Chapter 36

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The five of them, plus Dougal and the baby Occamy, made their way down into the confines of Newt's case. Tina and Queenie had immediately taken to the wonder of the magical world within itself once they had entered. Jacob had gone to take Dougal to his hanging nest as Newt had gone to take Tina to put the last baby Occamy back into its rightful nest with the others.

    Rose had gone to check her creatures, mainly Sweetie and Ravi, when Queenie had come up to her, "Whose Harry? Harry Potter?" Rose had momentarily forgot that Queenie could read minds. "He's a good friend of mine," Rose quickly replied. "He's very close to you... but, what about Newt?" Queenie asked, seeming very concerned. "I don't see Harry like that. He's more of the brother I never got to have," Rose replied, not turning to the other witch as she busied herself with making up the cot. However, she couldn't help her mind from wondering to Rolf.

    "Rolf... Rolf Scamander. You mistook Newt for him earlier," Queenie continued. "No," Rose denied. "But what about Newt?" Queenie asked again. "You know as well as I do that Newt and I were never supposed to be... He needs a woman who will keep him straight and in this time. Someone who won't take his heart and shatter it," Rose snapped, turning to walk past Queenie and out of the shed. Queenie knew Rose was upset and that she loved Newt. But the moment Rose passed, she caught a name she never knew would come to be: Porpentina Scamander.

    Queenie had felt Rose's intentions not to get involved, but her heart was breaking. She knew Rose's words had also rung true; Newt's heart would be shattered by her hands. Rose's emotions of longing, sorrow, and fear were so strong she, herself, almost broke down in tears. But it was the fact that Rose was beginning to see things that worried Queenie the most. She would have said something, but she feared if she said anything more, Rose might have shut them all out completely.

    Rose had swiftly made her way out of the shed as she quickly spotted Newt. He was standing between her and Frank's enclosure space talking to Pickett and Phlox, who sat upon his hand in a begrudging manner. "I wasn't going to let them take her. I'd rather cut off my hand than let anyone take Rose away. Not after everything we've been through together. Now, come on, give me a smile. Give me-" However, both Bowtruckles blew him a raspberry. "Alright," Newt sighed, "now that is beneath both of you." "Now that brings back memories," Rose gave a small smile, taking both the little twig creatures from her best friend. Newt couldn't help but chuckle, "That's all Phlox would give me after we had become friends."

    Rose just gave a smile before she turned to retreat further into the case; most likely to coddle Isibindi for a few minutes. Newt was originally going to go after her, but Queenie had called his attention, "So, how did you two meet?" Though Queenie already knew the story, she had to begin to steer Newt away from Rose and towards her sister; for it had been Rose's wish.

    While Queenie talked with Newt, Rose had, in fact, gone to see Isibindi. The giant cat creature was sprawled lazily out upon his lounging rock as he slept peacefully. Rose just sat down beside the magnificent beast as she simply stroked his fur. This was something she often did when her mind would run on overdrive to calm her nerves and mind. She was terrified of going mad. So, she would ease her mind as she would sit and give attention to one or more of her creatures. It was soothing and calm and it kept her focused on nothing but them.

    Isibindi purred in satisfaction as it soothed Rose's anxiety about the entire day's events. She had momentarily forgot she had only but an hour or so of sleep. Granted, she had wanted out of Newt's case to stretch her legs that morning, but never would she thought she'd meet Newt's future wife, sister-in-law, and possibly brother-in-law, run the length of New York almost four different times, almost meet their death, and face the world's magic power figures all in one night... all while searching for Newt's creatures.

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