Chapter 30

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Once aparated away from the bank, the lady had pushed the pair into another ally way of sorts. Newt and Rose had been pushed up against the wall as the lady before them looked as if they had each both grown an extra head. Rose glanced over her quickly, only really taking notice of the small dab of mustard on her upper lip.

"Who are you?" The lady demanded. "I'm sorry," Newt quickly apologized, shying away from the lady before them. "Who are you?" She repeated. "Newt Scamander, and this is Rose Black," Newt introduced, finally looking up to the lady, "And you are?" "What is that thing in your case?" She ignored his question. "That's my Niffler," Newt replied. "Oh, now he's yours," Rose chided. Newt gave the girl a gentle pointed look before he turned back to the lady, also have taken notice of the mustard on her face, "I'm sorry, but you've got something on your..." He trailed off as she backed away from his finger, pointing out the mustard.

"Why in the name of Deliverance Dane did you two let that thing loose?" She asked seriously. "We didn't mean to. He's incorrigible; you see, anything shiny, he's all over it," Newt tried to explain. "You didn't mean to. You could not have chosen a worse time to let that creature loose. We're in the middle of a situation here! I'm taking you both in," The lady exasperatedly explained. "Taking us in where?" Newt asked, not really taking the lady seriously. "Magical Congress of the United States of America," The lady replied, showing the pair her identification card.

Rose had read the name on the card, her breath getting caught in her throat. She had thought that maybe they'd run into this particular lady within a day's time or two. But Newt had barely been off the boat for an hour and a half; and here they were, already in the midst of trouble. In trouble with Newt's future wife, Porpentina Goldstein.

Rose couldn't help herself as she glanced over the lady she had always, somewhat, been a bit jealous of. Her hair was short, only coming up to below her ears, as her skin was very pale. She wore a grey pant suit jacket with a white shirt and black slacks. However, she was taller than Rose; that was obvious. Rose suddenly felt a bit inferior as she momentarily glanced down at her own person.

She was wearing a regular white shirt, with a dropped v-neck, exposing a bit of her full chest, high waist purple shorts with a black belt, thigh high darker purple stockings, black ankle boots, and a black coat much like that of Newt's. The only difference between her coat and Newt's was that hers didn't button up, the sleeves scrunched up just below her elbows, and the back was short, splitting into tails and dropping to her ankles before tapering up to just above her knees. Her locket was on full display as her Time Turner was safely tucked into her shirt. Though, she had left her long hair down in its natural wavy locks.

"So you work for MACUSA," Newt stated before his brows furrowed, "What are you? Some kind of investigator?" Porpentina hesitated before changing the subject, "At least tell me you took care of the no-Maj," "The what?" Newt asked, utterly confused. "The no-Maj," Porpentina repeated, as if Newt was supposed to have known what that meant. "She means Muggle, Newt. No-Maj is American for non-magic folk, same as a Muggle," Rose explained. "Ah, yes, we call them Muggles," Newt confirmed.

"You wiped his memory right?" Porpentina pressed, "The no-Maj with the case?" Newt couldn't bring himself to reply; mainly because he let the man get away from him. "There's also the guards at the bank to be accounted for," Rose whispered, scratching the back of her neck before bringing her fingers around to fiddle with her locket nervously. "This is a section 3A Mr. Scamander, Miss Black. I'm taking you both in," Porpentina replied, almost in regret, taking each of them by the arm before aparating once more.

Unto Rose's surprised, Porpentina had led them to the Woolworth Building; one of the early US skyscrapers. Of course, it wasn't anything compared to most of the structures back in her own time. "Come on," Porpentina urged, still leading the two by the arms. "Sorry, but we do have things to do, actually." "Well," Porpentina scoffed, "you'll have to rearrange them. What are you two doing in New York anyway?"

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