When The Tournament ends...

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Monaka looked at all of us as if we were crazy people.

"I want to see you fight and you are up, Monaka!" Goku cheerfully said.

Beerus was in a bundle of nerves and quite steamed about what happened between Hit and Goku.

"Are you alright, my Lord?" Whis asked, looking at Beerus.

"... Just peachy, Whis..."

"Oh you shouldn't be nervous, your greatest fighter is going to be fighting next."

Beerus talked under his breath. "Do you want to keep your tongue, Whis?"

Whis of course lightly laughed it off so they wouldn't be so suspicious.

I sat next to Whis and I kept rubbing my aching head. Whis patted my back to comfort me.

"You will be ok, Lady Katarina. Just take it easy." He smiled and kept his hand on my back to comfort me.

"How long was I out for?"

"Quite awhile, but nothing that would be worth the worry." He said as Vegeta came over, a smirk on his face.

"How is my training partner?"

"A bit shaken and in a bit of daze."

"Oh you have been though a lot worse."

"If you say so, Vegeta."

"Trust me, You have been thought a lot worse."

I rolled my eyes quickly and then turned to Whis who was just watching the battle that was about to begin.

"Your friends got worried, but Goku and Vegeta had faith you would wake up." Whis said as he kept his eyes glued to the battle.

"You are important to them, Lady Katarina. And they never want you to forget that."

I smiled. The words were warm and comforting. I was glad to hear those words. I didn't feel like a failure.

"I still can't believe you lost, Kakarot..." Vegeta said under his breath. "Now we can only sit on the sidelines..."

I swallowed hard at Vegeta's cynical attitude. I wasn't much help either... was Vegeta mad at me too?

Vegeta looked at me for a moment and gave me a forgiving glance then glued his eyes on the battle that was about to start.

"Katarina, let's just hope this red midgit knows what he is doing..." was all he said.

I looked over at Monaka and he looked like he was at his wits end. His chicken-like legs were shaking and his eyes were as big as saucers.

This guy was not a fighter.

"Whis, Vegeta, that fighter. He is too green."


"He is inexper-" and Whis placed a hand over my mouth.

"That's what green means?"

I shrugged. Being "too green" means you are inexperenced. A young tree is green, so that's where the term came from? I think...

Whis kept his hand on my mouth and checked to make sure no one grew suspicious before he removed it.

"Just be glad I didn't lick your hand." I said with a chuckle and Whis gave me an odd look.

"What? I was just joking."

"Katarina, I think you are right, he is green."

"No, he is red, Vegeta." Goku said as he looked back at us.

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