The Tournament Of The Gods

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I finished my test and I sat at my desk as Vados corrected my test. She went through her answer key and wrote on my test.

"Looks like you passed, Katarina. That means you are elegable for the tournament." Vados said as she smiled at me.

Whis was happy, as well as Beerus. We all were pulled for numbers and I was almost pulled last. The first up was Goku and that  honey bear looking guy.

Goku and the other fighter looked at each other, sizing each other up. The gong sounded and the match began.

Once the match began, the golden guy started bouncing like a rubber ball. Goku was actually quite confused by what was going on. The yellow guy was bouncing like a rubber ball you would find little kids playing with. Goku would keep dodging but he was inching closer to the edge of the ring.

"Be careful, Kakarot! You are almost out of the ring!" Vegeta yelled out as he sat next to me on the gigantic couch.

After Vegeta's warning, Goku got out from the edge and started punching his opponent. The big fighter could hardly budge, he just stood there and each punch was absorbed or from what I could see, being... displaced?

"Why isn't Kakarot's punches hurting him?" Vegeta said as he looked at the fight below.

"It looks like the fat is displacing the punches that Goku throws..."

"Hmm... Hey Kakarot! Why don't you use your head?"

"Good idea, Vegeta!" And Goku started headbutting his opponent.

Why does my brother decide this would make a difference? No clue, but at least he is taking Vegeta's advice. A little more literally, but he is taking advice.

After a few headbutts later, he started dragging the other guy by his feet near the edge of the ring, then knocked him over. Goku won due to a ring out.

We all were glad, except Champa... he started trying to disqualify Goku but he was all legal. Everything he did was all legal, no cheating at all.

"Next up, Opponent Goku will face Opponent Frost!" The announcer said as Goku reset his position. Then he started to spin a yarn about Frost. How he was such a good guy and was a peace keeper.

Though he looked like Frieza, he sure didn't act like it.

He shook Goku's hand like a good sport. He then gave a monologue to our side of the tournament grounds, talking about how he was honored to fight Goku.

Once the Gong rang out, Goku was looking at Frost.

"Okay, no funny buisness. Why don't you just go into your final form now?"

"Final form? What are you talking about?"

"I've delt someone like your kind in our universe before and he kept stalling on his transformations. So I want you to just transform now to save time." Goku said to Frost.

"Alright, I won't hold anything back." And he started screaming, transforming into what resembled Frieza's 3rd form.

"There, here is my final form." He said as we could so call his bluff.

"Cut the nice guy crap, Frost. That isn't your final form." Vegeta said on the sidelines.

"Alright, so you called my bluff. Fine, I'll do it just for my opponent." And he yelled once again, raising his energy and transforming to his final form. This was the form we knew all too well...


"That will work, now let's begin!" Goku said as he started battling Frost. Honestly, Goku was wipeing the floor with him. Frost looked in pretty bad shape once Goku went Super Saiyan.

Frost looked weak, but he tried one last punch. He looked very desperate...

Then I noticed how weird Goku was acting after that attack...

He started staggering, not looking right at all...

Suddenly, Frost kicked Goku out of the ring and he was out cold.

We all were in awe, no one spoke, just all of us looking at our fallen Goku who was not awake. I snapped out of it and started flying down. Chi-Chi ran down and beated me to Goku. She shook Goku awake and she hugged him, relieved Goku was alive.

I came and examined Goku. He seemed okay now, but what made him pass out? He hardly even fought...

"It was a wonderful fight, Goku. I was happy with our battle. I'm actually quite surprised I pulled it off." Frost said as he came to see Goku.

"I'm not sure what really happened, but you beat me." Goku said and Frost held his hand out to help Goku up. The two fighters stood side by side, Frost holding up Goku's arm.

The crowd cheered after Frost's beautiful monologue. I went back to where I sat before and Goku came back after carrying Chi-Chi back to where she was.

Beerus freaked out that Goku lost, but after Champa's teasing, he decided not to freak out. He smiled and draped an arm around Goku and talked about he was fine with him losing, as long as he did his best. Of course I knew Beerus was furious.

Now it was Piccolo's turn.

"Be careful, Piccolo. He isn't that easy." Goku said as Piccolo smirked.

"You must not have faith in me. I get it." He said as he flew off into the ring.

"I'm going to show them that I'm perfectly fine with fighting." He said as he took off his head wrap and weighted shoulder pads and cape.

Once he got all of his stuff off, he held his stance. The bell rang and they started. Piccolo automatically going for his stance for a special beam cannon.

Vegeta beside me scoffed, he knew Piccolo was going to use something like this. He called Piccolo desperate, that he couldn't stack up to the competition anymore. He even muttered that I should have taken Piccolo's place.

I just kept watching, hoping Piccolo would prove Vegeta wrong. Suddenly I saw Jocko sitting beside Vegeta.

"What are you doing here, Jocko?"

"I can't see much down there, Vegeta. So I came up here for a better look." He said as he watched the fight diligantly.

I watched as Piccolo kept dodging and charging up. If Frost breaks Piccolo's concentration, it's all over for the Special Beam Cannon.

Dodge after dodge, Piccolo kept hopping and charging. Suddenly, there was a hit that broke the concentration... it was over, all that energy gone in one fail swoop...

We all knew that the move that just disappeared was the only way Piccolo had a fighting chance.

But without warning, Piccolo wrapped Frost with his arm. The Namekian now laughing at his foe's mistake of letting his guard down.

At that same moment, we saw that Piccolo was able to get that charge back from his "lost" special beam cannon. He was able to charge it back up now that his opponent tied up.

But even though Piccolo looked like he won, he started staggering, like Goku... something was wrong. Suddenly, Frost got out of Piccolo's grip and punched a hole through Piccolo, knocking him out and making Frost the winner.

Goku went over to Krillin and asked him to go to Piccolo with a senzu bean. After Piccolo was on his feet, Jocko came to a very interesting conclusion.

"Announcer, Frost has a weapon on his right arm! He is cheating!"

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