Chapter 19

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*"Bill how is Sadie?"

"Michael she's fine...we're downstairs watching a movie... ",

"I hope it's not a scary movie... you know She has nightmares..."

"Michael... stop worrying I have everything under control... you know I have two grown children of my own..",

"I know... I'm sorry...."

"Don't apologize.. just relax and Have fun..alright? ",

"okay.. thanks Bill..."

"No problem... bye now...",

"Bill wait! "

"Yes Michael?.. ",

"Remember to give her , her plush purple elephant.. miss Tibbs okay? "

"Bye Michael... "*

Bill hangs up. I'm so nervous right now. I am having second thoughts. First I leave Sadie alone without me. Yes she has Bill but it's weird knowing she isn't in my proximity. Second I'm going on a date. I haven't been on one in year's. This is a lot for me to take in.

I just pulled until the parking lot of Chili's. Looking around, I feel a bit over dressed. I groan out loud. Can this night get any worse? My question was answered when I stepped out the car and closed the door. That's when it hit me I almost forgot the flower's. I quickly open the car door only to find five torn and smashed Lily's. I curse myself And check my watch. I'm almost 15 minutes late. I quickly grab the messy flower's and close the door rushing towards the restaurant.

Just as I was walking in I catch Olivia standing to walk out. I sigh and quickly jog over to Her calling her name. "Olivia! Wait! I'm here!", I yelled jogging up to her. Besides crazy glances from people in the restaurant, I didn't really notice the fact that the girl I called wasn't Olivia. "Uhh... do I know you?", The woman asked looking a bit creeped out. I shake my head. "I thought you were someone else... sorry ", I apologized scanning the restaurant. Suddenly my cellphone starts vibrating. I walk away from the woman and answer.


"Michael? Michael where are you?",

"Uhh I'm at the restaurant... Sorry I'm late... ",

"Well...I don't see you...are you sure you're here at El Juasico? ",

"...El Juasico? "

"Yes...I sent you a voicemail..didn't you get it?",

"No...Sadie... She told me you changed it from movie's to Chili's.. "

"No...I changed it to El Juasico... you told me you liked Mexican.. "

"Oh God.... Sadie...Look I'll be there in a few...",

"Uhh actually I left...We can reschedule? ",


"Okay I'll call you tomorrow and let you know... ",

"Alright.... I'm so sorry Olivia...",

"It's better be lucky that you're cute..otherwise there wouldn't be a reschedule... ",

"Ha-ha thanks... how about you just call me tonight?.. ",

"Oh okay... I just thought you would be busy and all..",

"No...I'm a night hawk... ",

"Ha-ha. cute and funny! I like that...well call you tonight Michael... ",

"Okay... "



I let out a long sigh of relief. Glad she's giving me another chance. But what's really bothering me is the fact that Sadie might have lied to me. I can't believe it. She wouldn't do that...Would she?

"Bill I'm home!!", I exclaimed throwing my key's on the kitchen counter. He doesn't reply. "Bill!!", I exclaimed walking into the living room. My eyes fall on the sweetest sight. Bill and Sadie sleeping on the couch. He's in a sitting position while she's laying vertical of the sofa with a blanket over her and missed Tibbs. I chuckle to myself and grab a blanket from the love seat because to me and cover Bill with it.

I then slowly tip-toe out. "Michael? Is that you ", A sleepy Sadie called. I turn to her. "Yes, it's me", "How was your date", "Umm it was okay ...Now go back to sleep, we'll talk in the morning... ", She nods and closes her eyes. I slowly turn back around and continue tip-toeing out. When I reach my room I instantly shed Off my clothing leaving myself in boxers.

I search my drawers for pajamas. Once I was all dressed I placed my clothes on my arm chair and plopped onto my bed. I'm sad about missing our first date but at least I have another chance. While waiting for her call, I begin to ponder on the situation with Sadie maybe lying. I wouldn't be able to handle that. But it'll wait till morning...

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