The Battles of the Saiyan Prince

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I sat back down, my hands nervously fidgiting...

"Lady Katarina, you don't need to be so nervous. Calm down, please." Whis said to me as he put his hand on my arm.

"You need some tea to shake those nerves." He said as he tapped his staff on the ground and a tea set appeared.

"Tea, Lord Beerus?"

"Sure. You know how I take my tea."

Whis nodded as he started preparing the tea. I took my tea with one sugar and some milk while Beerus took his with three sugar and lots of milk.

Once Whis gave us our respective cups, I started sipping mine. The warm liquid was soothing, but I was still nervous for Vegeta.

"Is that better, Lady Katarina?"

"Yeah, I think it's doing the trick, thank you." I lied as my eyes were now glued to the fight.

Vegeta and Magetta were stuck in a box that was steadily rising in temperature. I could see Vegeta and he was not doing so great... he decided to stay in the air at the corners of the box.

Honestly, that was the worst place to be. Hot air rises, so the temperature up there is hotter than the ground. Vegeta was in a place where it would hurt him most.

I saw the beads of sweat dripping off of Vegeta's face, his expression read that he was enough of this.

"You sorry excuse for a toaster, I am going to make you a bucket of spare parts!"

He went full on Super Saiyan and his scream shattered the barrier. He got so mad his galaic gun shattered the floor of the arena.

We found Vegeta out of the ring... we also saw Magetta out of the ring

Who won? Who lost?

The announcer looked closer at Vegeta's foot.

"Contestant Vegeta is still in bounds. He is the winner!"

We all celebrated as Vegeta just won this round. Magetta sat up and once it found Vegeta, it cowered in fear. It started to cry and ran back to where Lord Champa was.

"Poor Magetta got his feelings hurt by Vegeta's strong words." The announcer said as Vegeta came back up to where we were.

Whis stood up and had to help repair the stage with Vados. Vegeta sat right next to me.

"I was worried about you out there." I said and Vegeta looked at me.


"Of course. You literally could have died from asphyxiation the way you handled that."

"Well, I didn't die."

"Thank goodness."

I sipped my tea as I watched Whis and Vados fix the tournament floor.

"So, you will be facing that Saiyan boy next." I said and Vegeta nodded, but he was staring at that boy I was talking about.

"Don't do anything to hurt him. He seems too innocent in all of this."

"Don't tell me how to fight, Katarina. I know what I have to do. I don't tell you how to fight your fights." Vegeta got exasperated with me and got up to stand at the edge of the platform.

"Vegeta. I'm just saying that because you sometimes get out of hand."

"So you still think of me as that monster you feared so long ago? One that has no clue what it's like to really have people care about you?"

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