Chapter 25

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I have so many questions burning my mind. Yet I haven't received one answer. It has been a few hours since I first walked into the surgery room. The young boy, whose full name is Aiden Daniel Glover, has been so cooperative during the past few hours. He says little but you can tell he is fighting for his life. It is so sad to be witness to this.

The nurses and I just finish the external flesh peel. It is a painful procedure but we needed to remove the scarred tissue. Now our next move is to examine the internal flesh for scarring or any other sign of damage. I was gently cutting Aiden's forearm when a nurse taps my shoulder. I slowly turn away from his arm. "Umm Dr. Jackson, Mr. Manning wants to see you...", The nurse whispered.

I sigh. "Tell him I'm in the middle of examination... ", I snarled turning back to Aiden. Mr. Manning knows darn well I'm with this child. The nurse tenses up. "But...sir... Mr. Manning... Sa-", I roll my eyes inhaling and exhaling deeply. "Tell him I'm busy....please ", I instructed through clenched teeth. I hate being interrupted, especially at a time like this.

After contemplating the situation. I sighed and nodded glancing at an unconscious Aiden, breathing with the help of an oxygen mask. The nurse; scared to say another word, scurried off. I glance up at Terry; another nurse who was tampering with the heart monitor. "Terry... I need you to finish this for me..", I said gesturing towards the knife in my hand. She nods and rushes over.

I thank her and turn to walk away. "If anything goes wrong, I want you guys to call me ASAP! Okay? ", I asked sternly. They all nod. I hesitate before walking away. That boy needs to live, and I plan on making that possible. On the other hand, nothing is ever certain. I make my way through the halls, stripping myself of my protective clothing. When I finally reach Mr. Manning's office, I lubricate my hand's with Sanitizer, before entering.

"You wanted to talk sir...", I said taking a seat. He nods. "I'm going t pop cut to the chase here Jackson... I'm asking Ravi to take over I-", I shake my head. "Wait what?!", I exclaimed, holding my hand to my face. Mr. Manning sighs. "I just don't need you getting to close to this one...I know how you are and-", "Too close! I care about every single one of my patients! I don't know what you call it but it's called compassion, that boy needs me....I can help him...", I felt the sting of threatening up coming tears.

Mr. Manning rubs his face. "I think you should call it a night...", He breathed glancing at me. "No disrespect sir but I'm going to walk back into the operation room and save that boys life...And I swear if I see Ravi he's not going to leave happily... ", I threatened standing from the chair. "Jackson I hate to do this but...if you will your job...", He said hesitantly.

I stop at the door. "You wouldn't do that...", I whispered. "Michael... go home you have a little girl waiting there... ", A tear falls from my face as I opened the door. "I never walk away from a patient no matter what. It feels like a dagger twisting in my heart. I can't help Aiden. Maybe it's a sign? As I'm walking past the operation room, I stop and glance at the door. I can't see the inside but I still can see him on the table, his body holding on to life.

I quickly turn and continue to my office. When I enter, I take no time in calling home; I want to here my girl's voices right now. After two rings someone answers the phone.

*"Hello, Jackson residence... ",

"Umm, Hey Bill..."

"What's up Mikey Bear? ",

-sighs- "Bill..."

"Okay Okay that was the last time candy man...Okay now I'm done, why are you calling so early? ",

"I was called out of a operation... Mr. Manning thinks I need to go home..."

"Damn...What the Hell did you do?",

"Care too much...look I don't want to talk about it...where's my girl's?"

"Umm... Last time I checked they were out getting dinner...that wasn't a little over thirty minutes ago...",

"Oh Okay... Can you come get me?"

"Of course! Do you want enchiladas and queso dipped baked chips?",

"Hmm... terrible combination... but Yes...that would be nice...thanks Bill.. "

"No problem... hang in there I'll be there in 15...",


I sigh deeply and slip my phone into my coat. I am still saddened by Mr. Manning's decision. But maybe it's for the best. I sit in my office for almost twenty minutes before Bill, comes through the door of my office. " ya feelin'?", I rub my face. "Famished.... and frustrated... can we go?", I asked grabbing my files.

"Are you Okay though?", He asked taking the rest of my belongings. I look at the ceiling. "I don't know...I just want to be home...", Taking notice of my agitation, Bill nods and escorts me out of the building and out to the SUV. The ride home was agonizing, I wished Bill could just hyper drive through the traffic, not to mention the smell of Mexican was teasing my empty stomach.

After a long forty-five minute drive, we finally arrived at the estate. Bill helps me out, assisting me with my files and other belongings. I thank him and grabbed the food. As we approached the front, we were met by worried Olivia and smiling Sadie. Olivia jobs to me, wrapping her arms around me tightly. "Are you Okay? ", She whispered breaking the hug. I nod and glance at Bill.

He shrugs innocently. " I'm Okay... just hungry...I misdeeds you two..", Said smiling as Sadie approached us. "I'm so glad you're home!", She exclaimed, separating Olivia and I as she jumped in my arm's. I chuckle squeezing her. "Daddy missed you too...", I whispered, feeling another round of threatening tears.

Sadie slowly hopes down glancing at me confused. "You said daddy?... Michael why are you crying?...", I kneel down to her level and look into her beautiful blue eyes. "Because I love and missed you...You are my little girl...M-My daughter... ", I choked out. Sadie blushes. "Awe...Really? ", I nod. She sighs happily.

"I have a father... ", She gawked. Sadie turns to Olivia as I stand. "And hopefully a mother...",  She said hugging Olivia. Olivia giggles and glances at me. "That's up to your father here...", She teased, winking at me. I blush looking away. "Well sorry to interrupt your family time, but this crap is heavy!", Bill exclaimed stumbling to the door. We all laugh and turn to the house...

To Be Continued...

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