Chapter 11

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Anger and resitment perfectly depicts my emotions right now. They stroll in an hour and a half late. The smell of stale beer instantly took hold of the room. I am surprised no one scringed at the foul smell.  All eye's were fastened on them as they took their seat. Ryan leans in my side. "I think we got this in the bag", He whispered. I refrained from smiling. That may seem true but I know to not get my hopes up.

An official went to grab the judge. I also let the official take Sadie out of the room. As we wait for the judge to return, I fiddled with my finger's. I wanted so badly to get a good grip on both their necks. David gives me a smug smile which quickly turned into a smirk as Michelle whispered into his ear. Michelle turns her gaze towards me. "Hello Michael,  Or should I say Dr. Jackson? ", She chuckled out.

I roll my eye's at her childish ignorance. "Dr. Jackson would do just fine Ms. Humfrey", Ryan replied sincerely. She nods and continues staring at me. I tear away from her stare. After another moments wait, the judge emerged from behind the silver door. Everyone heads quickly turned.  He gave us a small smile and gestured for us to stand. We quickly abide.

He takes his seat and motion's for us to do the same. After everyone was seated the meeting began. "As you all know the meeting was set to start two hours ago...", He trailed off giving a side glance to David and Michelle. Michelle fakes an innocent smile before responding. "Your honor I live pretty far from him David and I also had a little problem in traffic", "I can smell that, Moving on wards, Mr. Jackson, Miss. Humfrey and Mr. Bradwell, We are here for one purpose and one purpose only, I have heard Mr. Jackson's testimony and to be fair I will forgive your tardiness and hear you all's ", He said gesturing for them to talk.

Michelle looks at me and stands up. She fiddles with her nude colored blouse and pressed on her knee length skirt. After a moment she began. "Your honor, And the rest of the court, I would first like to ask how many of you have children?", Ryan quickly shoots up out of his chair. "Your honor that is irrelevant-", "Mr. Williams please take your seat and let her continue ", Ryan sighs deeply and obeys.

Michelle smiles. "Well for those who have children, you know what it feels like to work hard to do what's right for them, And as a single mother it was very hard, I love Sadie I really do and I knew she needed a father,figure so after a while of dating David I allowed him in to be that, And if I am wrong for that then I will not apologize, Dr. Jackson may have a PhD in medicine but not in raising a child! For God's sake he's only twenty three! I-", The judge raises his hand.

She instantly stops. He looks at David. "Would you like to say anything Mr. Bradwell? ", Ryan looks up at Michelle. He smirks then stands up nodding. "Look your honor, That little girl has grown on me in so many Ways", I grit my teeth.  His word's like a screeching whale in my ear. "She has helped me find pleasure in life", He said glancing at me winking.

What the hell!?!  Has he been sexually abusing her too? I quickly stand up. "Your honor I'm sorry I cannot sit here and listen to these people lie! He doesn't give a damn about Sadie! He's the one abusing her! Pig! ", The judge glares at me. "Mr. Jackson I will not allow that profain language in my court! Sit down!", I shoot David a dirty look.

I slowly take my seat. "Now I would be a fool not to see into these claims from Mr.  Jackson,  Can we bring in the child? ", The officer standing beside the door nods and disappears behind it. When he emerges with a nervous Sadie my heart rate increased. I want to so badly hold her and tell her things will be OK, that no one will hurt her. But I can't all I can do is hope she tell's the truth.

The judge gives her a small smile and motion's for her to come over. She shyly walks over to him. She looks straight at Michelle and David. The fear in her eye's killed me. I could feel it from where I sat. The judge stands up and gestures for her to take his seat. She moves even slower watching the eye's that followed her.  When she was seated the judge asked the question we all waited for. "Sadie sweetie has your mother or David hurt you in any way?", She hesitates before answering....

To Be Continued....

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