Chapter 29

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Rose couldn't believe Newt was willing to smuggle her into New York via his case. She had been beside herself when she realized that this would be the start of Newt's story; and he had invited her to watch it unfold first hand. Of course, she would have to let events she knew of unfold. If she didn't, it would drastically change the future; more so than she possibly already damaged. She promised herself to be discreet as possible.

They had left within two days time. Of course, Newt had taken in Rose's Nundu while Rose left Neeney in charge of all the creatures; save for the dragons that could take care of themselves. But Ravi, Sweetie, and Phlox had come along for the ride. And Bowtruckles couldn't have been more delighted in reuniting. Everything was set as the two friends set off on their next journey together.

Rose had to hide within Newt's suitcase for three and a half days while traveling upon the open ocean. It had been Rose's first time taking a large liner across the water; come to find out, she couldn't remain out of Newt's case for very long due to becoming very, very sea sick. Both she and Newt were surprised by the discovery, but it wasn't too big of a hassle. Rose kept the creatures calm while Newt was out and about. Being the shy person he was though, he tended to keep himself within his personal cabin or join Rose down in the case with his creatures.

It had been like old times back in Hogwarts when had been just the two of them and the creatures. It was like nothing had changed. However, one thing seemed off as it was the only awkward topic Newt nor Rose could bring themselves to bring to the other's attention.

Were they more than just friends?

It was clear what they had felt for each other those last few days in Hogwarts. And though nothing was really discussed, the affections shared had told them enough; they were in love. But now, after twelve years, it was hard to tell if that spark still remained. Unnoticed by the other, the two had still felt the same. But Rose knew that Newt could never truly be hers; this wasn't her time, this wasn't her home, and Newt, in her time, had a wife. A wife he would be meeting all too soon. If they didn't fall in love, then Rolf Scamander would never be.

Of course, Rose was sure that once Newt met his future wife that he would see that there was someone out there better for him than herself; and hopefully fall in love. The thought made her heart ache, but it had to be that way. Once this expedition was over, Rose would be heading back to the cottage in the middle of nowhere to live out the rest of her days or to find her own way back to her time.

By the third day, Rose was restless, along with most of Newt's creatures. Granted she loved the confines of Newt's magical case, but she definitely needed some fresh air. Of course, she knew that she wouldn't be let out of the case until Newt had found a good place to help her out among the streets of New York.

Rose was tending to some of the creatures, mainly Dougal, Newt's Demiguise, as he was trying to get Newt's down into the case to join them. Some of the Occamy had slithered from their nest as Rose was trying her best to settle them back in. Dougal had been in the shed trying to get Newt's attention from the roof of the case. Glister had scurried past Rose's feet, heading toward the shed himself, when Rose had just finished putting the baby Occamy back where they belonged.

"Oh, no you don't," Rose huffed to herself, taking off after the Niffler. Her and Frank had got to bond throughout the trip and had called for her to come to him. "Just a moment, Frank," Rose lightheartedly smiled, "Mommy's busy." Rose tried to catch her breath as she made her way into the case; the creatures were a handful. But she wouldn't trade working with creatures for anything in the world.

She found Dougal tapping on the case roof as she suddenly heard an audible 'click'. Rose pursed her lips, knowing full well that Newt had used his case so much that the locks were becoming lose. She bit her lip, a smile forming, as she heard Newt's voice come through the thick leather, "Dougal... settle down now please. Won't be long." The Niffler, at that point, had tried to scurry up past both Rose and Dougal; but the female had caught him as the black wad of fur squirmed in her grip. She giggled as she handed the not-so-little Niffler her Time Turner around her neck, automatically making him cuddle into one of her arms and pocket the unattainable treasure.

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