Reader's Preference

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I would like your preference!! PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, READ!!

As a reader, you are the ones that excel my writing and make my works successful. It is my job to write what you want to read. So, I have a very important question to ask my readers that have read this far into Sands of Dragon Scale.

Chapter 39 is one of the last critical points in time between Rose and Newt. This chapter will give you all the love and feels the two share - as well as their true feelings, extent of their love, confessions, and their pain. However, I have to ask:

Do you, as my readers, want a smut scene? Also known as a lemon in fanfic terms.

PLEASE UNDERSTAND, I DO NOT write smut just to write smut. If I ever write a lemon or smut, it is because it is very important to the plot of a story and/or one-shot.

If majority comments yes, I will put breaks before, to let the reader know when the scene starts, and after, to let the reader know when the scene ends. I will place three options below and I ask that my readers comment on one of them. If my readers are uncomfortable with giving an answer on the chapter, please don't be afraid to message me if you would still like your vote to count. MAJORITY WILL RULE.

Please choose and comment on one of the following:

#1. Smut/Lemon. To put it simply, it's a sex scene for those who don't know. This option will dive deep into the depths of Rose and Newt's relationship and will be a critical turning point for the both of them. Yes, there will be a warning at the beginning of the chapter and breaks before and after the scene so it can be skipped, if desired, by those who don't want to read such content.

#2. Mention that 'it' happened but not go into detail. This option will not reveal anything too explicit but indicates what's going on. If you guys need an example of how this is written, go to my Wing of Black story (a Modern How To Train Your Dragon, Hiccup x OC), the chapter Alpha, and read the last five paragraphs in the Chapter. Yes, there will be a warning at the beginning of the chapter.

#3. No Smut/No Lemon. This option will have them simply lead up to the moment where everything goes down. No details, no scene, but you know what happens. Just know that if this option is chosen, the chapter will be short. Yes, there will be a mild warning at the beginning of the chapter.


I really appreciate you guys taking the time to comment and leave your opinions. This story is for all my readers and I want you guys to be comfortable with what you read. So PLEASE leave your comment as to what I should write for you all.

This A/N will be left up until 5/1/18 (a week) so I can get a count on how to write the next chapter.

Thank you all so much if you actually took the time to read and comment!! It really means so much!! Hope you all enjoyed the chapter I was able to put up :) this book is almost complete!!

Thank you all again!! And Thank you for your time :)


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