Chapter 13

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When we walk back in after recess, His word's replay in my head.

"It's sweet, Really it is that you think you are going to win this case, You know they are not going to keep a child from their mother, Look kid just give up now, You have no choice but to" In some crazy twisted way, he's right. I should give up. I have no experience raising a child.

Ryan must have noticed my mood change because he scribbles something on a notepad and passes it to me. I look at him. "Read it", He whispered looking away. I sigh and look at his chicken scratch of penmanship. It read:

*Michael you have to believe in yourself, Do it for Sadie!  we are rooting for ya! :)*

I smile. That gave me a little boost of assurance that I have a support system.  I am a support system; for Sadie..  We sit for another five minutes before resuming. "Ok recess is over, I hope everyone had enough time to breathe and clear mind's?  If we can let's start this and hopefully finish this",

I'm still a little squirmish. I know that at this point I can't say anything that hasn't already been said. The judgegestures for me to stand. I slowly stand up. "Mr. Jackson, Tell me why you chose to adopt Sadie instead of reporting her parent's? ", I clear my throat. "Well your honor, I know if I was Sadie I wouldn't want to be in the same room as my abusers, I have heard that adoption is a better choice to avoid all of... well this", I said honestly.

He nods. "Well I'm sorry that we didn't fit your expectations Mr. Jackson ", He said nonchalantly. I sigh. "I  didn't mean it that way sir. Not at all", He gestures again for me to sit. I start to sit but stop. "Your honor,  I have one last thing to say", He sighs. "Mr. Jackson I have heard enough I have to go make a decision ", I shake my head in disagreement.

"Your honor when I was young, I was taught to stand up for what I thought was right, Right now I'm standing up for what I know is right. I may be only twenty three, But who is anyone to say that I know nothing about raising a child? I know what a child needs I deal with them in a hospital, Love, care, food, clothes... the list goes on. Before you make your decision please look over everything said please ",

The entire time I talked, The judge just stared at me. I have hope. Just a little bit about his choice. I hope he listebe. I hope he heard me. He breaks our stare and walks out. I take my seat. "Who the hell does he think he is? Maya Angelou?! So pathetic! ", David spats leaning back in his chair.

"Right , You know Michael, you should definitely try out for acting, you're not bad!", Michelle chimed in. I roll my eye's. "What cats got your tongue?  Oops you haven't had that in awhile huh, I bet she was hot huh? Sadie showed me a picture, Damn you had a fine one!", David said smirking. That's it! I quickly shoot up and stomp over to him.

"Look you asshole I have had enough! Don't you ever talk about her like that! Dirty fucking pig!", I said pointing in his face. Ryan hopes up and pulls me away. "Michael calm down! ", David keeps his devilish smirk.

"She must've been a screamer, That Amber....Fine piece of meat" Sorry Michelle but she still has nothing on you", He said kissing her cheek. Michelle huffs. I tear away from Ryan. David quickly stands up. "Awe look at Mikey oops doctor Mikey all angry,  Look I was just telling the truth Am-", I let my fist press against his left cheekbone.

He groans backing up. "Son of a bitch!", He groans. Michelle runs to his side trying to aid him. I shake out my hand and return to my sit. Ryan is still standing shocked looking at David. After five minutes David returns to his seat with Michelle still trying to aid him. He glares at me. Suddenly the door opens.

We all look over at the door. The judge walks in with a notepad in his hand. "All rise!", A nearby officer commands. We all abide. He takes a long pause. He sighs then speaks. "By the law vested in me, I hereby give custody to Mr. Jackson ", My jaw drops. David and Michelle look at the job crazily. "What!?!", Michelle yells. "You can't take my baby!!", She continues yelling before being escorted out by and officer along with a ranting David.

I look at Ryan and hug him tightly. "Thank-you, Thank-you so much", Suddenly Sadie runs in and jumps into my arm's. "Michael!!", I smile And hug her tightly swinging her bavk and forth. She pulls back. "Is it true?", I nod feeling tears roll from my cheeks. She smiles and wipes them.  "Finally I have a home, Thank-you Michael ", I am speechless so I just nod and hug her. I have finally rescued my damsel...

To Be Continued...

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