Chapter 2

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The next day, a Sunday, Rose had found herself out in the main courtyard. Most of the upper class students were likely out and about at Hogsmeade, the small village not too far from the school. The lower classmen were all getting last minute homework done as very few scurried about the halls. Rose sat underneath one of the trees within the courtyard, sketching in the afternoon sunlight. Though, today was warmer than the previous day.

"Good afternoon, Symphony," a coy voice caught the girl's ear. "Draco," Rose greeted back with a smirk, not bothering to look up from her artwork. The young Malfoy had come from around the tree to greet her. In truth, Rose had hidden herself in the corner, hard for anyone to find unless you just so happened to be standing at just the right angle. How he had found her was beyond her. "Drawing again, I see," Malfoy observed, looking over her shoulder. "When am I not?" She replied, still rather focused. "When you're with that foul rat you call a pet," Malfoy chuckled. Rose just rolled her eyes, finally looking away from her masterpiece.

Malfoy had no fears of hiding his feelings for the girl before him. The two would usually snicker insults back and forth to each other before he would soon end up trying his best to flirt with the girl. Though Malfoy was charming in his own way, he had become more so in Rose's presence. And for some strange reason, he insisted calling her by her first name instead of her last name like he usually did with everyone else. Though he had made his interest known, he had never fully asked her out on a date.

Today, the young Malfoy was feeling generous. He, like Harry, had been planning to make his intentions known to her. He had thoroughly planned his actions through. Though he was nervous, he was determined to win her heart. Though not a Slytherin, she was one of the few young witches that his father tolerated and respected; for she had left a stunning first impression on his father.

Malfoy knew all the girl's interests and planned to use them to his advantage. Rose loved Magical Beasts and Dragons. So what better than to get her something related to such things? Granted, she had grown up around the beasts all her life. Her mother raised Thunderbirds in North America as her father had worked with dragons.

Rose had turned her eyes up to look into Malfoy's grey eyes. They held so much confidence, as per usual, as they gazed softly down upon her. "So, how'd you find me? I thought I was hidden for the most part," Rose smiled. "I know you and how you think. Why wouldn't I find you here?" Malfoy smirked back. Rose giggled, "I guess you're right." Malfoy leaned against the tree trunk as he continued to hold the girl's gaze.

"Is there a reason you sought me out?" Rose asked. "Crabbe and Goyle were getting on my nerves. Besides, I could do with a bit of your sassiness today," Malfoy huffed. Rose paused. Usually when something was on the young Malfoy's mind, he made up excuses to come by and pester her. "Would you like to tell me what's on your mind?" Rose almost whispered. Malfoy held his breath for a moment before letting it go, deciding to finally sit beside the girl on the ground.

Malfoy normally forgot that the Hufflepuff girl beside him always saw pass his mask. She was honestly like a breath of fresh air. She wasn't someone expecting him to be anyone than other who he was. He didn't have to be a proud and boastful Slytherin. He didn't have to be his father's perfect son. He didn't have to be a loyal follower of Lord Voldemort. He could truly relax and be himself.

But Malfoy soon remembered, that this time he couldn't tell her what was wrong. He was, in fact, a Death Eater now; like his father. He sighed, keeping his gaze on the ground, "I wish I could tell you this time. But, my father-" He didn't know how to go about this. Rose just smiled before placing her head on his shoulder, "If you can't, then don't. I hope that I can do enough just by keeping you company." A tender smile formed on the boy's lips. Rose always knew what to say.

They sat in silence for a little while, watching the leaves flutter to the ground when the gentle wind blew. Rose had lifted her head off the boy's shoulder once she felt like he had been comforted. Malfoy's heart was beginning to race as he knew that he the other students would soon be heading back to the castle.

"Symphony?" Malfoy spoke up. "Yes?" Rose asked, turning to look up into his eyes once again. He paused, admiring her shimmering blue eyes before he looked down to reach into his robe pockets. "Well, I wanted to give you something," Malfoy gave the girl a smile. "I don't need anything, Draco," Rose gave a smile. "No. You've done so much for me. I can actually be a human being around you. I can be myself," Malfoy replied a bit embarrassed. He dug around in his pocket a moment more before he found what he was looking for. "My father collects Magical artifacts and gave me one before I left this year. He said it doesn't work. But I think it's rather elegant," He explained before opening his hand to reveal, not just any piece of jewelry, but a Time Turner.

The Time Turner was its usual stunning gold with two rings surrounding the circle holding the small hourglass. However, the sands in this Time Turner weren't just gold, but also had vibrant blues and greens. On the outer ring, the words 'Wings of Time forever flow as long as Truth of Heart of one does Know' where engraved. It wasn't the typical Time Turner, and Rose couldn't help but marvel at its beauty.

"Draco... It's beautiful," Rose examined the Time Turner in her palm, "I couldn't." "I have no use for it. Besides, it would look much better around your neck than it would mine," Malfoy insisted, "And, the sand within it is said to be that of a ground up dragon scale. I thought of you when I learned that." Rose didn't know what to say as she could only give a smile. "May I?" Malfoy asked, still holding the chain. The girl nodded as they both got to their feet, patting off the grass and dirt that might have stuck to their clothes. Rose giggled before handing him the necklace and facing him. Malfoy gently smiled as he laced the Time Turner delicately over the girl's head to hang elegantly around her neck.

"Thank you so much, Draco. It's beautiful," Rose lightly blushed. Malfoy just smiled before noticing someone, more like three some ones, had been watching from a distance. Rose didn't much notice, considering she was admiring her new necklace. Malfoy shifted on his feet before he realized that the girl before him was unaware of the wondering eyes. "I know you're busy, but maybe you could meet me tomorrow morning before our first class? Your usual spot, in the courtyard?" Malfoy asked a bit more serious, "I have something I need to tell you."

Rose glanced up at the boy, the slightest bit confused, "Why can't you tell me now?" Malfoy looked behind the girl before turning his gaze down to the ground, "We have an audience. I'd rather tell you when it's just the two of us." Rose didn't have to turn around to know that Harry, Ron, and Hermione where the audience Malfoy was referring to. So the girl simply nodded with a smile, "I'll be there." Malfoy said nothing more before he sauntered off without so much as saying a goodbye. But Rose knew better as she knew he was putting up his mask again.

The Hufflepuff girl smiled down to her necklace before gathering her sketch book and heading towards the halls. She had just stepped onto the solid pavement as the three Gryffindors approached her. "Rose!" That was Harry. "Hey, guys," Rose smiled, pretending like she knew nothing about them seeing her with Malfoy. "Was Malfoy bothering you again?" Harry quickly asked. Rose just shook her head, a light smile on her face, "Harry, Draco has never bothered me sense our fourth year. We were just talking."

"How can Malfoy not annoy the living daylights out of you? I mean, he's caused us nothing but trouble!" Ron asked, completely bewildered by the response. Rose let out a small huff. She knew no one besides her, within their friend group, liked Malfoy. But she knew the truth, which she promised to keep secret due to Malfoy wanting to keep the rep he had going. "Ron has a point, Sym. He has been nothing but trouble for us," Hermione supported the redhead. "Look, I understand you see him as the bad guy. But I know there's good in Draco and believe it or not, he's my friend. Now if you excuse me," Rose defended before walking briskly around them to head to the Hufflepuff common room. "Rose!" Harry called out. But Hermione had held him back from going after the girl. Rose didn't bother to glance back.

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