Chapter 3

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Once I pulled it back my eye's quickly widen and I gasp a little.  bruised and slight bleeding and a cast on arm. The sight made me both sad and furious. I couldn't speak. I just walked back out. "What is it doctor? ", Gloria please clear my night for today I-I need to see this patient, "But-", Just do it please,  "Yes sir", She quickly walks off. I walk back in. Why?...

I examine. My eyes still dialated by the bewildering surprise. Flesh enfused with tainted bruises of purple and blue. Face pale. Body clearly still in shock from it's obvious neglect. I can't stop shaking. I want to so badly hold this being. But I know that would only make her pain and my pain worse. How can a person do this to another being?  How can one do such a demonizing demotic thing like this? My questions turn from worry to anger.The one question that burns my mind is who? Who did this? And why? I pace back and forth trying to think but if I think I can't help her.

I look back at her. She looks like she did when I first met her. Frail and weak. Now that I think about it, on a couple visits to my estate she hand those exact bruises. When I'd question she'd get tense and change the subject or give me the puppy eye's and plead that I let go of my quiryness. How can I be so stupid? It's obvious this child is being abused at home.

I walk back to her. Sadie sweety if you can hear me say something, I speak soft and sincerely to her. If I'm going to save her I need her coraporation. She doesn't respond just let's out a soft groan. I sigh. She's in pain. I can't even begin to imagine what happened to her and all the pain she has endured. I'm desperate for help. I can't do this alone.

I try talking to her again. This time she responds. Sadie can you please tell me what happened?, She looks at me. More so through me. Her light blue eye's now a dark ocean blue. She looks lost and helpless. "I-I don't know ", She whispered out painfully. I reach for her small hand and covered it with mine. Sadie please tell me I want to help you I'm your friend, She looks at me unsure. I know she wants to tell me she's just afraid. And I need to find out of what, better yet of who?

I sit down in a chair next to her hospital bed still not removing my hand from hers. I want her to know I'm here for her. I sit therr and watch her. She's staring at her arms. Suddenly she slowly starts to speak again. "I didn't.... mean to make him mad...." She trailed off. I wanted to ask who but decided to let her finish. "Mom said I deserved it I was being a brat.... Michael don't let me go back please.... please ", She now has her gaze set on me. Her eyes burning into mine.

I'm not going to ever let you go back you hear me? I'm not going to let anyone hurt you ever again, She looks at me for assurance then after a few moments looked back at her arm's.  She then speaks. "Michael? ", Yes?, I said looking at her arm's as well. "Do-Does God hate me?", I quickly look up at her. No! Never God loves you just as much as I do and probably more, "Then Why did he let this happen to me? Why did he let my mom date what monster? Why Michael? ",Her eye's gave way to the reluctantly falling tears.

Sadie you have to understand bad things happen to good people... remember when I hold you my fiance Amber died?, She slowly nods. Well at first I was mad at myself... I was made at the drunk driver who took her life... most of all I was mad at God, "You were mad at God? ", I smile wider at her astonishment.

Yes  but I learned things happen for a reason.... He does things for a reason... and We shouldn't question that,  "Oh I'm sorry", It's ok kiddo how are you feeling?, Her face goes blank. "I don't want to talk anymore ", ok... Then what do you want?, "To sleep ", I rub her hand. Answer sleep you will, I stand up And kiss her forehead. Sweetdreams, She nods and just as I'm walking out she stops me. "Michael? ", I turned around. Yes?, "Can you sleep with me? ", I look at her and slowly walked back. I sit back in the chair beside her hospital bed. Close your eye's a dream Sadie, She halfly smiles while closing her eye's. "Thank-you Michael ", She whispers sleepily. You're welcome, I whisper back feeling her contagious sleepiness. Soon enough I'm sleep holding her hand. Leaving all worries till mornings light....

To Be Continued....

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