Chapter 5

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I've talked to any and everyone who would listen at the adoption agency. They say the same thing "We have to talk to the parents and investigate first sir ", That makes no sense! She gets abused and you want to talk to the people who do it to her!? I hate the system. I want to save her but everyone is making a big deal about trying to.

Today's Sadie's last day at the hospital. I'm saddened by the fact that my failed attempt to help her out is going to affect her most. I feel so  hopeless. I have begged and pleaded with my supervisor to let her stay a little longer. He agreed for two more day's so I can figure out something. Now that those two extra days are up she has to leave. There isn't enough room to keep especially if there isn't anything really wrong with her.

The saddest thing has to be the fact that her mother and some man only came to see her once. Only once! What kind of crap is that?! The way they came up here would have made you think they were fugitives getting ready to flee the country. They stayed for two minutes just to find out if she was ready or not. Once they found out she wasn't they left. I knew then I have to keep Sadie here or think of something and quick.

I make my way to Mr.Manning's office. He has been a great help.

As I'm walking through I see them. The devil's themselves. Sometimes I wonder why God allows people like them to exist in the world. I know I shouldn't question him but I just wonder.I quickly take a turn to the other side of the hall. I land near a empty examination room. I slip inside and looked around for something I can hide myself with. I rummaged around till I came upon a surgical mask and bonnet. I quickly put them on their designated area's and slipped back out. I looked around the hall to see if they were still there. I didn't see them so I scurried across the hall into the hallway that led to Sadie's room.

I know I'm basically running against time. I have to hurry and get her out of here. I look at every door for room 102. 97,99,99,100,103..., I curse myself. I hate when I'm rushing because I can barely think. I back up to Sadie's door. With no time to spare because I hear voices I have to act quickly. I slowly open Sadie's door and slid in. I see Sadie.  She's sound asleep. Which will make this harder on me. I sigh. Sadie? Sadie sweety it's Michael I need you to wake up, I said walking to her. She doesn't budge.

I look at her mini table connected to the bed. Dammit! they just had to give it to her now!, I look at the empty bottles of sedatives. Knowing that she's not waking up I pull her covers back. She groans softly shifting a little. I locate a two good spots, one on her lower neck and the other under her leg's where they fold. I use these to spots to help me lift her easily. I pick her up and bent down and grabbed her bag next to her hospital bed and made my way out. I just hope luck is on my side. I hear her mother's voice come closer.I swear they are behind me.

I walk further down the hall. Making sure I'm going the opposite way of them. I hear a door open and close. So I pick up my speed. It's a little difficult considering I'm carrying a seven year old child. She maybe small but she's heavy. While I thought I didn't notice Mr.Manning walking towards me. Next thing I knew I almost drop Sadie and Mr.Manning is sitting on the ground look completely dishoveled. I flash him a quick smile. Heey Mr.Manning, I said slowly. He glares at me then looks at Sadie. "Jackson what are you doing with that child? ",I look at Sadie then him.

Uhh you didn't know... uhh... I uhh have to take her to cafeteria... yeah yeah the cafeteria, He looks at me clearly unconvinced. "The cafeteria? ", Uh-huh, I said nodding.  "And you're not trying to hide her somewhere or anything?", Pssh! Whaaat me hide her?!  Mr.Manning you are too funny but look I have to go... Glenda has that pudding special today in the cafeteria you know I can't miss that!, He stares at me a little while longer before moving out of my way. I don't move for awhile. Once I seen he wasn't stopping me I slowly walked past. His eye's never leaving mine. I turn to continue walking before he stopped me.

"Michael? ", I slowly turned around looking from him to Sadie.  I slowly looked back at him. Yes sir?,  He rubs his face. "You know you can get yourself in a lot of trouble son... right? ", Yes sir.... I do, "hmm", But sir.... she's worth it, He looks at her. "Go I'll hold them off ", I smile widely. Thank-you sir thank-you sir!  sooo much, He smiles. "yeah yeah don't say I've never done anything for you,  Now go and hurry and please be careful ", I nod and quickly started back on my way. I'm going to take care of you say Sadie... I promise...

To Be Continued....

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