Chapter 10

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This day I truly dreaded. I couldn't sleep or eat. But I had more time to bond with Sadie. She relieves my mind of stress. I couldn't ask for more. Just that I will be able finalize this adoption quickly.

I walk into Sadie's room. It's really just an extra room where I dispose extra junk. It took me all week to clean it and make it appropriate for a seven year old. I even added in a few girly decor to the room. Sadie was pretty comtempt with it. I heard the word 'Thank-you' a thousand times that day I revealed it to her.

I softly knock on the door. "Sadie? princess it's time to wake up", I said slowly opening the door. I catch her covering herself with the comforter. I smile. I tip-toe in. "Saadie, It's time to wakey wakey ", I beamed stopping at the foot of her bed. "Hmm I guess I'll just go downstairs and eat those delicious chocolate chip pancakes all by myself ", She giggles.

"Well I'll be going now, Yup good pancakes await ", She shifts a little. I slowly move to her closet then opened and closed it. She peaks from under her comforter. I quickly dunk when she glances my way. When she turns around I slowly stand up. I watch her as she climbs out of bed and stretches.

I let out another giggle because her mane flew everywhere. She glances at the mirror ajar to her dresser and tries to tame her hair. She sighs and decides to contruct her own style that I can't even depict myself.  She then turns and walks towards her closet. I duck again. She doesn't notice me at first but when she turns around I jump up and grab her. "Gotcha! ", She giggles.

I set her down. "Nice hair", She giggles.  "Thank-you I did it myself ", I nod and chuckle. "I see that, now are you ready for breakfast? ", She nods. I extend my hand for her to take. She takes it and drags me downstairs. Once we arrived downstairs we are greeted by the staff and Bill. He smiles at me.

I smile back and Sadie waves. "Morning Bill ", "Morning Michael, are you ready for today?", I take my seat at the table. "Yeah I think so, are you?", Sadie looks at both of us in confusion. Glenda; My chef. hands her a plates with pancakes Bacon and a glass of orange juice. Sadie thanks her but turns her attention back to Bill and I.

"Michael what's happening today?", Her pupils became enlarged with curiosity. Bill looks at me for an answer. I sigh. "I have a very important meeting to go to and I'm a little nervous ", It was partial truth. I just can't tell her the real reason. It would bring her back into her shell. Bill shakes his head. He leans in my ear. "I'll be outside waiting, You need to tell her Michael ", He pats my shoulder and walks out.

I look at Sadie. She was waiting patiently for an answer. "Truth is I'm going to meet with Michelle and David ", Her face turns a bit pale. I stand up and walk to her chair and squat beside her. "Sadie, It's ok once I talk to them and get thing's straightened out you'll be able to stay with me permitely", She looks down at me.

She doesn't say anything for awhile. Her blue eye's were dark with worry. She then slowly reaches out her hand and places it on my face. She glides it over my small stumble. "Do you promise? ", I nod and took her hand and place a kiss on it. "I promise , Now eat up I'm taking you with me", She nods. and continues with her breakfast.

The ride to the courthouse where we were ordered to meet was agonizing. Sadie slept the entire ride so it was mainly me who felt the agitation. Once we did arrive we wasted no time getting inside.  I never been inside the courthouse but I must say it is more inviting than I thought. My lawyer meets me there.

We are currently sitting in the jury room waiting for Michelle and David. Sadie is playing with Bill while I talk things over with Ryan (Mr. Edwards, my lawyer ). "Well we are one step closer to our goal Mr. Jackson, I'll be right back to see what's the hold up ", I nod. He stands up and walks out.

I sigh and watch Sadie. She bounced around happily.

Ryan returns with agitation written all over his face. I look up at him. He sighs before answering my unasked question. "They aren't here yet And they won't answer anyone's call", "Is there a way to move on without them? ", He shakes his head. "The biological parents need to be present so we can start with the long process of granting you custody ", I sigh.

"What happens if they don't show up?", He rubs his temples. "Then they will have no choice but to place Sadie in a proper Foster home", I look at Sadie. Every time I take one step forward I get pushed ten steps back....

To Be Continued....

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