Chapter 12

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The next few days had been absolute heaven for Newt. He had his best friend with him for the holidays as his family couldn't have felt more alive as well. Rose had definitely had a certain something to make the holiday special. However, Newt couldn't exactly name what it was. He knew his father would be out away on business, as always. He guessed having Rose here made up for it. It wouldn't be the same boring catching up nor would their time be spent being dull.

There was never a dull moment with Rose. Newt learned more and more about her with each day that passed. Not to mention his brother acting as if he were in Hogwarts again, pulling pranks by trying to hook him up with Rose. Though it bothered Newt a little, it reminded him of how great his brother really was. He was doing what he thought was just, and something specifically for him. Newt couldn't be completely annoyed with that reasoning. But thank Merlin Rose had, somehow, remained oblivious to the attempts. Mrs. Scamander, on the other hand, couldn't help but notice how polite and 'wife-material' Rose was. Rose had admitted to making her own clothes, helped cook and clean, was motherly towards her creatures, and even how she took care of Newt. It warmed her heart to say the least.

When Theseus or their mother wasn't around, Rose and Newt would spend time with the creatures. Rose had managed to train the baby Niffler quite well as Newt was trying his best to figure out how Sweetie was genetically brought up. Of course, on some mornings or afternoons, Newt would take Rose flying on one of the Hippogriffs.

Newt had led Rose up into the loft of the barn, above where the Hippogriffs slept in their pens. The loft was a place that Newt would come to escape his family when he was younger, and at the moment, he couldn't think of a better place than to spend some one on one time with his friend. Of course, they wouldn't be completely alone. Rose had felt the need to bring the little Niffler along, or Glister as Rose had named him. Not that Newt could blame her. Not to mention Phlox had also been sticking to him like glue sense they had arrived; so they wouldn't, in fact, be all alone.

"So this is your secret hiding place?" Rose glanced around, a smile upon her lips. Newt gave a smile of his own, "The only one that's warm enough to visit." Rose giggled, as it was snowing quite heavily outside, "Well, I definitely glad you chose to show me this one then." The Niffler had poked its head out of Rose's small bag looking around at the new place. "Why Glister?" Newt wondered. "Glister means shine. Nifflers like shiny things... why not name him Glister?" Rose thought back, "I can't just call him, The Niffler. I mean I could but that would just be cruel. He needs a name." Newt just smile.

"While we're on my creatures, I think Phlox has found herself a better human tree," Rose observed, trying to hold back a giggle. Newt looked down to the little twig poking out of his coat pocket, "I think her previous human tree became a mother of four and is taking care of a younger one." Rose couldn't help but giggle at that as she thought out her next comeback, "Sense this human tree was her mother, what is this other human tree to her?" Newt couldn't help but blush at the question, just as Rose was hoping for. But she surprisingly found that Newt held his gaze, "Her... f-father?"

Rose had stepped closer, a smirk on her lips, "I would hope so." Newt smiled again, this time turning his gaze to the floor, "Phlox will always be your creature." "My creatures are your creatures. Well, except Ravi. He makes his own decisions on who he wants to be around," Rose rambled. Newt just couldn't help but beam, looking back up to the girl. "Besides, who's going to help me look after this little guy when he gets older? He's not going to be obedient forever. He will go through a teenage phase," the girl pointed to the wad of fluff in her bag. Newt was bursting at the seams with happiness, "I would be honored. When I get creatures of my own, just know they will be yours as well."

Rose blushed, suddenly finding her feet interesting. Newt walked up to the blushing girl, his nerves beginning to act up again, "I-I want to thank you, Rose." The girl's head shot up, suddenly finding Newt directly in front of her. Newt had almost stopped breathing. Their lips were mere inches away from the others. Both their heart began to pound in their chests. "Thank me for what?" Rose whispered, clutching the strap of her bag. "For being my friend," Newt lowly replied, almost whispering. Rose smiled, "Of course. But why wouldn't I be?" "Well there are many reasons why you wouldn't be," Newt shrugged. Rose hummed, a smile still on her lips, "But there are so many more reasons why I would."

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