Chapter 18

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Classes had started the very next day. Though everything was normally chaotic, it was even more so with the two other schools attending the castle this year. Of course, Rose was somewhat used to it... she had witnessed the Triwizard games once before. Newt and Rose had all the same classes, luckily, and managed to somehow get through the day.

    They were now within one of the halls where the Triwizard cup stood tall in all its glory. How they had ended up there was a complete mystery to Rose. She thought that maybe Newt was just excited to see who wanted to place their name within. It was interesting to see who was brave enough to do so. One person after another, fifth years or older, came to put their name in.

    "What do you think about it all?" Newt spoke up, watching as a Beauxbaton girl gave her name to the flames. "Think about what? The games?" Rose raised an eyebrow, continuing her homework, which Newt seemed to have forgotten about. "Well, this is a big deal," Newt chuckled, "Aren't you a tad bit excited? I mean, they have placed more rules in place to protect the participants." "The tasks will still be dangerous, mind you," Rose replied, still not taking her eyes off her work.

    Newt seemed to be hesitant. Rose could hear it in his breathing. Finally taking her eyes off of her finished homework, she glanced up to meet the boy's eyes. Newt glanced to the jewel littered gold cup before looking back to his friend. "Newt..." Rose seemed to know where the male Hufflepuff's mind was going, "No." "Why not?" Newt gave an excited smile, "Rose you would be amazing!"

    The girl froze, "M-me?" "Of course! You're very advanced with your magic," Newt smiled. "No, absolutely not," Rose scolded with a smile, "I don't need eternal glory. But if you want to put your name in go right ahead." Newt pressed his lips together in a giddy manner, "I kind of already did." Rose almost stopped breathing.

    She thought Newt wouldn't go up for such a thing. That he wouldn't want to do anything but observe. She had to scream at every muscle in her body not hug him tightly and beg him to tell her that he was joking. She had to use all her will power not to frown nor cry. She had to remember that Voldemort wasn't in this time and that they, for the time being, were safe.

    Rose forced a smile, "I hope you get your chance." The girl quickly gathered her things before quickly making her get away. Newt hadn't expected the girl to act the way she had, noticing the fear flicker instantly into her eyes. He quickly gathered his things and somehow managed to follow her. "Rose! Rose!" Newt called after his friend, weaving in and out of the bodies within the hall.

    He had caught sight of her a few times, but never really managed to catch up with her. She was heading to a part of the castle he normally wouldn't visit, as did anyone else. The crowd thinned to nothing as he soon realized Rose was running from him. He hadn't the slightest idea of what he had said, but he knew Rose was upset.

    He had turned the last corner, to strangely find a huge door vanishing on one of the castle walls. The boy was extremely perplexed. How could a room just vanish? Hoping he wasn't hallucinating, Newt made his way up to the wall, hoping something, anything would happen. He needed to desperately consult Rose on what was wrong. He had to.

    As if the castle read his mind, the doors appeared again, Newt hardly believing his eyes. He wasted no time entering the room. But what he found he wasn't quite expecting. Trinkets, furniture, and everyday items were scattered about in large piles across a vast room. How had no one known about this place and how had Rose come about it? Glancing around, as he began to move forward, he found many interesting things but dared not to touch anything.

    "Rose?" Newt called, hoping the girl would answer. He was greeted with silence. Giving a sigh, he willed his feet to move to begin his search for his friend. He remained quiet so he could hear Rose if she did make any noise, but she didn't; which made Newt's quest a bit difficult. He wove between the mountains of miscellaneous objects, keeping a sharp eye out for any signs of human life. It had taken him some time, but he had finally managed to find Rose.

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