Chapter 7

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The next month seemed to fly by as Newt had become rather good friends with Rose. The fact that they had every class together had been a bonus and contributed to their newly formed friendship. Though the year had started off a little bumpy, no one seemed to take an interest in Rose at all. The girl did her best to be nice and polite to everyone she came into contact with, but yet they seemed to all either shy away and snicker or avoid her all together. As long as Rose had Newt, she wouldn't be too bothered.

    As much as she tried making friends with her fellow roommates, they simply wanted nothing to do with her. A few of them would say something nice every once in awhile or tolerate a small conversation, but Rose never got any further than that. However, Delora had decided to start pulling pranks on Rose, which she didn't like in the slightest. But with every prank pulled on Rose, Rose would always fix the aftermath with magic or stop the prank before it even started. Being an advanced student, Rose knew spells that the others hadn't learned yet. Or better yet, would not learn at all. This ended up as more of a reason for Delora to go after Rose.

    Thankfully for the most part, the girls had gotten over the fact that Ravi was living in the same room as them. He did his part by keeping the mice and bugs away, leaving the girls in a slightly better mood. At one point, Delora had found a problem with his gender, considering it was a girl's dorm room. But once Rose offered Newt to take him, the girl's all simultaneously agreed that they had no problem with the Jarvey.

    It was now early November, as Halloween had been just the week prior. Rose had found herself in the courtyard Newt had found her in. She was surprised that it had remained just as unvisited as her it had in her time. Of course, the only person that came to the same courtyard was Newt himself. It was almost like a haven for the two; to get away from it all even if only for a short amount of time. Or at least, that's what Rose thought.

    Footsteps had become to come closer and closer to the courtyard until she heard the soft crunch of the grass. Rose had originally thought that Newt had sought her out, but came to find a girl from Slytherin standing before her. The girl had nicely kept, curly black hair, dark brown eyes, pale skin, and was slightly taller than herself. Though Rose wanted to make friends, something didn't fell right. "Are you Rose Black? The transfer from America?" the girl asked, walking a bit closer. Rose blinked but answered kindly anyway, "Yes, that's me." "It's wonderful to finally meet you," the girl smiled holding out her hand, "Leta Lestrange."

    Rose had shook her hand but once Leta had given her last name, she almost couldn't breathe. However, she managed to recover quickly, "It's a pleasure to meet you, Leta." Leta took a seat beside Rose as she kept the conversation going, "I'm surprised Newt didn't introduce us." "Pardon?" Rose was highly confused, and was getting rather uncomfortable with the girl so close to her. "I've seen you hanging about Newt Scamander. You see, we're best friends. So I'm a bit surprised he hasn't introduced us," Leta replied, a smile on her face the entire time.

    Rose didn't know exactly how to respond, "I'm sorry. Newt hasn't mentioned you." Rose caught a glimmer within the girl's eye before she gave an exasperated sigh, "Oh... this is awkward." Rose was still highly confused and honestly didn't know what to say. She was also a bit fearful of the girl in a sense. "I might as well just come out and say it," Leta smiled before it quickly disappeared, "Stay away from him."

    After those words, Rose understood everything. Leta liked Newt and was currently viewing Rose as a potential threat. Leta was jealous of her. Rose couldn't help but giggle, though she tried to suppress it. "What's so funny?" Leta demanded. "It's just you think I like Newt that way. I honestly haven't known him for more than a month. We're friends. My best friend at most, but I'm sure he doesn't see me that way if you are his best friend. Of course, he could have two if he wanted," Rose replied.

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