Chapter 35

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Rose's eyes fluttered open to find herself laying on the cot in Newt's case. It was Newt's case wasn't it? "Rose," that voice... she knew that voice. Rose carefully sat up as she turned her gaze to the center of the shed. There stood her best friend... well, one of them. His brown hair was all disheveled as a few strands of his bangs stuck up from the way his hair was parted. Round, black glasses, pale skin, blue eyes; there was no doubt. "Harry?" Rose whispered.

    She could have cried. Had she been dreaming? Was this a dream now? "You're not dreaming, Sym. But, you're not home yet," Harry replied, not moving from his spot in the middle of the shed. "Not home yet?" Rose repeated, softer and a bit confused. Harry gave off that smile of his, chuckling a bit, "You've grown up." Rose glanced down at herself, her hands, "I have, haven't I?" She couldn't help but let out a small giggle.

    "Listen, Sym," Harry became serious. She hadn't heard someone say her other nickname in years... she had almost forgot her real name: Symphony. "You need to focus," Harry replied, snapping Rose out of her thoughts, "You need to stay sane." Those words made her remember where she was and about the Time Tuner around her neck. But, something was holding her back, "I miss you all." Harry gave a smile, "We miss you too. And you'll return home soon. But you have to stay just a little longer." Rose furrowed her brow, "What does that mean?" "Trust me," was all Harry said.

    "Harry!" Rose sat up to reach for her friend's hand, but he had vanished into thin air. "Ma?" That was Ravi's voice, "Yous ok?" Rose took the moment to run Harry's words back through her head before straightening herself back out. "Yes, Ravi. I'm alright," she managed to reply, turning to her fur baby, who had been curled up with her on the cot while she had been asleep. Rose eventually came to terms that Horatia had heard her earlier that night and had made an illusion of Harry; it was her only explanation for the moment. Wait... was it still night?

    "Ravi, where is Newt and the others?" Rose asked. "Up and out," Ravi shrugged, laying back down on the pillow his mother had currently been using. "Guard the case?" Rose asked. "You got it," Ravi yawned, snuggling up into a little ball before falling back asleep. The witch just giggled as she climbed the ladder to knock on the top of the case to see if anyone would answer. It didn't take very long before the case was opened, her eyes landing up on her best friend's.

    "Good morning?" Rose guessed. Newt just gave a small chuckle, "It's only been an hour at most. I thought you'd sleep through the night. Oh, well, out you come; maybe some fresh air will do you good. How are you feeling?" "I think I'm alright," Rose shrugged as Newt helped her out of his case. Once out, she realized they were on one of the many rooftops within New York. "Dougal?" Tina had cleared her throat, a small smile on her lips. Apparently, Rose had interrupted them in the middle of a conversation. Queenie and Jacob were behind them feeding carrier pidgins if she wasn't mistaken.

    Phlox climbed up onto Rose's shoulder, nearest Newt, to say hello to Picket, who was sitting contently on Newt's shoulder. "There's one slight problem," Newt scratched his nose nervously, "he's invisible." Tina had turned to Newt, with an 'are-you-serious' face. "Invisible?" she repeated. "Most of the time..." Newt trailed off, unable to look at the American witch. "How do you catch something-" but Newt hadn't even let her finish her sentence, "With immense difficulty."

    "Oh," Tina had let out an airy sort of giggle as she gazed at Newt, seeming rather love struck. Rose knew that look. Hermione always used to look at Ron that way. Of course, Ron was always oblivious. Did she ever stare at Newt dreamily like that? She furrowed her brow, giving Newt and Tina a moment of privacy. Sure, it was sweet from one standpoint. But on the other, it was rather... awkward. Rose face had flushed a little; had she really looked at Newt like that? Did she ever look that stupidly sweet? Tina wasn't stupid, no; it was just that look all girls got when they stared at someone they fancied. Completely out of it with a stupid love struck grin on their face... every girl did this at least once in her life. But Rose had never realized how embarrassing it really was until that moment. She had been there.

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