Chapter 27

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The following day had promised much anticipation and excitement as Newt and Rose would be graduating with the rest of their class. This was the beginning of the next chapter in their lives. Of course, Rose still hadn't the slightest idea of what she would be doing after this particular day. Even more so after the act of love that was shared between her and her best friend... or was it lover? Boyfriend? She hadn't a clue.

Though she kept reminding herself that she couldn't be with Newt, her heart was telling her that she could. It was all so confusing. And though Rose didn't want to think about it, she knew she couldn't avoid it for much longer. Newt would eventually make his move, soon or later.

Rose had been sitting in the midst of last year Hogwarts students as Headmaster Black stood before them giving his oh-so-encouraging parting speech. Note the sarcasm. Rose stood beside Newt. At some point the boy had slowly taken Rose by the hand and flashed her a small happy smile before returning his attention back to the front.

Rose had returned the smile before the boy had turned to glance away, but when she had turned her head to look forward, her eyes had caught Dumbledore's. He looked pleased and highly amused. She hadn't understood for what reasons until he had glanced down her and Newt's intertwined hands. Of course, this made Rose deeply blush. But Dumbledore had simply chuckled to himself.

Before long, Headmaster Black had given his closing regards before the graduating class before him would throw their wizard hats into the air in celebration. After, the students mingled about themselves, many stopping Rose to congratulate her on her win in the Triwizard Tournament. But, being the quiet people they were, Newt and Rose made it a point not to stick around too long.

They had found their way into the halls of the school, finding their way back to their house, one last time, when a voice had made them turn around. "Miss Black?" It had been no one other than Dumbledore. "Good evening, professor," Newt greeted. "Good evening, and congratulations to you both," Dumbledore nodded. "Is there something I can help you with, professor?" Rose asked. "If you could spare a moment, I need to talk to you, Miss Black. It's about your mother's Thunderbird sanctuary," the young professor replied. Rose knew this had been coming. She knew that this would be time that she and her former- or going to be - headmaster would devise a plan on her survival during her time in this era.

"Of course. Does Headmaster Black know about this?" Rose asked, knowing the question would be on Newt's mind. "Yes. Though he thinks it should be kept secret, I know it's best that you are made aware," Dumbledore played along, "Would you mind stepping into my classroom? And if you would wait here, Mr. Scamander, we won't take long." "Of course," Newt agreed as Rose followed her teacher into the classroom; which they just so happened to stop in front of.

Once the door was shut, Dumbledore hushed his voice and turned to the girl, "Do you have an idea of what you're going to do after you leave tomorrow?" Rose paused, thinking for a moment before she shook her head. "I thought so," Dumbledore gave a small grin before he continued, "There's a cottage on the far outskirts of London, in the countryside. It was once our summer home; it hasn't been used in years. Though isolated, I know you will surround yourself with creatures. You will have everything you need there, you will be hidden from Muggle eyes, and Neeney will be accompanying you."

Rose almost couldn't believe what she was hearing, "You're giving me a place to stay?" "I'm giving you a place to disappear until you're able to return to your own time. The ministry can't know you're here. The tournament will have them searching high and low for you... but this also means disappearing from Mr. Scamander's life as well," Dumbledore replied. Rose nodded, taking a deep breath, "I know... thank you."

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