Battling Like A Saiyan

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"Are you okay, Lady Katarina?" Whis said as I was crying.

The thoughts of Majin Vegeta, I saw them because Vegeta is acting like this now...

"Lady Katarina? Please answer me." Whis said, now sounding concerned.

How could Vegeta do this? He is going to almost kill that boy...

Wait... if he kills the boy, he will be disqualified. So, in that case, he wouldn't want to get disqualified. He would rather be carried out of the arena in a stretcher than get disqualified. Then again... what if he didn't care...

"Lady Katarina, are you ok?" Whis said, his voice sounding even more concerned.

"What's up, Whis? Sis? What's wrong?" Goku said as he sat beside me.

What if Vegeta does kill Cabba? But what gain would he get from it? Nothing I could see...

"Akari, please speak, we are concerned about you." Goku said as he put a hand on my shoulder.

"Oh, sorry." I said, wiping my tears from my face and saw a concerned Goku to my left and a concerned and puzzled Whis to my right.  "I guess I just got lost in my thoughts a bit."

"Why were you crying?"

"It's nothing."

"Nothing? I doubt it."

Whis knew I was lying.

"Majin Vegeta... that's what I was crying about."

"Majin Vegeta?"

"A few years ago, when Buu was a enemy, Vegeta gave himself up to Babidi to get a boost in power. All he cared about is trying to defeat Goku. Now he does care a lot more than he did..."

"Vegeta? Giving himself up? That sounds unlikely."

"We all thought so too, but it happened."

Whis then refilled my tea cup and gave it to me.

"Lady Katarina, you've known Vegeta for a long time. Don't you trust him?"

"Of course I do, but, there was so many times where he betrayed my trust."

"Still, you are friends with him. You have told me that he is important to you."

"He is..."

I then looked at the situation with a different point of view.


"Stop being so soft and fight back you pathetic excuse for a Saiyan!" Vegeta yelled and Cabba cried, yelling at the top of his lungs. Suddenly I saw Cabba's black hair turn blond.

"He is training him." I said at the realization and the tears stopped. A smile crept on my face.

He wasn't trying to kill Cabba, he was trying to teach him how to become a Super Saiyan.

"Training him? Why would he do that?" Whis asked.

"Think about it this way, Cabba still has his home planet unlike Vegeta. I think Vegeta wants to teach how to become a Super Saiyan so the Saiyans can protect their home unlike the Saiyans of our universe."

I was now fixed on Cabba, his energy was higher than ever before, but Vegeta had the upper hand.

"This is what you call a Super Saiyan. Remember that anger and feeling that you have in this form. With this form, you can protect your home." Vegeta said as if he was talking to a student.

"Wow." Was all Cabba said as he looked at his hands and the aura around him. Then he set his sights on Vegeta and started throwing punches. Vegeta dodged them easily and he was able to stop him.

"That's not the only level of Super Saiyan." And he then powered up.

"This is Super Saiyan beyond Super Saiyan God. We call it Super Saiyan Blue." And he smirked as he used his speed to knock the young Saiyan out of the ring and out cold. As soon as the announcer told us Vegeta was the winner, I flew down to check on Cabba.

"Are you ok, Cabba?"

He opened his eyes as if he fell asleep and nodded.

"Yeah,I'm ok."

Then Vegeta walked over to me and tugged my collar.


"Had you worried, huh."

"You know me too well." He smirked as I helped Cabba up.

"Thank you, Vegeta, sir. Thank you for teaching me this technique."

"Just remember that anger and your pride play a key role in being a strong Saiyan, especially a Super Saiyan." Vegeta said as he walked away and back onto the arena floor.

"Also, protect your planet. With that technique, you should be able to protect it." Vegeta said, looking back then continuing forward.

"Next time we battle, I'll be stronger!" Cabba yelled out. In that moment alone, he reminded me of both Goku and Vegeta and how they love a good battle.

Then Cabba looked at me.

"Thank you for helping me up." He said as he bowed to me. I smiled.

"No problem, Cabba. It's the least I can do as a Saiyan Guardian." Then he smiled.

"You are a wonderful Guardian, Miss Katarina, or should I call you Miss Akari? Vegeta calls you Katarina but others call you Akari."

"Katarina is my Saiyan name, and since we are both Saiyans, you may use that name to call me by." I said as I smiled brightly at him.

"Alright, Miss Katarina. I hope are paths cross again in the future." He bowed.

"I feel like they will eventually." I said as I bowed.

Once we returned to our respective sides, the next battle was announced.

"Our next battle is Vegeta Vs. Hit!"

"Well, now we are getting into some interesting battles." Vegeta said as he adjusted his gloves.

I was actually becoming extremely worried for Vegeta. As they said, he is an assassin that never misses his target...

I just hope Hit does actually miss his target. Vegeta does not need to die again.

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