Chapter 5

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Newt had was currently finishing up his assigned homework for the next day, as well as taking notes over Professor Dumbledore's lesson. He had taken this class before, so he knew what he was being taught. Everything would be smooth sailing for the first part of the year; it would be back to the books for the second half though.

"Alright, class, don't forget your assignment that's due tomorrow. You're all dismissed," Pr. Dumbledore's voice snapped Newt out of his work. He began to pack his things up before his Professor's voice spoke up again, "Newt?" The boy simply looked up before his teacher asked, "Do you have a moment?" Newt nodded, "Of course, Professor."

Newt finished pack up his things as the other students filed out of the room, not giving the boy a second glance as they passed him. Once they were gone, Newt came up to his Professor's desk. "Is there something wrong, Professor?" Newt asked. "That girl you brought to the medical wing... where did you find her?" The Professor asked. The boy knew he would possibly be questioned at some point, so he was more than willing to be corporative. Besides, he wanted answers too. "Well I was out in the back courtyard, which leads out towards the Forbidden Forest. I don't know how long she had been there; she wasn't there when I had arrived. But when I was getting ready to leave for class, she was laying there." Newt explained. "So she had come out of thin air?" Pr. Dumbledore asked. Newt shook his head, "Surely not." "Thank you, Newt. That's all I needed to know," Dumbledore replied.

"Do you know if she's alright? The nurses wouldn't tell me anything," Newt asked, still quite a bit worried. "She's in a stable condition. However, she has yet to awake. I'm sure you may visit her, if you desire, after your classes are done for the day," Dumbledore eased the boy's nerves. Newt just nodded with a small smile, "Thank you, sir." With that, the boy gathered his things before taking off to his next class.

Though Newt scurried from class to class, he couldn't help but think about the girl he had 'saved' that morning. He was trying to fit a name to a face. It was bothering him that he didn't know one of his own housemates. Especially one so pretty. Of course, he didn't much pay attention to anyone other than Leta for most of his Hogwarts career. But surely he'd remember a name and face such as hers.

His classes finally came to an end for the day as he began to make his way towards the medical ward. It didn't take him too long to get where he was going as he was quickly greeted by the same nurse he had come to that morning. "Mr. Scamander. I thought you might return. She still hasn't woken up, but you're more than welcome to keep her company," The nurse smiled. Newt nodded, "Thank you." He lightly tread over to the girl's bedside. He gazed down upon the girl, still bothered that he couldn't place her name. "Would you happen to know her name? I can't seem to recall it," Newt turned to the nurse once more. The nurse gave a look of defeat, "Unfortunately, we can't find her files. We're not sure who she is at the moment. The Headmaster and Pr. Dumbledore are looking into matter as we speak."

Newt turned back to the girl. He would wait until the girl would wake up. He just had to know her name. The boy pulled up a chair and began to do the homework he was assigned. He remained there as long as time would allow. The nurse had made Newt go to dinner, but he had returned no less than an hour later. He was rather worried, still, about the girl not waking up.

It was getting rather late as he knew he would have to return to his house soon. His homework had been completed for the next week as all he could simply do was gaze up at the girl who lay before him. "Mr. Scamander?" The nurse's voice approached, "It's nearly curfew. You wouldn't want to get in trouble." Newt just nodded as he got to his feet, "May I come by in the morning?" The nurse was surprised that Newt had stayed by the girl's side this long, but wouldn't deny him visiting privileges. If Pr. Dumbledore was correct, and the girl was from a different time, then maybe having Newt for a friend would benefit not only the girl, but Newt as well. The nurse smiled, "Of course."

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