The Great Omni King Cometh

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The glowing light revealed a little guy that was blue and two extremely tall guards.

"Please let us go, Lady Katarina!" Beerus was pleading me and his brother whimpered.

I let them go and they went and bowed to the little guy.

They bowed to him as did Whis and Vados and even the Kais.

"Why did you let me know there was a fight? I didn't give you permission." The little guy said.

"We are sorry Grand Zeno!" Both Gods of destruction said.

"Looks like we may need some some new Gods of Destruction for the 6th and 7th universes." Zeno said and both if the Gods yelped.

"You may be right, Grand Zeno. Beerus' sleep patterns are quite odd. He sleeps forever and when he gets up he is extremely irritable. And we shall not forget how he is always judging cuisine and how much he eats." Whis informs.

"And Champa is no exception to faults either. He simply eats too much and won't start losing weight. He is even disrespectful to me." Vados chimed in.

Beerus and Champa started sweating even more as Zeno looked at the two gods.

"I'm just joking, you two." Zeno said and laughed. The gods seemed a little more relieved, but they were still tense.

"Actually, I came here because I watched this tournament and I would love to have another one with all of the universes. It would be so much fun!" Zeno said.

"I like how you are thinking, Zeno!" Goku chimed in and Beerus gave him the God of Destruction Death Stare. It was only for a mere moment but it was the one stare that if looks could kill, He would have been turned into a smoldering pile if ash.

Champa just looked at Goku, fear and anger in his eyes. Mainly just fear.

Zeno smiled. "Who are you?" His voice like a child's voice.

Goku flew over to Zeno and greeted him. "My name is Goku and I'm a Saiyan of Earth... in Universe 7." Goku said, smiling his innocent smile.

I watched as my brother introduced himself. Hopefully he would not get us in trouble.  Zeno smiled and laughed a little child's laugh. "You are funny, Goku!"

Vegeta rolled his eyes. "Of course... he is a Saiyan fool after all..." he whispered to himself.

Zeno then looked around then looked at me.  "And who is this one? She looks like one of the angels. Come here." He told me and I obeyed.

I looked like an angel? What did that mean? Was it a compliment? Or the clothes I'm wearing... did they look like angelic clothing? I was wearing the clothes Whis gave me, which had similarities to Whis' clothing... But... did that mean?

"What is your name, miss angel?" Zeno snapped me out of my thoughts. I bowed. "I am Akari. I'm the twin sister of Goku of Earth in Universe 7." I said and he let me stand back up.

"You seem so different than Goku and you are very pretty. I bet you look pretty without angel's clothing." I smiled and politely thanked him. He smiled. "You are very nice. I like you. I also like your brother. He is very funny."

"Yeah, he sometimes can be quite funny at times." I smiled warmly and smiles back. "So very pretty and nice and I hope you are strong too!"

I smiled. "I hope you think I am strong too."

He looked me up and down. "Well you must be strong, angels are strong and you are wearing the clothing of one."

I smiled and wasn't sure what to really say. I did get this outfit from Whis, but was that true that this was in fact clothing of an angel?

Whis came over to stand next to me.

"Grand Zeno, Akari is a very kind but also strong individual. Her strength is not only in her power, it is also in her heart." Whis said and Zeno started to walk up to me.

"So that is why she is that clothing, she basically is an angel." I looked over to Whis and he just smiled, then turned back.

"I want a tournament for all the universes! It will be so much fun!" Zeno said as he walked back to his original spot.

"I look forward to it!" Goku yelled and Zeno smiled.

"I look forward for it too, Goku!" And then he said that he was going to hold a tournament at some point and then he vanished as quick as he came.

I looked back at Whis and he looked at me.

"You are an angel?"

"Yes I am, Lady Katarina. I thought you would have connected the dots earlier when Grand Zeno called your clothes angelic."

"So I'm wearing angel clothes."



"If you were unable to participate, we can try to make you at least resemble an angel in a way." Whis said and I was so confused.

"But I don't have blue skin like you and Vados."

"Well of course not, you aren't a being known as an angel, but you have compassion that angels lack. Which in my opinion is quite nice to see." Whis smiled as he looked at me. "All angels think compassion is overrated, but it's nice to see an individual such as yourself be so compassionate and caring that you would do anything for the ones you love."

"Th-thank you, Whis." I was blushing so much now. That compliment really made me turn red. 

"Katarina... stop blushing, you look like a tomato." Vegeta placed his hand on my shoulder and whispered in my ear. I looked at him nervously and he looked at me as if I was doing something wrong. 

I was falling for an angel I guess... and falling very hard. 

I tried to stop but I could feel the stares I was getting and that was not helping at all.

Whis smiled and laughed lightly, which made me get extremely nervous.

"Okay, I think we should actually train for this tournament." Vegeta said as he tried to take me out of this awkward position I was in. 

"YeahsuresoundslikefunVegetawhydon'twedothatverysoon!" I said, my words running into each other as I tried to make a coherent sentence and failed miserably. 

"You are way too stressed, Lady Katarina. Why don't we all go back to Earth so you all can relax." Whis suggested but Beerus had other plans before that. He went to Champa to collect his prize. 

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