Chapter 13

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Another few days had passed as it was now Christmas Eve. Considering that Theseus had a pretty important job within the ministry, he would be leaving the next morning, resulting in the Scamander family celebrating Christmas that night. Rose had been helping Mrs. Scamander in the kitchen all day as the Scamander brothers were tending to the Hippogriffs. It would also be Newt's last time to see his brother until later that summer.

"So, what did you get her?" Theseus teased his younger brother. Newt hesitated, glancing at his brother. "Oh, don't tell me you didn't get her a gift!" Theseus guffawed. "I'm working on it," Newt rolled his eyes. "Oh... Oh! You're serious?! Newt! This is the girl of your dreams here. You have to give her something!" The eldest brother scolded. "Theseus, I said I was working on it," Newt clenched his teeth in annoyance, feeding the next Hippogriff in line.

"So you don't deny that she is the girl of your dreams!" Theseus wickedly smiled. Newt shook his head, "If I say yes, will you stop teasing me about it? And by the way, whatever happened to that Ellenwood girl? I thought you fancied her?" "Just a fling. Don't change the subject. It's Christmas Eve and you don't have a gift for Rose. What exactly do you think you could give her that's laying around here?" Theseus gestured to the barn. Newt just huffed, "I was possibly thinking a Hippogriff. Of course, I would have to ask mum." "And where would she keep it? The dungeons?" The older Scamander questioned.

"Trust me, Theseus, I've been wracking my brain all day!" Newt replied, rather frazzled. "Why didn't you get her a piece of jewelry? Girls are like Nifflers in that sense," Theseus commented. "I couldn't afford anything in Diagon Alley. Besides, Rose already wears two necklaces as it is. She's always wearing long sleeves, so a bracelet would never show, and a ring is just too suggestive as friends," Newt explained. "Yet wearing a scarf she gave you isn't suggestive?" Theseus raised a brow. "She's letting me borrow hers until I can get back to Hogwarts and find mine," Newt blushed, even though he was telling the truth.

The older brother seemed to think for a moment. What was something his little brother could give the girl that had begun to make up his entire world? From the digging Theseus had been doing, he came to find out that the girl didn't own much. After getting in touch with Dumbledore, he had come to know the 'story' of how Rose became part of the Black family. Pr. Black had several gifts, the more expensive kind, waiting back at the castle for when the girl returned. The Scamanders weren't rich, nor could they afford much, but they always worked with what they had. And honestly, they couldn't have been happier. So what was Newt to get Rose?

Rose was simple and humble. She was content with making her own clothes and never asked for anything, as far as he was aware of. She was kind and loving, of people and creatures alike. In a sense, Rose was very much like Newt. She admired the little things. She treasured her time and every moment that passed with Newt... that was it!

"Why not a framed photo of the two of you?" Theseus asked. "What?" Newt was confused, "Why would she want a some picture?" "Just, hear me out," Theseus made his younger brother stop and listen, "After Hogwarts, you and Rose are most likely going to go separate ways. Trust me, I know, I've been there. If you want her to be part of your life, start making her realize that now. And if I've personally learned anything about Rose it's that she treasures your friendship. So why not give her a visual to remind her of that? It sounds like the perfect gift to me." Newt thought about it. His brother made complete sense. "Alright, let's say I give her a framed picture. First off, I haven't taken one picture with her and second, where am I going to get this frame?" Newt asked as he began to worry.

Theseus smirked, "Don't worry about that. When Rose goes to get ready, I'll get mum to help us." Newt didn't get the chance to protest as his brother whipped around to head back into the house. The younger Scamander just huffed again before feeding the rest of the Hippogriffs. Though he was rather worried, he feared that Theseus had more planned than just helping him pick out the perfect gift. Which he had every right to fear that of which was to come; for Theseus had not given up on trying to hook his younger brother up.

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