Chapter 37

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Jacob had said a small goodbye as he had backed out into the rain. Everyone had cried, but none more so than Queenie and Newt. Queenie had gone out into the rain to give Jacob a kiss goodbye. Bur right after, the four wizards would be gone and he'd open his eyes to be just a tad bit confused as to why he was standing out in the pouring rain.

    Only a day would pass as Newt would come up with the idea to give Jacob the pure, silver Occamy egg shells; only by slipping them to Jacob after 'accidentally' running into him. Newt felt responsible for getting Jacob involved but also was grateful to have made a friend. As a thank you, Newt wished Jacob well on perusing his dreams of opening his bakery.

    Rose had spent time with both Queenie and Tina while Newt had been out to run into Jacob one last time. The girls had simply talked and got to know each other a little more before it would be time for her and Newt to leave. As much as she didn't want to say goodbye, she had a nagging feeling she'd never see the two of them again. Once Newt had returned, Queenie had broke down in tears yet again; so much so that the two Hufflepuffs were hardly able to make it out the door.

    Tina had escorted the two of them down to the docks as Queenie remained home, knowing she would only break down again. Once near the docks, Rose would slip down into Newt's case after giving Tina one last goodbye. It would be quite some time until Newt would open the case again. Newt would say goodbye to Tina, his conflicting feelings taking hold of him, as he promised he would return once his book was complete. He'd then load onto the fairy without so much as a glance back, but only slightly hesitate.

    Rose would sleep on the cot, with her creatures, soundly as Newt would catch up on his rest within the room he had booked for the three day long trip back to London. The first day had been spent resting, not only for the wizards, but for Newt's creatures; they had been through so much. The second day was spent taking extra care of the creatures as Newt silently mourned Frank's departure. Newt was happy Frank was released and successfully rehabilitated, but he couldn't help but miss the Thunderbird. The third and final day, however, was spent with one another; while also cuddling a creature or two.

    "You look exhausted," Newt spoke up, catching Rose yawn for about the sixth time within the course of thirty minutes. He had been writing as Rose had been reading; the both of them enjoying the other's company. "You're one to talk, darling," Rose smiled, glancing up from her book. Newt couldn't help but bite his lower lip nervously, "I'm sorry if I put you into any rough situations... Are you sure you're alright?" Rose just giggled, placing her book down, realizing she wasn't going to able to finish her book any time soon, "Yes, I'm fine, Newton, I promise. Believe it or not, it wasn't the first time I've been hit with that particular spell. And I honestly don't mind the wild adventure. It was the most excitement I've had in years."

    Newt furrowed his brow, "What was that spell Grindelwald hit you with?" Rose sat up, taking a deep breath before answering, "The Cruciatus curse." Newt turned away from his work completely, processing what Rose had just told him, "The Cruciatus curse... as in, one of the three unforgivable curses?" "The torture curse... yes," Rose nodded, lowering her gaze to her hands within her lap.

    "It was your father, wasn't it?" Newt asked, being gentle about the subject. Rose shook her head, "Surprisingly no. My father only used the Imperius curse on my siblings... I always managed to fight it." Newt bit his lip again as he sighed, he knew he shouldn't, but he asked anyway, "Who did cast that curse upon you?" Rose shook her head, she knew Bellatrix was very much alive at this time, though she was much younger.

    But after a few moments of silence, Rose answered honestly, "A witch who is loyal to the dark wizard who killed my friend, Harry's, parents... before I met you, this particular dark wizard would always manage to show up in one way or another. He's strictly made it a point to come after Harry and end his life; though none of us are still sure why he's so set on doing so. As young as we were, we learned to defend ourselves, fight for our lives... his most loyal follower managed to catch me during our last encounter and... and tortured me."

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