A Day in the Life of Zane~ Part 2

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This day is taking longer than I expected, so enjoy! <3


Zane was right; he's never made scrambled eggs before. I showed him how to crack the eggs without getting shells in the pan, how much cheese to put in, all that good stuff. By the end, Zane was reaching around me to make them at the same time as me. It was so fun and Zane was being so cute and silly. I didn't know there was this side to him, it was so fun. I wonder why he's not like this all the time..

"Zane, their done, take them off the stove before they burn!" I tried to push him, but he's bigger than me, so it was hopeless. He smirked and nudged me, almost knocking me over. "All right you show-off, you're stronger than me, see if I care you fat little nugget." This made Zane stare at me. "What?"

"Did Aph tell you to say that?" I knew that Aphmau called him that, and that it bugged him.

"Nah, I heard her say it in college, and it just kinda stuck in my head. Now c'mon, let's eat on the couch and watch TV." We got plates and divided up the eggs and toast.

As we sat down, I asked, "Uh, Zane? Do you mind if, uh, we watch.. My Little Horsie?" I cringed, waiting for the scolding I would get for watching a baby show.

"Re- really? You like it too- I mean, fine. Whatever." He turned on the TV and it was already on My Little Horsie.

"Man, we're going to be great friends!" I smiled and shoved my face full of toast. Unfortunately, Zane jerked my arm, flinging crumbs and eggs everywhere. "Hey, what's that about?" I turned on him angrily.

"Look Y/N, you're a decent person, and I can put up with you for a day, but I'm not a 'friend' person. After today I'm going to go back to being an introvert, and only talking to Aph. So don't get comfortable." He turned back to the TV and ate his toast. I was very uncomfortable, and my breakfast was all over the floor.

~Time Skip brought to you by My Little Horsies~

The rest of the day went better; we watched My Little Horsies for a good seven hours, and snacked on popcorn the entire time. So, at dinner time, we just chilled and talked, waiting for seven so we could get the cuffs off.

"So, Zane, why do you live by yourself? Beside the fact that you're introverted." I was curious, because if he wanted to live alone, why did he move into a big neighborhood.

"Well, uh, Garroth actually got me to move.. He was checking out houses around here to find one for him and his buddies, while also trying to teach me about the housing market- even though I already know more than him. Anyway, after he left, I looked at one of the houses and it was waay more affordable than what I was currently paying for, so I moved right in. After that, Garroth asked me if I wanted to move in with him and his buddies, but I was already happy here. Turns out they moved into my neighboring house." Zane got quieter as he spoke, and I could tell he didn't talk that long uninterrupted very often.

"Well then, that's something else. So are you friends with Garroth? I thought you didn't have any friends besides Aphmau." Why would Garroth want Zane to move in with him?

Zane's eyes narrowed. "Garroth is my.. brother." Zane turned his head away slightly, thoroughly embarrassed.

"Aww! Why didn't anyone tell me! That's so cute!" I hopped in my seat, trying to control my giddiness.

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