake my head again and rummage through her cabinet to find the thermometer. Once I found it I turned on the hot water.

When Sadie wasn't looking I placed the thermometer under the hot water. I quickly retrieved it once she was paying attention again. "Okay... say ahh ", I ordered trying to hold back my laughs. She hesitates to obey. "Come on let me check your temp.", She shakes her head. "I can do it myself... ", She pouts. I nod.

"Well here you go..", I hand her the thermometer. She gestures for me to turn around. I sigh and obey. Next thing I know I hear a couple fake coughs and then the water starts running. I sneak a look to see Sadie running the hot water over the thermometer. This child is something else.

"Okay all done I checked it!", She exclaimed. I spin on my heels and take the thermometer. "You know for a sick person you are talking a lot.. ", I said as I pretended to look over the thermometer. I let out a gasp! Sadie looks at me crazily. "What's wrong?!..", I hand her the thermometer. "Your temp. is through the roof. You might be comtaminated! ", I exclaimed bulging my eyes for effects.

Sadie stares at the thermometer in confusion. "Michael what do you mean?", I rub my temples. "I might have to call the secret service to get you checked out...this could be a virus ", She glances up at me in disbelief. "What would they do to me?", I shrug. "Well....They might cut you open and conduct experiments on you", Her face turns a shade darker. "Like aliens?... ", She questioned guinely terrified.  "Worse...", I said softly. "Like they do the mermaids at area 51", She gasps.

"I-I think I'm sick anymore... ", I hide my chuckle. "It's too late I have to turn you in", "Michael!! I thought you loved me! Please don't do that!", I tap my chin. "Maybe I won't... Maybe I's anybodies guess", I teased onward. She sits on the floor and starts crying. "I'm sorry, I'll never play sick again Michael... I'm going to go to school... See? I'm all well now", She said standing up wiping her eyes. I walk to her and scoop her up. "You are one interesting 12 year old. Do you know that? ",

"You tricked me didn't you?", Sadie said walking out the door. I smile. It took thirty minutes to get her dress while continuing my threat of area 51 I guess she finally found it out.  "That's not nice...lying isn't nice Michael... ", She scolded stepping outside. I hand Bill her backpack.  "What do you call what you did?", She smiles. "Acting... ", She stated proudly. Bill chuckles. I join in laughing. "Well alright madame Sadie, we'll continue this later...just have a good day at school, I love you ", I said kneeling to kiss her forehead. She grabs my face and kisses my cheek. "I love you too applehead", I chuckle and wave at Bill to let him know she's ready. "Bye Sadie.. ", She waves in response as Bill settles her into the car. I watch as they drive off minutes later. That's my Sadie...

To Be Continued...

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