The Neighbors

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Hiya! BTW, if there's ~'s around or after speech it means it's said in a sing-song voice.

E/C = eye color
H/C = hair color


I groggily opened my eyes to a grey ceiling. I remembered where I was and rolled out of bed onto the floor. I inchwormed across the floor and up the stairs. I pulled myself into a chair and shoved a pancake in my mouth, chewing slowly. I am not a morning person, to say the least.

Kawaii~Chan's POV

I hopped out of bed and skipped down the stairs, humming a happy tune. I'm not usually a morning person, but I had gotten up early today to make a special breakfast to celebrate our new roommate, Y/N. It was about 7, and I whipped up some pancake batter for everyone. I make some with blueberries for Katelyn, some with chocolate chips for Aphmau, LOTS with extra sugar for me, and extras of all of them, because I didn't know what Y/N liked yet. It was a great morning!

Aphmau's POV

I woke up to my alarm at 8, and stumbled downstairs. I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes and smiled at Kawaii~Chan, who had obviously gotten up early to make breakfast. She only got up this early for special events, like birthdays or holidays. I plopped down and started on my chocolate chip pancakes. KC knows me so well! Katelyn came down a few minutes later, and devoured her pancakes. And then, we heard a sound from the basement.

"Y/N's coming! Get some pancakes for her." I hurriedly grabbed a few different pancakes and set them at Y/N's seat.

She crawled up the stairs and pulled herself into her seat, filling her face with pancakes. "So, Y/N, how was your first night here?" I asked gently, remembering how sensitive she can be in the mornings. She's like Katelyn, but Katelyn's like that all the time.

"Yeah, you look like a zombie, are you alive in there?" I shot daggers at Katelyn, and turned to see how Y/N would respond.


"I'm not a morning person, okay Blueberry pancake?" I said sarcastically. I didn't sleep as long as I would have liked, and they need to learn sometime how I am in the mornings. Katelyn just glowered at me as I moved onto my second pancake, slowly waking up.

~Time Skip brought to you by Travis' Blueberry~

"C'mon Y/N, let's go! It's time to meet your new neighbors!" She flew out the door and being the fat people nugget I am I jogged after her, much slower.

We walked up to the door and knocked, and Aphmau bounced on the balls of her feet as the door opened. "Hey Aaron. This is Y/N, the girl living in our basement now. Y/N, this is my best- I mean great friend Aaron."

"Hey there, nice to meet you, Aaron!" I smiled warmly, and Aaron just stared back. At least, he was facing my direction, I don't know if he was looking at me, though, because he had this weird red mask covering his eyes.

"Well, sorry for the quick visit!" Aphmau said, ending the awkward staring contest, "but Y/N needs to meet everyone else on Mystreet! Bye!" She sprinted off and left me to meander along behind.

"Bye Aaron," I called over my shoulder, " Nice to meet you!" He just raised up his hand in parting and closed the door.

He must be the life of the party, with all that talking he does. I guess that's why he's not Aph's best friend. I thought sarcastically as I caught up to Aph.

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