Chapter 40

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This chapter contains a smut/lemon. If you are not one for smuts/lemons, please skip the content. There will be breaks before and after the said scene so you know where the scene begin and ends.

I apologize in advance, this is my first posted smut/lemon that has and will remain up. I hope it's alright for those who plan on reading the entire chapter.

Again, the smut/lemon is for PLOT PURPOSES ONLY. It's not in this chapter just for the hell of it.


It had been the first time Newt had heard Rose say those words to him. It had made his heart soar.

'I love you'

He couldn't exactly describe how he felt in that moment. Overjoyed, relieved, as if he were the luckiest man in the world. Newt couldn't stop himself for bringing her into a kiss that had revealed all of his feelings and love he harbored for her. The best part was, she hadn't denied him, but, in turn, returned his feelings and emotions.

Newt had looped an arm around Rose's frame to bring her closer than he had ever dared to before. With her flush against his body, the kisses became more than needy, they were desperate; desperate to hold onto what time they had left with one another. Of course, before they became too lost within one another, Rose had pulled away. Newt had been momentarily confused, trying to catch his breath all the while, before the woman had simply smirked and began to back away from him. It hadn't registered that she wanted him to follow until she had pulled on his untied bowtie with a soft tug.

He gave a light chuckle, following her simple demand before coming back up to her to find her lips once again. This time, the kisses became more sensual; full of nothing more than raw passion. Rose had simply led her love around the couch and had begun to back towards the only bed in the room; being that neither of their eyes were open, neither of them were too sure how close or far their destination currently was. As the couple began to inch across the room, their fingers had found the buttons and buckles that kept their garments fastened. A tug here or there, the material had slipped from their being and disguarded onto the floor without a second thought.

It hadn't been until Rose's full and bare breasts had been pushed up against his chest that Newt became fully aware of what they were doing. He had pulled away momentarily to glance down, but only into Rose's deep blue eyes. They were filled with love, understanding, and longing. He didn't have to ask if she wanted this. That answer was clear; as almost as if the two were silently agreeing on their desire. It was a silent confirmation.

He had never done this before; and being alone for the past twelve years, he knew Rose had never done this either. Of course, she was shivering with nerves. It was too warm, in the room and between themselves, for Rose to be shaking from the night chill. Newt, himself, was nervous. But, if he were being honest, he'd regret never having taken this chance with the woman he loved most. For this was his final night with her; and he was determined to make it count.

~ Scene Start ~

Again, no words were needed. There were no regrets and neither of them wanted to turn back. This is what they wanted. With a short, but simple, kiss, Rose backed up, without turning around, to slide up onto the bed that they would share for the night. But, by doing this, Rose allowed her love to see all of her.

Newt wasn't sure how to respond. However, he had found her more than just beautiful. He was able to see every curve to her body, her glowing smooth skin... he had momentarily lost himself before his eyes landed on something shiny around her wrist. It was her locket. Though the charm no longer held Horatia dormant, it still warded away the scars of the witch's past. Rose's eyes had followed Newt's gaze, but before she could explain herself Newt had slowly crawled up on the bed to tower over her. She had turned back to her love only to be deeply kissed once again. Ever as loving and ever as meaningful.

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