An Ultimate Entrance

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I walked around, hoping either Vegeta or Goku, or both come to the party. Chi-Chi was already cranky because Goku hasn't shown up, basically for bingo. I was just hoping Bulma wouldn't freak out more than she has. With a drink in hand, I walked to a lounge chair and relaxed with my eyes closed.

"Vegeta, I see you finally came." I said and I sensed Vegeta came, and probably sat on the chair next to me. He didn't respond. As I took a sip of my drink, I relaxed a little more, yet I was kinda wondering what Vegeta was thinking.

"Vegeta! You finally came! Come on, why don't we go make a big entrance?" I opened my eyes and saw her trying to get Vegeta up from the chair, but he refused. She huffed and walked away. Suddenly Vegeta shot up, shaking. 

"Vegeta? What's wrong?" I asked, kinda worried for him.

" it's nothing, Katarina." He got up and walked away. Something was definitely not right. Time for some spying.

I starting to walk around the ship, trying to find Vegeta. I found him punching a wall, making a terrible dent in the wall. I hid my energy as I watched him without him seeing me.

I watched as Vegeta seemed to go crazy, but I saw something too. A purple creature would come out, then disappear. What was happening?

Suddenly the purple cat came out of nowhere. Beside him was a tall person with white hair that came up and looked like acrylic paint brush. I then looked for Vegeta, he couldn't move at all. He looked helpless being on the ground like that. I had to do something. I took my royal blue hair pin out of my hair, something I got not too long ago, and held it in my hand. I breathed slowly, trying to build courage to talk to them, using my hair pin for some support. Moving it around in my hands.

"Vegeta? Please tell me you're not doing push ups..." Bulma said as she just walked casually over.

"Go away!!" Vegeta screamed.

"That is not how to talk to a lady, Prince Vegeta." The cat said and the blue person started talking.

"Where are our gentlemanly manners. I'm Whis, and this here is Lord Beerus. We came from space and saw Vegeta and  had to come and visit." The blue guy said, which Bulma greeted both of them with open arms. They came my way, which I hid to make sure they wouldn't see me.

Whis turned his head and saw me, he smiled warmly and I blushed a little. He continued to walk as he passed where I was.

I then saw Vegeta, he was shaking after it all. What did Lord Beerus and Whis do to him?


"Katarina?! What are you... why are you here?"

"Don't try to protect me as if I am some fragile woman. Tell me what was going on."

"It's nothing, Katarina."

"Vegeta, I just saw you unable to get up until those two left. Are they a threat?"

Vegeta slowly exhaled. "Not right now. Whis really isn't one I'm worried about. It's Beerus, he is a god of destruction. If he gets mad, it will be the end of the Earth." I stood there in shock, then Vegeta snapped me out of it.

"It's okay, Katarina. Besides, you can help me make sure Beerus stays happy. You are a very positive person, you will be perfect." He told me and I nodded.

"Now, go. Enjoy yourself a little and keep an eye on those two." I nodded and I went back to the party. Bulma introduced Beerus and Whis to everyone, where everyone was happy to greet them.

After the warm welcome, Whis came over to me.

"Where were my manners back there, miss. I looked at you and didn't even speak a word to you. My name is Whis." He bowed slightly.

"I'm Akari."

"Akari? That name sounds familiar. Are you possibly Goku's sister? Aren't you also known as Katarina?"

"Yes, I am Goku's sister, and my Saiyan name is Katarina. Vegeta usually calls me that. You may call me whichever name you like." I said, smiling warmly.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Lady Katarina. You are quite different from other Saiyans I have met."I blushed a little. I have never been treated much like a lady before.

"Lady Katarina, you're turning red, are you okay?" Whis asked me.

"Oh, yeah, I'm alright. No need to worry." I said as I probably blushed harder. Whis smiled at me, that smile was so warm.

"Katarina? What are you doing?" Vegeta snuck up on me, which made me jump. Whis was puzzled.

"What are you doing, Vegeta? I'm alright."

"I just saw you turn red, it's not alright."

"Vegeta, you don't have to be overprotective of me. I'm not your girl anymore, I'm your best friend. You have Bulma." I whispered and then walked away, which in turn made Whis follow me for some odd reason.

"Do you have any relation to Prince Vegeta?" Whis asked which made me blush again.

"Yeah, in the past, but he is just my best friend now." I said as went over to a table to sit down. Whis followed me there to. Why did he follow me?

"Oh Whis! Aren't you coming?" Beerus called and Whis replied back.

"I'll see you later, Lady Katarina." Whis said as he slightly bowed and walked away.
I don't know what it was about him, but he made me blush, a lot.

"Katarina, why did you just leave me like that?" Vegeta asked as he sat down next to me.

"I wanted to sit down. Besides, I don't need people pestering me." I said as I put my hair back up in a bun with my blue hairpin. Vegeta then must have remembered something because he ran with a plate full of appetizers. Beerus has Vegeta on edge, I could totally tell.  Suddenly I could see a gigantic octopus thrown into the air and blasted my Vegeta's Galic Gun. Then I saw Vegeta with one arm of the octopus, throws it at the guy at the vender, puts on a apron, and starts filling the metal pans with liquid.

Honestly, I didn't know Vegeta could really cook. I showed him how once... but this surprised me.

"I guess my cooking lesson payed off after all, Vegeta." I said and just kept concentrating on his cooking. He looked funny cooking with such concentration, but he won't mess it up if he keeps that much of an eye on what he is cooking.

"ALL PUDDING CUPS ARE BUU'S!!!" Buu yelled loudly at Beerus, which he started to have a purple aura around him. He then commenced with beating up Buu, as if he were nothing. Vegeta jumped out of the cooking station and watch in horror. He shook as he looked at Beerus.

"Katatrina, this may be the end of our world as we know it." He whispered to me as I looked up at Beerus too.

The Earth may be no more...

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