Family Life

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Yesterday was definitely different. My brother went off to train with King Kai and I am now being entered into a cooking competition.

I went into the kitchen to start making some recipes to see what I really wanted to make for the cooking competition. Should I do a dessert? Or a Etree? Or should I go full out on a upscale dinner...

I was trying to wrap my head around everything and figure out where I am going with it.

A ring of the door bell and there was the mail. I went to go grab the mail, got it, and realized there was a big package that was addressed to me.

I opened it and there was a big packet for that cooking competition? There it was a rule book and a chef's coat, also a letter from Mr. Satan.


I already registered you, this is your coat thingy and the rule book for the competition.

Good luck!
Mr. Satan

Thanks, Mr. Satan...

I unfolded the chef's coat. It was a white chef's coat with my name in gold lettering. This was my first professional chef's coat.

Then I heard my phone ring in my pocket. Who could that be?


"Hello, Katarina." I heard a male voice from the other end.

"Vegeta? Huh, you don't really call me much. What made you want to call me?"

"I'm on vacation and I needed to talk to someone that somewhat understands me. Cliche I know."

I gave a light laugh and blushed. "So, you decided to call me while you are on your family vacation." I then thought about it. Bulma would probably drag Vegeta to every store imaginable. "Ok, now I see why you called me... so, what do you want to talk about?"

"Well, I once I get back from this stupid vacation I want to train. I was wondering if you want to train to. You seem like the only training partner that's even worth training with."

I smirked, blushed, and just thought about what he just said. Ever since we stopped dating, we became best friends. Vegeta really trusts me, and I glad he does.

"Sure, I'd love to. Hey, I got some news."

"What is it? What happened now?"

"Mr. Satan signed me up for a culinary competition."

"That martial arts faker just signed you up for a food competition? So I guess you will have no time to train."

"No, I will train with you, I can cook in my sleep. Don't worry."

I heard Vegeta chuckle a little. "I'm not worrying. Those chefs won't even know what hit them. You will knock them out for sure."

I laughed a little bit after Vegeta said that.

"I don't knock them out physically, Vegeta. It's a food competition."

"So, you will still blow them away with your cooking skills."

"Thanks, Vegeta. So, what have you guys been doing?"

I suddenly heard a lot of loud music and people chanting.

"This stupid flame show that's going on." I then heard Vegeta curse under his breath and I could hear all the people next to him.

"I hate it here, Katarina."

"I hear you. You seem like you are in a gigantic group of people at a concert."

Suddenly I heard people trying to take someone somewhere. Then Vegeta yelled, almost making me deaf. My ears were ringing after hearing Vegeta's scream.

"Are you still there, Katarina?"

"Yeah... I think... my ear is still ringing from your deafening scream."

"Oh... that. I got sick and tired about that stupid crowd of humans. So, up for some training?"

I thought about it for a moment. I could train with Vegeta. I had some time.

"Sure! Let me get my Gi on and I will be off." I said as went into my room. 

"I'll be there in a few, Vegeta."

"In a few what?"

"Minutes, Vegeta."

"Good. See you."

"Yep, I'll see you soon." I said and he hung up.  I got dressed in my training gi. It was different being in my training gear again. I haven't trained since the last time we trained. Which was awhile ago. I instant transmissioned to outside the training ship thingy, waiting for Vegeta.

"Hey Vegeta!" He smirked once I said that.

"Now that you're here, let's train." He said as he opened the training pod thingy. We walked inside, Vegeta closed the pod and where were now in a room of red light.

"Let's see if you can handle this amount of gravity." Vegeta said as he set it to a very high number. I could feel my whole body ache. My body felt like I was made entirely out of lead. My muscles seemed to scream out in pain under all this pressure.

"Ready, go!" And the lasers started flying everywhere. I kept dodging them but my body felt the effects.

"Try.. to.. keep... up!" Vegeta yelled as we kept dodging all of these lasers. I felt like I could hardly breathe because of all of this pressure. I gasped for air every time I jumped into the air.

"Move faster, Katarina! I know you can do better!" Vegeta quickly said as I kept dodging. I whimpered in pain every time I landed, my muscles on fire.

I kept running, jumping, and dodging while Vegeta kept yelling at me to do better, though he felt the effects of this pressure too.

"Vegeta, what if this is too much for us!?"

"Then you aren't strong enough."

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