Chapter 43

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Almost a year later, after Rose had graduated in December and the summer had come and gone, things had truly begun to grow dark. Voldemort had gathered his Death Eaters and had begun to assemble his army and plot his take over. Though these were dark times, Rose and Newt had managed to make things a little brighter.

After Newt Scamander had 'mysteriously disappeared', along with his case, the two had hid themselves away. Newt had refused to let Rose attain a job, within the corrupt ministry, and had opted to take care of themselves with money he had saved up over the years. The two of them couldn't have been more happy to be reunited, and in love. Though Newt was at least a century older than Rose, it was though Newt had never aged or ever changed; which had surprised the witch a little.

Newt had come to tell Rose about the life he had lead, that he had searched for her and had actually kept an eye on her ever sense she was little. She couldn't have been more grateful, but she had playfully punched his arm in the end and called him a creep; Newt had simply laughed. He had also told her of all the adventures he had the chance to experience once Rose had returned to her time.

It was also revealed that Jacob had remembered Rose when he and Newt had met a second time. Rose had simply smirked, giving a wink, and replied with, "I knew he would. Only witches and wizards wouldn't remember Rose Black." Again, Newt had laughed; not believing he hadn't caught the specifics of the statement the first time. Rose had clearly thought everything through. And, needless to say, he was rather impressed and thankful; for Jacob was the only person he could talk to about Rose in complete confidentiality.

Though the years had been long, Newt was willing to live another life with his beloved Rose; and, on the occasion, his beautiful Symphony. He would miss his first wife, but he would have the chance to watch his grandson, Rolf, and the rest of his lineage grow. It was a chance one was never usually offered.

Rose had currently been helping clean around the house, humming lightly to herself. It was another day in the life of Rose and Newt. She had been planning on tidying up a bit before deciding to help her love down within the confines of his magical case. But before she could journey up the stairs, the front door had flew open as three pairs of feet had shuffled inside. Rose held her breath the moment the door clicked shut and silence had settled within the first story of the house. "Rose? Rose, are you here?"

It was Harry.

She let go of the breath she had been holding and peeked her head around the kitchen doorway, "Harry?" The three Gryffindors all seemed to sigh in relief as they each gave her a small smile. Rose couldn't help but smile back, making her way out of the kitchen to greet them. "What brings you by? Wait! What about the wedding?" Rose asked, furrowing her brow while hugging each of her friends, "I thought that was tonight?" "It was," Hermione heavily sighed as their gazes became downcast. "Let's just say it was crashed by Death Eaters," Ron huffed.

Rose gave a small sympathetic smile before ushering the three into the Black estate in haste. They had ended up in the living room, after Rose had made tea, chatting away their nerves. "So what are you doing here? I thought you'd be out and about, traveling the world as a Magizoologist?" Hermione spoke up, changing the previous conversation they had been on. Rose just smiled, "Change of plans for the time being."

The trio was extremely confused, and before anyone could ask, footsteps had made their way into the room the friends were occupying. "Rose, sweetheart, you haven't happen to have seen..." but the male had trailed off when he had found three strangers sitting before Rose herself; though he did recognized infamous Harry Potter, "Sorry, I didn't realize we had company." "Quite alright. What are we looking for?" Rose asked, a knowing smile on her lips. The wizard in the doorway fidgeted with his sleeves before he answered her with a defeated sigh, "Glister."

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