Tempral Do-Over

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I had that little blue guy in my vines and Vegeta was about to use his Galactic Gun.

Suddenly Goku, as powered up as he could, went in for a full power Kamehameha grazing on the top of the Earth. Frieza was now gone.

Goku ran over to me and gave me a hug. I was really puzzled at first, but, I guess Goku had his reasons. I looked back at my vines and the little blue guy was gone.

"Aw, that little blue guy was gone before I could make him truly pay. What a shame..." I said and Vegeta started looking for the little blue guy.

"And Goku, why did you have to be such a glory hog?"

"Well, let's just say what I did there saved both of your lives and the whole Earth."

What was he talking about?

Suddenly Whis was right next to me, giving me a hug. I thought this was quite strange, but it felt good.

"Katarina, you did wonderful out there. You truly did show your worth on the battle field. I'm proud of you, Lady Katarina." He told me as he held me in his arms. I blushed and smiled. Whis ment it, he was truly proud of me.

Once it turned nightfall, we had a feast to celebrate an amazing victory against Frieza. Whis told me all about what happened, especially the tempral do-over. I   finally understood why Goku,at that moment, had to defeat Frieza right then and there. We just didn't have time.

Suddenly Trunks and Goten showed up, giving me a hug as well.

"You two are a bit huggy this evening, hmm?"

"We are just glad you were okay." They said in unison and I smiled.

"Of course I'll be okay, I have a job to protect you all as the Saiyan Guardian. As well as Trunks' God mother and your aunt, Goten. I care for you both, very much." I said as I hugged them both. Then they went and ran to the buffet that just set up.

I then saw Vegeta right on the balcony, with a big bowl of freshly made ramen, looking at the stars.

"What are you doing, Vegeta?"

"Nothing really, why?"

"I was just wondering, because it's pretty random that you are just out here with a bowl of ramen and just staring up into space." Vegeta smirked and Goku came over with a bowl full of ramen.

"Ready to get back to more training, Vegeta?"

"Of course I am, I bet Katarina is too." Vegeta said and I smiled. Vegeta and Goku were definitely getting to be better friends. It was great that they were becoming friends. Maybe if they keep this up, the next time there is a big threat they will work together.

The next day we were back in Beerus' planet training again. Whis today trained me separately from the boys. He wanted me to open up more possibilities with my Saiyan Guardian powers.

"Okay, Lady Katarina. Today we are going to try and make you even more comfortable with your guardian power with the addition of your staff." He said as he pulled the hair pin out of my hair and handed it to me.

A staff? That is my pin, not a staff.

"I'm confused, Whis?"

"What about, my dear?"

"You said a staff. This is my Guardian pin, not a staff."

Whis laughed his little laugh and then pointed at my pin.

"Katarina, this pin will turn into a staff when needed. Try thinking about it as a staff and it should turn into one." Whis said as I looked at my pin. It was a beautiful pin with pearls and diamonds. I thought about it being a staff and it magically turned into one. The staff was pure silver, the end like the end of my pin, and the tip went to a point like Whis' staff.

"You did it! Look at it, it's a beautiful silver." He said as he took it out of my hand. He held onto it for a bit and inspected it. He seemed quite pleased with it, then he gave it back to me.

"We will be working on channeling the energy into it, as well as using it in battle."

"How does it turn back into a hair pin?"

"Just mentally think of it as a pin and it should go back to normal." Whis simply said, while I looked at him. I thought of my staff as a pin and it shrunk and changed back into my pin.

"Now it should be time to train with the boys. I've got a treat for all of you today." Whis said in a surprisingly good mood as I transformed out of my Guardian form.

"When you say treat, It's not always... well, good for the boys and I." I said and he laughed his little laugh.

"Well, if you don't train so hard you won't get results, right?"

"I guess so, but we aren't work animals."

"You worry too much, Lady Katarina. Besides, if any of you get hurt, you could heal them." Whis said as we walked to courtyard where Beerus, Goku, and Vegeta were eating bowls of ramen.

"Getting your carbs up for our next training exercise, I see." Whis commented and I smiled along with him.

"Whis, when I want a comment from you about my eating habits, I'll ask for it." Beerus said as he finished off his bowl of ramen.

"Anyway, Lady and Gentlemen, I have a surprise for you today." Whis said as his staff appeared and he tapped it on the ground.

Suddenly, the boys and I were in heavy suits that made us look like sumo wrestlers.  They were very heavy. I felt like I was literally hundreds of pounds.

"Well don't these suits look flattering?" I said as I tried to pose in this ridiculously enormous suit that made me look like I was  as wide as a bus. Then I saw Vegeta and Goku in the suits and started laughing.

"What's so funny, Katarina?"

"I just never ever would imagine you looking like that. That's all. I shouldn't laugh." I said and tried to stop laughing but I couldn't bring myself to stop.

I don't know why it struck me funny, because I don't make fun of people, but it just made me laugh.

"Are we done laughing, Lady Katarina?" Whis said and I silenced as best as could.

"Can I ask you a serious question about these? Why are we in these suits that make us look like we gained like two hundred pounds of fat?" I asked and Whis smiled.

"These are special heavy suits that will be helpful in strength training. Now, do as many pushups with your thumbs everyone. No feet touching the ground at all."

"Are you trying to kill us?" I said as I set up my stance.

"Not at all, I'm just training you." Whis said as he went up in the air and set up a place to drink tea while we trained.

Sometimes, Whis can be such a jerk.

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