A New World

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"Katarina, it's a surprise to see you here. I haven't seen you in ages." Vegeta said as he saw me. He looked like he had seen a ghost. He took my hand, making sure I was real, and pulled me closer to him.

"We didn't really leave on the best of terms." I said but he quieted me for a moment and hugged me. He gave me a genuine hug. I felt so warm and loved.

"I know" was all he said as kept holding me close. He then let go of me, realizing I had something with me.

"You have?"

"Bento boxes, yes I do." I said as I reached into my bag and pulled out a bento box with his name on it. He looked at the box, looking all excited to receive it. He also saw one for Goku and he picked that one up as well.

Whis came up behind me with a pink apron as well as a blue apron.

"Vegeta, before you and Goku eat, you and Goku still have to change Beerus' sheets on his bed." Whis said as he handed the apron to Vegeta. He didn't really seem phased by it, like wearing a pink, frilly apron was no big deal to him. I was somewhat confused, because he hated his pink shirt at home that said "Badman" on the back.

Vegeta tied the apron around him and went to probably go find Goku.

"Now that we are alone, Lady Katarina, why don't we have some tea and chat a bit." Whis said as he held out his hand for me to take.

I took his hand and we walked through a garden. It was a beautiful garden of pink flowers everywhere like cherry blossoms. The wind would carry some of the beautiful petals. After the wind would stop, the pedals would seem to shower down. This place seemed like something you would take right out of a fairy tale book.
The stone pathway a brilliant offwhite and the green hedges were a vibrant, healthy shade of green. I felt like I was entering a new world filled with mysterious beauty.

"This place is beautiful! These flower petals in the air, the sweet smell all around, and all of these plants look so healthy." I said as we walked hand in hand to a table where it was set up for tea.

Once we got to the table, Whis pulled the chair for me and served me tea.

"So, Lady Katarina, we should start training soon. You have a long way to catch up to your brother and Vegeta." Whis said as he sipped his tea.

"Yeah, I do have to bust my butt now to make sure I don't get left in the dust." I said as I finished my cup.

"Your training is going to be a little different compared to the boys'. You can use magic, and well, when you aren't training physically, I will be training you on your magic abilities as well. We should get starting now, Lady Katarina." He said as he stood up and took my hand.

He took me to the newly trimmed lawn and bowed to me.

"Let's see what I'm working with. Go all out, Lady Katarina."

Go all out? Well... He asked for it. I transformed into my Saiyan Guardian form as I attacked Whis with all I got. He didn't seem too pleased at me. He seemed a little disapointed. I kept sparring, hoping he would be a little bit more happy.

"Alright, stop. I'm quite disappointed in you, Lady Katarina. You just went up to Saiyan Guardian like you needed it. You are using your power like a crutch." Whis said as he made me stop in mid fight.

"I want you to stop using that crutch. Now."

"But how am I suppose to learn more about it or get use to it?"

"Hmm... how am I suppose to explain this... well, you can't make pasta without making the pasta itself. You need to train more without your crutch. You need to train without transforming. You won't get nowhere if you keep using that crutch. The boys haven't even transformed at all. You will never get close to their level in power."

"But I'll never learn if I don't use it."

"You didn't learn magic as much and you are pretty good at it. Though that is another crutch of yours."

"But if it's not used..."

"Lady Katarina, you only need it in you. The magic is essential to you because you are forever bonded with it. But using it a lot makes it a crutch." Whis said as he pushed me down gently.

"Now you need to show me you can actually be worthy of my time, Lady Katarina. Let's catch you up with the boys in one day."

A whole month's worth if training in one day!? Is Whis absolutely insane!? From what Whis has done so far he had trained Vegeta like a puppy.  Vegeta seemed so obedient, and that was weird.

"Come on, let's get started with your training. You have quite a long day ahead of you."

And that's when all Hell broke loose.

Whis started me with a weighted block with wrist cuffs. I had to bend over and lift the block with my arms. The block was immovable.

"I can't move it at all, Whis!"

"You better or you will be cast off in a new dimension forever." Suddenly the purple walkway I was on was disappearing behind me, one big chunk at a time. I lifted it up out of pure fear. I walked as fast I could with the really heavy weight in my arms. After twenty laps around the purple track, I panted. My body was on fire.

"Now let's spar now. No transforming at all." Whis said as he looks at me, waiting for me to spar with him. I was really tired already, I don't even think I can try to spar with Whis. But I couldn't just stop. I needed to do this. I want training, I need it.

"Let's go, Whis." I said and I started sparring, my limbs on fire. He kept going, dodging with ease. I kept going, trying to power through, but I got slower and slower. My head ached, my whole body screaming in pain, and my thoughts clouded.

Suddenly, I saw nothing but darkness and could feel absolutely nothing.

The Super Story of Katarina: The Saiyan GuardianWhere stories live. Discover now