We Will Hang On Till The End of The World

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Goku kept battling the newly Golden Frieza. The battle would go on and on Goku kicking Frieza, then Frieza punching him back. It was vicious and endless cycle. Vegeta was getting quite mad about how Goku was acting and how he was basically hogging all the fun.

"Whenever we get a turn, we can work together, since I'll be taking him down and that means you won't really get a turn." Vegeta said to me as we watched Goku' s battle.

"You will let me fight with you?"

"Of course, you have trained a lot and you would be a worthy partner for this battle, just let me lead."

"Why should I do that?"

"Because, I've had a lot more training than you."

"So you are worried Frieza would kill me?"

Vegeta went silent after, he must think that Frieza would kill me. I couldn't even get up to the Saiyan God level because of my Saiyan Guardian level.

"How come I can't transform like Goku and Vegeta to that Saiyan God form, Whis?"

"Katarina, that is what the Saiyan Guardian form is all about. You cannot go up to those forms, it's probably impossible to get up to that level because of your Saiyan Guardian level." Whis said as he refilled my tea cup.

"But I don't think it should be impossible. If I'm suppose help Saiyans, why can't I rise to new levels?" I put my head in my hands, I was getting so exasperated.

"Lady Katarina, if anyone can figure out how to achieve new hights, it's you. There is no need to push yourself too hard."

"Why do you say that? Is it because you have over trained me to the point I passed out?"

"I just don't want you to get hurt again, Katarina. I hate to see you put yourself down because you can't reach the power hights your brother and Vegeta can." Whis said and then he fell silent. This was the most emotion I've seen out of Whis. Did he actually have feelings for me?

"Katarina, you mean a lot to me. I wouldn't want anything bad happening to you. You are my best friend after all." He said to me as we watched Goku battling Frieza.

Suddenly, Frieza was able to strike Goku down, creating a crater in the Earth. Goku was now in quite a predicament, but I started to notice Frieza's lack of breath sometimes and his power level dropping in intervals. I think Vegeta was noticing that too as Goku finally got out of the hole he was in.

"Looks like you will be backed into a corner soon, Frieza." Vegeta said, now making Frieza smirk.

"And why would that be, Vegeta?"

Then Goku started to notice too and he smirked. "Oh I see now."

"Then let us have our turn now, Kakarot!"

"Oh come on, Vegeta. It's just because you understand what's going on too. Give me just a little more time, please?!"

"Why don't you too monkeys stop bickering and one of you just fight me! I've waited ten years to exact my revenge and I'm not letting this stupid feud between you monkeys ruin it for me!" Frieza said and that's when Vegeta let Goku have a little more time with Frieza.

Vegeta cursed under his breath as he watched the battle start up again. Goku and Frieza were once again at it, both of them fighting with all their might. Frieza was losing, now on the ground.

Goku was granting him mercy, but Frieza didn't want any part of that. Goku let his guard down... And then he was shot with a laser through his chest.

Tears fell as I saw my brother fall, Frieza just played dirty. He started putting his foot on my brother's chest, grinding any dirt on his foot into his wound. That little blue guy just shot my brother.

Oh, that little nat was going to be sent straight to Hell!

Vegeta must have felt my rage inside. He told me to go and attack Frieza.

"You just got a one way ticket to Hell, Frieza. I'm not going to be so nice with you. I'll make you pay for what you have caused us. I will rip you apart like a wild animal, leaving no trace of you or your little blue commander that looks like a urinal cake. I'm tired of fooling around, I'm coming for you!" I said as I transformed into my Guardian form. I screamed at the top of my lungs and became Super Saiyan. I kept climbing up to new heights, my power still raising.

"It's time for you to meet your worst nightmare, Frieza. And her name is Akari!" I said and now I felt a new energy I never experienced before in my Saiyan Guardian form.

"Lady Katarina! You are now Super Saiyan 2 in that Guardian form!" Whis yelled from the sidelines. Hmm... Super Saiyan 2 in my Guardian form? This was going to be fun punching Frieza like a punching bag.

I punched Frieza off of Goku and that sent him flying. I then I went to Goku, my tears still streaming down my face.

"Akari... woah, you look different."

"Yeah, it's Saiyan Guardian with a Super Saiyan 2 flair." Goku smiled as he looked up at me.

"I knew you could push yourself enough to reach new hights. Akari, give him a good fight." And Goku fainted out of exhaustion. I healed Goku, Vegeta picking him up and bringing him to Bulma and the others. Vegeta then joined me in a battle with the horrible "Emperor" of space.

I punched Frieza in the face a few hundred times and then kicked him over to now the newly blue haired Vegeta. He wasn't going to give him mercy at all. We kept beating him up left and right and he was now in the deep crater that he put Goku in. He was now his final form self and he was throwing his fists down as if he was a little kid throwing a tantrum.

"How could I lose to a couple of monkeys!? I am Lord Frieza! I am suppose to be the emperor of this whole universe. I am suppose to wipe the floor with you dirty monkeys!" He yelled as he kept punching the rock on the ground.

I saw that little blue guy try to sneak and try to kill us with that laser and I just picked him up with my vines. 

"You little blue pipsqueak, you are not going to kill me or Vegeta here. I suggest you drop the laser ring or I will stomp your big nose into your funny-looking face and maybe drown you in the bottom of the ocean." I said, my mercy gone for this creature. He was scared now, but I wasn't going to let him go.

"I am suppose to rule you, you repulsive Saiyan Monkeys!" Frieza said and Vegeta was about to use his Galactic Gun.

Suddenly Frieza blew his attack down onto the ground, causing all of us to see complete white.

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