The Fate Of The World

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The world may be gone all because of Buu...

Suddenly many of the Z-Fighters started fighting Lord Beerus. First it was Gotenks, the fusion of Goten and Trunks. That definitely didn't work...

Then there was 18, Tien, and even Piccolo, each swatted away as if they were flies. Suddenly Gohan went all ultimate or whatever that was called, and starts trying to hit Beerus. At the same time, Buu came back to try to hit Beerus. The destroyer god simply flung Buu around like a sack of potatoes and hit Gohan in the process.

Everyone was now scared out of their wits to even challenge the god.

Even I was...

"Vegeta, is this the end?" I asked him, he didn't even reply.

"I'm not going to stand here like some coward any longer." I said finally and stepped out in front. Vegeta tried to grab my arm, but I refused.

"So, all of these so called men are going to let a girl defend them? Pathetic..." Beerus said as I looked up at him. I didn't care about this anymore, he was being a nuisance to this party and he needed to leave. He hurt every one of my friends... each and every one of them... one way or another.

"Lord Beerus, you don't know who you are even messing with. I'm a Super Saiyan, a meer female Saiyan that when she gets mad, she gets fearous. You should never judge a book by it's cover, because those inner pages count a lot more than that cover." I monologued and powered up.

"Let's just say, you will never expect me." I suddenly used my vine spell to tie him up and slam him into the ground.

"Hit me with your best shot, sweetie." And I threw him into the sea.

"That was quite different, Lady Katarina." Whis said as he sat at the sushi stand. Beerus then came back up from out of the water.

"You are definitely different." He whispered to himself and he froze me right there.

"You're not the only one that can hold their opponents still with a impressive move." And he kept me still. I mentally did a spell of invisibility, he stopped holding me there in shock and I punched him right in the face. Once he realized I was there I transported out of harm's way.

He then found me again, grabbed me by the throat, choaking me as my spell wore off. I was gasping for air, watching my friends seem to fade as my vision blurred.

"Why don't you try more of your cheap and pathetic magic again, you pathetic being." Beerus spit in my face as he said that phrase to me.

"Why don't... you... stop...?" I asked, I kept gasping for air.

"I think that is quite enough, Lord Beerus. Lady Katarina doesn't deserve to be choaked to death. Let her go, she is a good girl at heart." Whis said at the sushi counter. Suddenly I felt no claws around my throat, I was falling.

I then felt someone's strong arms around me, gently setting me down to the ground.

"Beerus, why are you so unfair." Vegeta said under his breath. I could hardly see anything, I closed my eyes, waiting for my breathing to be normal.

"I don't care if you are a friend of my husband, you ruined my birthday party over a stupid pudding cup." I then heard a slapping sound. Must have been Bulma and her signature slap.

Then I heard it again, except it was louder.

"What did you do? What did you do Beerus? You hit my best friend, and now, what did you do to my BULMA!!!!" Vegeta yelled, I felt his energy sky rocket.

"Mark my words, Lord Beerus, you are going to pay for what you have done." I finally opened my eyes, my vision clear again.

I watched as Vegeta fought with Beerus, going blow for blow. He then used his signature Galaic Gun. Beerus was now pretty mad.

"That was about as pathetic as that female Saiyan. That just shows you aren't a Super Saiyan God. I guess I'll just have to destroy this planet." He said making a purple ball appear, Whis right beside him with two sushi boxes.

"It would be quite a shame to blow this place up. Your cuisine is so wonderous." Beerus licked his lips.

"That's right, Mr. Lord Beerus sir. Our food is quite delicious. At that's not even all of our food this planet can offer." Bulma told Beerus, which he agreed to leave this planet alone for now.

"But I enjoy a game of Rock, Paper, Scissors. Hey, Piggy? Why don't you play me? You seem to be related to that pink blob. This game will decide the fate of this planet."

"I ain't even related to him at all!" Oolong, the pig, says as he doesn't want the fate of the world of in his hands.

"If you won't play, then I'll just blow up this planet."

Gohan and Yamcha tried make Oolong at least try to save the world from utter destruction.

"Ok, I'll do it!" Oolong finally said and now began the biggest Rock, Paper, Scissors match ever.

"Rock,Paper, Scissors, Throw!" The both said and threw out a sign.

They... tied...

"How can this be? Did you by chance do it a second late?" Beerus said all confused. They both held out scissors.

"There is no way, plus, if I did I wouldn't make it a tie." Oolong stated and Beerus agreed.

"Alright, it can never be a tie. Let's try again."

They went on saying the phrase over again. Which resulted in another tie, both throwing scissors.

"If this keeps being a tie, Beerus will surely get mad and just blow up the Earth anyway." Piccolo whispered quietly.

Piccolo was right, Beerus would surely get frustrated and decide this game is stupid and blow up the Earth. So we need to hope that Oolong wins.

"I'm feeling good about this one!" Oolong yells as they finally thought about it more.

"Rock, Paper, Scissors, Throw!" And they throw a sign.

Oolong had scissors, and Beerus with rock.

He... lost...

"Oolong, you idiot! Since when do you throw the same sign three times in a row?!?!" Puar exploded and started scratching at Oolong's face.

"Puar, that isn't going to matter now." Yamcha said, trying to reason with Puar.

"Well, it's all Oolong's fault!" Puar exclaimed.

"Now, your planet is now going to be no more." He raise a purple ball into the air.

Was this the end?

"Beerus! Please, wait!" A familiar voice yelled out. It was my knucklehead brother, Goku. Everyone celebrated as he showed up.

"So, have you found the Super Saiyan God?" Beerus asked and Goku shook his head.

"But if you spare the Earth for just this one second, I can ask someone who may know."

"How are going to get that person?" Vegeta questioned, thinking that Goku is insane.

"I am going to ask Shenron. Boys, did you find the dragon balls here on the ship?"

"Yeah, that's the grand prize in the bingo tournament." Trunks said, Goten backing him up.

"Oh, I can never trust you boys. That was suppose to be a secret." Bulma interrupted.

"Could I possibly use them, please?" Goku begged.

"Sure, if you can possibly get this party crasher out of here."

"Geez, Bulma. Remember, Beerus is a God of Destruction, give him some respect."

"I'm waiting!" Beerus said as he still had the glowing ball of death still in his hands.

"Please can you spare the Earth, I can try to find that Saiyan God guy for you. Please? Super Saiyan please?" Goku begged.

"Fine..." And the ball of purple death was no longer there.

"I'm only giving you a little bit of time. Make this fast."

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