Chapter 10

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Tobias' POV

Me and Christina follow Tris' lead at a steady pace. It seemed as if Tris was more determined than anyone here to find Peter and help him out.

But that was just Tris being Tris. She'd never want something bad to happen to anyone.. even if that included Peter, and he was not on her likeable list of people.

We were now walking cautiously through nothing but mist and moonlight. Tris seemed to be taking us in the direction of the tower again at first, but then she finally starts to veer off towards the right.

She pauses every few steps and gazes at her upcoming surroundings rather attentively and I couldn't help but feel rather satisfied on how she seemed to be handling things so well.

She had turned out pretty good from Dauntless.

"S-So what are we going to do once we find Peter?" Christina's voice suddenly comes from behind me, and it is in a soft whisper again.

Tris doesn't seem to take notice to Christina's question though, or if she did, she probably ignored it because she just continues on her alert-searching for any movement ahead.

We stalk past another out hanging hook nearby, and when I glance just once towards it's horrid figure I can't help but feel repulsed over it. Tons of tightly-woven rope bounded the hook itself atop the thick metal pole. It was a gruesome sight, and I'm sure especially someone like Christina did not appreciate it's presence there.

I am just about to then suggest that perhaps we should divulge a plan before we go any further when suddenly Tris comes to an abrupt stop in front of me.

I am swiftly at her side and I turn to give her a questioning look.

"What is it?" I ask.

She swallows as if she were catching her breath before she then lifts a finger to point at something up ahead. "L-Look at that." To my surprise, her voice sounded struck with amazement.

Me and Christina edge forward more until I quickly spot what she was so breathless about.

Ahead of us there was another hook amongst two dead trees. But the hook itself was not on the pole.

The hook instead was lying heavily within the grass just in front of the pole, as if something or someone had cut the ropes loose and managed to get it to fall.

"A-A hookless pole?" Christina now breathes beside me, her eyes too growing wide in stunned astonishment.

The three of us then start to slowly move closer to it, just to get a better look.

"I-I think I know how this was accomplished." Tris then randomly states next to me. I glance at her for the answer.

"Peter." Was all she says simply, and just at the boy's name I couldn't help but furrow my eyebrows slightly.

"What? Peter did this?" Christina then asks in bewilderment.

Tris nods at this. "Peter told me that people can do this to Eric's hooks if you have the Sabotage perk. Peter has that perk." She explains slowly. "A-And so do I." She then adds softly.

With these pieces of information put together, suddenly my mind unravels and I evoke something.

"Perhaps..." I start. "This is the reason why Eric chose to go after Peter than he did you, Tris, back at the tower? I'm guessing he probably saw Peter undo one of these hooks." I conjure up thoughtfully, and with this Tris gives me a new look.

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