Chapter 3

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The next morning, Rose had awoken at her usual time; five thirty. She was an early riser. Waking up at the time she did gave her plenty of time to get ready and even allowed her to have some time to herself. After putting on her robes and brushing out her hair and pulling it half back, she was ready to go. Considering she had Transfigurations Class with Professor McGonagall, she had Ravi, Sweetie, her pink Pygmy Puff, and Phlox, her female Bowtruckle, jump into her back pack.

    Once out, she stopped by the kitchens to greet Neeney, one of the house elves. For some reason, the little female elf was excited to meet Rose when she had some trouble taking a few baskets of fruit into the kitchen her first year and the human girl had come to her aid. Being that Rose enjoyed cooking and baking, Neeney would let her in to delve into her hobby. Luckily for her, all the house elves seemed to enjoy her company.

    Knocking on the hidden entrance door, and waiting a moment, did a small house elf have the bricked wall slide away, "Ah! Good morning, Miss Rosedale! Neeney is sorry to say, but it's a busy, busy morning." "Oh, well then may I just snag an apple or two?" Rose asked politely. "Of course, Miss Rosedale!" Neeney smiled before scurrying back into the kitchens. It didn't take her long before coming back and handing Rose two red apples, "Here you are, Miss Rosedale." "Thank you so much, Neeney! Have a good day," Rose beamed, heading off towards the stairs. "Thank you, Miss Rosedale!" Neeney waved before closing the hidden doorway and heading back to work.

    Rose didn't waste any time heading up into the castle to get to her usual courtyard she sat within. It had been the courtyard in which her, Harry, and Hermione had all brought Sirius back to before he had taken himself and Buckbeak to freedom. There was hardly any grass as a fountain sat in the center of the courtyard. It was still rather early as she decided to try and sketch a bit before Malfoy decided to show up.

    Rose watched the sun rise. She worked more on her sketches, ate breakfast, and fed her three precious creatures within her bag. Ravi liked to sleep in, so he lounged in the backpack with Sweetie. But Phlox was a different story. Phlox enjoyed being with Rose at all times. In a sense, Rose was Phlox's tree. She went everywhere with Rose.

    In a matter of three hours, Rose found herself still waiting for Malfoy. Class started in a good thirty minutes and she preferred on arriving early, as she always did. Rose gathered her things, Phlox residing to Rose's pocket, as the girl then got her feet. Maybe Malfoy was running late or got held up? Who knew? She wasn't mad per say, but she was a bit annoyed.

    "Rose?" A voice came from the entrance archway to the castle. However, it wasn't Malfoy. "Oh, good morning, Harry," Rose gave a small side smile. "You weren't at breakfast. I got worried when I didn't see you," Harry replied, walking calmly up to the girl. Rose shrugged, "I was waiting on Draco. He said he had something rather important to tell me." "He set you up?" Harry questioned, practically appalled. "No, I'm sure he just got caught up with something," Rose tried to reason. "Rose... I understand you see Malfoy as a friend but- I-" Harry took a deep breath before finishing his thoughts, "I don't want to see you get hurt."

    Rose smiled and shook her head, "Draco wouldn't hurt me. I'm his friend too, you know. Whether you believe it or not. But thanks for being concerned, Harry." Harry didn't want the girl to go just yet, and as the girl shifted the weight on her feet, Harry noticed the sparkle of the gold necklace around her neck. "Rose... where did you get that?" The Gryffindor asked, gazing at the Time Turner. Rose glanced down to her new treasure with a smile, "Well, um, Draco gave it to me yesterday. Instead of sand it holds a shattered dragon scale. It doesn't work, so it's ok to wear." Harry saw how happy the necklace made her, so he decided to compliment the girl, "It looks good on you."

    Harry was never good at flirting. He could hardly talk to a girl, aside from Hermione and Rose. Though recently, it had become harder and harder to talk to his crush. He was awkward and nervous but he knew the girl wouldn't tease him about it. She'd ask if he was alright, but he'd always nod his head. He wasn't a smooth talker like Malfoy, but he did know how to speak his mind.

    "Thank you. I've never really owned jewelry before. But, um... I better start heading to class," Rose blushed. Harry just nodded as the girl readjusted her bag before heading for the castle. Harry thought for a moment. What could be so important that Malfoy had to tell Rose alone? It wasn't hard to figure out. It was actually rather obvious. Malfoy was going to make his move.

    "Wait, Rose!" Harry spun around just as Rose had passed him. Rose turned to the boy as he took a deep breath. He had to do this now. Otherwise, Malfoy would take her from him and he couldn't let that happen. "I-I need to tell you something... I need to tell you something rather important. I've been meaning to for awhile now," Harry shuffled his feet, trying his best to keep his eyes locked with hers. "What is it, Harry?" Rose softly asked. Harry hesitated before working up the courage to speak again, "Rose... Rose I'm in lo-"

    But the moment was ruined when Malfoy can running into the courtyard, "Symphony! Symphony, I'm so sorry I'm late..." But the moment his and Harry's eyes met, Malfoy bristled, "What is he doing here?" "Harry came searching for me when he noticed I didn't show up for breakfast," Rose explained. "For a moment I thought you set her up," Harry boldly mentioned, shrugging his shoulders. "I would never do that to her. My reason for being late doesn't much matter. I'm here now and I suggest you leave," Malfoy hissed.

    Rose knew the boys didn't get along and she hated it when they fought like this. "We were actually talking," Harry replied, still rather calm. "Well, she agreed to meet me here alone, Potter, not you," Malfoy shot back. "What's so important that you can't say it out loud?" Harry taunted. "Harry-" Rose was going to try and stop the Gryffindor but Malfoy spoke up again, "It's none of your business of what goes on between Symphony and I!" The two continued to bicker. The more they did Rose got more and more fed up with it.

    "Stop! Both of you stop!" Both boys froze. Rose had never yelled at either one of them. She was fed up with being fought over. For a split second, she wanted to disappear. Couldn't they just get along for once? She opened her mouth to tell them that they were both her friends and that they needed to stop fighting, but a loud 'Click' echoed throughout the courtyard. Rose knew she had heard the sound before. Looking down to her Time Turner, she noticed the sand moving on its own.

    "Draco... I thought you said this thing was broken," Rose whispered. Everything from that moment went in slow motion for Rose. Malfoy's eyes widened in fear as Harry began to take a step towards her. She dropped her sketch book as she went to take the necklace off. But glittering golden sand came from the golden chain itself to shock her fingers away. And within the blink of an eye, time began to flow backwards with such speed that the girl feinted.

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