Chapter 25

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Rose had awoke with a splitting headache. However, she took notice of how quiet and empty her head felt; she felt as if she could breathe. She wasn't quite sure what had happened, nor did she recall how she had come to be in the medical ward. She thought on the matter, but she couldn't recall.

The light rolling through the windows of the infirmary told her that it was about noon. That would make sense, since there was no nurse around for the moment. She had sat up with the intention to get out of bed, but she felt incredibly weak; but she still felt the need to get up. She had managed to sit up in her bed and gather her strength to try and stand.

However, Newt had walked through the doors, rather glum, until he had spotted the female Hufflepuff. A large smile spread across his lips as he couldn't help but run up to her, "Rose!" The girl was startled, only shooting her head up to get a glance of strawberry blonde curly hair before being engulfed by a set of strong yet gentle arms.

"You're awake!" Newt breathed, pulling away from the girl, "Are you alright? How do you feel?" Rose was completely baffled and overwhelmed by the boy's questions. ''I feel a bit weak, but apart from that I'm fine... I think. What happened exactly?" Rose asked, pushing her long brown hair out of her face. Newt furrowed his eyebrows, "You don't remember?" Rose shook her head, "No, I don't remember anything after following you through the hallways leading out to the courtyard. What happened?"

Newt was a bit crestfallen, but he was more relieved than anything. She didn't remember that she had hurt him. She didn't remember that her animagus took control of her. She didn't remember that he was possibly going to reveal his feelings for her. But he was going to have to tell her about her animagus. If not him, then one of the teachers.

"Um..." He was nervous. How would she react? "Newt?" Rose glanced up at the boy, "What happened to me?" She was worried. He could hear it within her voice. He couldn't lie to her. "Your animagus t-took control of you... Horatia. She d-didn't put up a fight, but she tried to fly off with you," Newt replied.

Rose's blue eyes widened in terror, "What?! I didn't hurt you did I? Please tell me I didn't-" Newt cut the girl off by sitting on her bedside, and taking both of her shoulders gently but firmly, "No, no, no, you didn't hurt anyone. It was only Pr. Dumbledore and I who saw. The professor was the one who saved you. I couldn't really do anything."

"My locket. Didn't it-" Rose cut herself short this time as she reached up to find the locket around her neck. However, she found a different sized heart there from before. It was a bit bigger and not as worn. Newt scratched the back of his neck nervously, "Your locket broke. I knew it was precious to you but it was beyond repair. I thought I'd get you a late Valentine's day gift, to replace your old locket. Don't worry, I managed to salvage the pictures of your brother and sister."

Rose couldn't help but smile as she brought the blushing boy in for a hug, "Thank you, Newt. It means a lot." Newt chuckled, still a blushing mess, "Well, Pr. Dumbledore helped. He put a stronger charm on it to prevent the dragon to come through. However, he's not sure how long it will hold." "I'll make sure to thank him," Rose smiled, pulling away. Newt's blush had faded as the girl had pulled away. "You said this was a late Valentine's day gift? How long was I out?" Rose wondered. Newt scratched his nose and averting his eyes, knowing the girl was going to be surprised, "Three weeks." "Ah, broomsticks!" Rose huffed, falling back onto the bed. Newt held in a laugh, glad his friend was back to her usual self.

"I've got all of your make up work and homework. I haven't heard anything tournament related. Celesse and Kelmin have come by several times to see you though," Newt reported. "What about the creatures? Ravi?" Rose asked, obviously worried. "They're all alright. Ravi has behaved, I can reassure you," Newt promised. Rose smiled, "You are going to be one amazing Magizoologist." Newt blushed a bit more.

He managed to quickly snap out of his admiration and turn the attention towards the girl before him, "How are you feeling, aside from weak?" Rose shifted, trying to get comfortable, "Sore. I can feel the scale patches that have formed. I need to try and shed them." "Shed them?" Newt echoed. "Well, they don't fall off so easily. It's a painful process, but I'm pretty much used to it by now," Rose shrugged.

Though Newt was fretting over the girl, Rose could only bring herself to think of the tournament; anything to get her mind off the golden dragon that now lie dormant within her. No one was sure what the third trial was going to ensure, but Rose knew that Celesse would have first advantage. She could only imagine the maze being their final tests... which scared Rose more than she cared to admit.

Within a few days Rose was back on her feet and caught up in her studies. Dumbledore had explained that Rose had simply tried a spell she wasn't ready for to the head master; a cover up story. The only other person who had found out about Horatia had been nurse Serene. Rose didn't much mind, trusting the nurse, but the few people who knew the better.

Though Rose felt like she was safe for the time being, she felt herself fall into a seeping pit of guilt. Knowing that Newt now knew about Horatia, she wanted to tell him the truth about who she was and where she had come from. She wanted to tell him everything. But she knew she couldn't. She had gone to Dumbledore on the matter as he had simply told her to confide in himself. The wizard knew it was a risky thing to do, knowing the future, but he simply couldn't let the girl fall into the hands of madness. He would listen to her words and simply wait for time to play the moments; he would not change them, nor would he try. He would let them come.

Newt had noticed the damper on the girls mood and didn't know much of what to do. He had asked plenty of times but Rose had given the boy a fake smile and told him she was fine. 'Homesick' she would say. He could tell that it wasn't a lie, but it wasn't the whole truth either.

The only way he could get his friend to smile was to play and take care of the creatures. He had even gone as far as to take her out into the forbidden forest to study the creatures there as well. It was truly one of the few things that made her happy.


AAAGGGGHHH!!! I'm so sorry this is so short, but I wanted to get something up for you guys. Life has been chaos lately for me. It didn't help that I had a bit of writers block for this chapter either T-T hopefully the next chapter will be better.

Thank you for those that have been so supportive of my writing thus far during this hard time. It means so much!! You guys are truly the best readers anyone could as for!!

Love you guys!! Hope you enjoy!! And thank you for reading!! :)


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